Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/534

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Allport family, 133.

Altar cloths for Lent, 56.

Altar-rails, 95. 119. 241.

Altars, and altar lights, tracts on, 265.

Altars of wood or stone, 103. 136.

Alured, or Averey, as a Christian name, 453.

Alvethley, Alveley, or Aveley, Essex, 452.

A. (M.) on cuckoo superstition, 386.

American Christian and surnames, 82. 103; dramatic

authors, 74 ; presidential names of places, 508. Americanisms, 9.

" Amiable Errors," a tale, its author, 492. Anagram : Koma and Amor, 92. Andre' (Major), his English history, 33; dream respect- ing his fate, 463; execution, 255; noticed, 383. 500.

Andrewe (Laur.), Myrrour of the Worlde. 1 53. 1 80. Andrews (Alex.) on female overseer, 204.

Notes from newspapers, 345. 465.

" Public Advertiser," &c., 300. Aneroid, its etymology, 114. Anglesey (Arthur, first Earl), 325. Anglo-Catholicus on Bossuet, 492. Anglo-Saxon charters, 430. Anne (Qneen) and the Duke of Marlboro ugh, 22 ; her

cousin Mrs. Wyndymore, 148. Annueller, his office, 521. Anon on etymology of Agylla, &c., 11.

Country bells, 390.

Cure for cramp, 386.

Earl of Essex's letters, 510.

Freher's Works on Jacob Bbhme, 395. 513.

Insecure envelopes, 362.

Order of Valour, 209.

Pickering (Sir Gilbert), 101.

Publication of banns, 77.

Rev. Mr. Harwood, 82.

" Sir," a clerical prefix, 299.

Ten Commandments in French, 268.

Anonymous Works :

Acts of the Kings and Queens of England, 414.

Advice to a Reviewer, 76.

Answer to a Book, " The State of the Protestants in Ireland," 289. 423.

Appeal to the Nation, 1757, 233.

Attempt to Explain the word Reason, &c., 375. 419.

Calif, a drama, 233.

Case of Ordination Considered, 114.

Cato, a tragedy, 55.

Charles I., A Just Defence of, 133.

Complete History of Europe, 293.

Country Book Club, 353. 423.

Courage Rewarded, 113.

Covenanters' Plea against Absolvers, 1 14.

Daft Man and his Twa Guid Wives, 494.

Dialogue between the Pope and Phanatick, 33.

Discovery of Romish Doctrine in the Case of Con- spiracie and Rebellion, 33.

Discourse on Emigration of British Birds, 391.

Discourse upon the Uniting of Scotland with Eng- land, 392.

Dissertation concerning Barley Wine, 176.

Down ; The Present and Ancient State of the County of Down, 290.

Anonymous Works :

Englishman's Tour in Ireland, 192. 279.

Evanthe, a tragedy, 334.

Falkland's Review of the Irish Commons, 192.

Folly, a Farce, 334. 422.

Genius of Glasgow, a masque, 494.

Gentleman: Account of some Remarkable Pas- sages in the Life of a Private Gentleman, 334.

Glasgow Green, or Trip to Loch Lomond, 494.

History of the Political Connection between Eng- land and Ireland, 290.

History of the Dependency of Ireland, 289. 423.

History of William III., 243.

History of the Affaires of Scotland, 411.

Ireland, The Present State of, 192.

Jephtha, a sacred tragedy, 494.

Laughable Lover, 493.

Letter to Deane Swift, Esq., 289. 423.

Lucky Hit, or Love at a Venture, 334.

Lundy, an opera, 494.

M 'd C b [Mitred Club], 33.

Military Poems, 1716, 269.

Moral Plays, by a Lady, 510.

Muse of Britain, 233.

Original Poems, by a Young Gentleman, 432.

Old Week's Preparation, 289.

Patriot Prince, a tragedy, 334.

Philosophical Dialogue concerning Decency, 177.

Plays, 292.

Poems by a Literary Society, 354.

Pon Rou: Inquiry into Parliaments, 192.

Portuguese Wife, an interlude, 494.

Royal Argives, a tragedy, 334.

Saxon and the Gael, 152.

Scientific Tourist through Ireland, 194.

Scriptures' Harmony, 114.

Servetus, An Impartial History of, 232.

Spanish Patriotism, or French Treachery Defeated, 494.

Superstitio Superstes, 114.

Tamerlane, Part II., a tragedy, 334.

Thoughts in Past Years, 116.

Thunder Ode, 233.

Too Late, 353.

Trial of a Student at Clutha, 392. 475.

View of the Highlands of Scotland. 294.

Vulcan's Wedding ; or the Lovers' Surprised, 334.

Walker (Dr.) Invisible Champion Foyled, 290,

Westmeon Village, an Opera, 334.

Whole Duty of Man, 135.

Anonymous Writers, Dictionary of, 129.

Anstey (Christopher), pedigree, 336.

Antigallican backstays, 454.

Antiquaries, a caution to, 67. 123.

Antiquaries, Society of, proclamations, 63.

Apfelio (Jeremia), Meditation on Eternal Life, 153.

Apollonia (St.) his teeth, 213. 323. 420.

Apostles, names of the twelve, 268.

Appruari and Appruator explained, 336.

Aragon justicia, his office, 74.

Archbishops' degrees, 271. 318. 400. 421.

Arithmetical works,, 79. 380.

Armistead (Edwin) "on Rev. Mr. Mattinson, 363.

Armorial bearings unknown, 253.

Armorial queries, 271.