Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/560

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Stoke on altars ami altar lights, 265.

Prebends of Lincoln cathedral, 412. Stothard (Robert), his mother, 133. 221. Stothard (R. T.) on Stothard's mother, 221. Straho on Ireland, 512. Strachan of Craigcrook, 272. 439. Stratton of Bremble, 432. Straw bonnets, 503.

Strenia, or Strenun, Roman goddess, 76. Strode family, 97.

Strong family in Somersetshire, 175. Strother ( John Ker), 211. Stuart (Elinor), her longevity, 452. Stubbins (Dr.) and Bishop Corbet, 391. 439. Stucco introduced into England, 492. Student in the College of Clutha, Trial of, 392. 475. Stukeley, inscription at, 193. 262. Suckling (Sir John), his death, 172. 316. Suffolk genealogies, 94. 162; notes, 205. Suffolk (Henry Bowes, llth Earl). See 4th Earl of


Sun and the earth, distance between, 193. Sunday Schools established by Borromeo, 232. 317. Surgeons on railways, 95. Surnames, etymologies of. 213. 264. 396. Sutton Court, Chiswick, 214. S. (W.) on Biblia Sacra Vulgatse, 96.

Clerical county magistrates, 18.

Earthenware vessels in churches, 83.

" In necessariis unitas," 459.

Winchelsea, its etymology, 190. Swallow-street, Piccadilly, Scotch Church, 42. Swang, a provincialism, 471. 522. S. (W. B.) on writers bribed to silence, 471. Sweden Official Gazette, 206. Swift (Dean) and Schomberg's monument, 127. Swine, popular names of, 416. S. (W. J.) on Tilston, or Silston, 400. Symonds (Mary), epitaph and arms, 459. Syston, incumbent of, 289.


T. on English and Austrian populations, 302.

Tabula lignea, 209.

Tairville (Mr.), his longevity, 253.

Tait (W.), translator of Buchanan's Jephth.i, 453.

Talbot (Col. George), his trial, 173.

Tankard, recipe for cool, 242.

Tantarra gateway at Kenilworth, 472.

Tasso's Enninia, 52. 72.

Tatchcomb, Devon, hangman's stone, 402.

Tate (Nahum), verses by, 67.

Tau cross as a badge, 211. 264. 300. 402.

Tavern signs, 190. 283. 372. 523.

Taverns, where the best wines are sold, 410.

Taylor (A.) on Puritan tracts, 373.

Taylor (E. S.) on altar-rails, 241.

British land and fresh-water shells, 506.

Clere family armorial bearings, 159.

Collections for County History, 162.

Cotton family, 459.

Etymology of erysipelas, &c., 201.

Ferrara sword-blade, 140.

Ker's Archaeology of Popular Rhymes, 445.

Taylor (E. S.) on occasional forms of prayer, 247. 523.

Paraph, 481.

Rhymes upon places, 135.

Screw bayonet, 128.

Town and corporation seals, 482.

Tradesmen's tokens, 417.

Trenchard's general pardon, 110. T. (B.) on Chaucer family, 52. T. (B. N.) on " Little things on little wings," 472. T. (C. C.) on Sir George Vandeput, 176.' Teeth cutting in old age, 206. 300. Temple (H. L.) on Hunt of St. Albaris, 335.

Physiognomy and chiromancy, 55. Temples, history of the two, as Inns of Court, 65. Ten Commandments. See Decalogue. Tennyson's " In Meraoriam," passage in, 116. 161. Testament, New, in French and Latin, 15. 63 j in short- hand, 192. Tetbury vicars, 472.

Teynham (14th Lord), additional surname, 294. 402. T. (H.) on Elizabeth Lady Lovell, 212. T. (H. A.) on Collins's Ode to Evening, 1 50. Theodolite, its etymology, 73. 122. 201. Thelwall (John), his dramatic collection, 224. Theta (Sigma) on Scottish Episcopal Church, 391.

Smith (Rev. R.) of Dulwich, 134.

Smith (Sir J.) of Grothill, 134. Thicknesse (Gov. Philip), 200. T. (H. M.) on Mrs. Meeke, alias Grabrielle, 133. Thorn (Rev. Win.) of Govan, 475. Thomas (Mrs.), alias Corinna, 449. Thompson (Pishey) on arithmetical works, 79.

Dictionaries chained in schools, 62.

Order of the Royal Oak, 455. Thompsons of Houghton-on-the-Hill, 314. Thorns (W. J.) on Dodsley's Poems and Collins's Ode, 237.

Golden rose, and other papal gifts, 252.

Running footmen, 9. Thomson (James), poet, a mason, 131. Thoresby (Ralph), his MSS., 212. Thrupp (John) on Actajon surprising Diana, 382. Thumb Bible. 232.

Tichelaer (Wilhelm) and the De Wits, 155. 370. Tiddimann family arms, 314. Tillemans (Peter), painter, 195. Tilston, or Tylston, Bucks, 292. 400. Tinder, its derivation, 469. Tiverton School Saturday prayer, 145. 202. T. (J.) on Book of Common Prayer, 520. T. (J. E.) on elephants, 115. T. (J. G.) on custom at Christ Church, 432.

Floral decorations of churches, 441. T. (N. L.) on blood not washing out, 419.

Cambridge Common Prayer-book, 454.

Morning dreams, 479.

Philosopher noticed by Moore, 413. Toad discovered at a considerable depth, 466. Tobacco, origin of the word, 53. 182 ; poems in praise of,

115. 182. 258. 320. 378. 504. Tolsey at Bristol, 133. Tom Thumb, his history, 154. 223. Tooc (E.) on Hoppus's Practical Measurer, 413. Topographical names, 260. 383.

Torringtou (Herbert, Lord), ballad on his defeat at Beachy Head, 23; noticed, 325.