(Thomas), ii. 451. Mottoes, their origin, xi. 394.
Nameless gravestones, ii. 538. Outlander, iv. 465.
Prophecy c. Charles II. xii. 469. Sandgate Castle,
xii. 229. School-teachers in Kent, 1578-1619, vii.
137. Sheres : Knyvett : Downes, ix. 394.
Smuggling, xi. 9. "Such spotless honour," xi.
172. Talbot surname and family, vi. 412. Wad-
ham family, x. 435. Washington (General), ii. 466.
Fyson (G. E.) on Alfrey Mickefer, ii. 249
Fyvie (J.) on Abraham Tucker, xi. 29
G. on " Between the devil and the deep sea," vii. 449. De Burghs, Earls of Ulster, ii. 97. Dowager peeress, viii. 73. Green fairies: woolpit green children, v. 155. Seventeenth-century queries, x. 408. Story of ancient university, iv. 438. Welsh surnames, iv. 107
G. (A.) on William and Robert Bent, ix. 188. Burke's visits to Monmouthshire, ix. 108 Child's book of verses, viii. 404. Nursery rimes, v. 27. Se'gur (Comtesse de), vii. 427. Welter, xi. 369 G. (A. B.) on aristocratic ghosts, i. 134. Stewkley Church, Bucks, i. 58. Zodiacs, ancient, i. 103, 202; ii. 62, 82, 303 ; iii. 24, 402, 463 ; modern, iv. 124, 202; v. 42, 331; vi. 145 G. (B. T.) on -halgh, the termination, ii. 15 G. (C.) on " In petto," x. 417. Magic ring, xi. 109 G. (C. J.) on authorship of ' The Red, White, and
Blue,' iv. 164 G. (C. L.) on Teddye family, vii. 28. Tinkhame
family, vii. 68
G. (E.) on references wanted, x. 268 G. (E. L.) on Ambresbury or Amesbury, ii. 325. Churches without fonts, ii. 268. Defoe (Daniel), vi. 156. Egg, standing, ii. 53. Ivers, its mean- ing, v. 291. London topography, ii. 136. May- fair marriages, v. 137, 398. Mile, English, vi. 94. Nicknames, national, iv. 296. Oblivion, iv. 54. Pekin or Peking, v. 517. Ruskin's residences, vi. 35. Vase of Soissons, v. 477 G. (F.) on Bally whaine, its etymology, vi. 412. Goldsmith's ' Earth and Animated Nature,' iii. 69. Lodge's 'Earls of Kildare,' ix. 468. Standish (Miles), ii. 78. Stoning the wren, ix. 234 G. (G. H.) on Antoine de Lafosse in England, viii. 15 G. (G. M.) on Coliingwood, xi. 287 G. (G. P.) on architectural follies, x. 489 G. (H.) on Bacon on mechanical inventions, xi. 267.
Nodus Herculis, xii. 188. Reade family, v. 68 G. (H. E.) on steer of wood or bark, ix. 509 G. (H. F.) on arms of the see of Worcester, i. 427.
Gifford (Dr. Andrew), iii. 408
G. (H. R.) on assassin of William the Silent, v. 346 G. (J.) on Barbican watch tower, viii. 154. ' Epigram
on Coleman the Jesuit,' x. 447 G. (J. A. ) on altars at Glastonbury, iv. 498. Legends
about Tephi, iii. 56 G. (J. B. F.) on Rousseau's grandfather, xii. 466.
Sandwich, xi. 391 G. (K. M.) on Italian law, ii. 7 G (L.) on lady and gentlewoman, vii. 309 G. (M.) on Northamptonshire visitation, ii. 50 G. (M. A. A.) on " Le grand peut-6tre," xi. 28
G. (M. N.) on perfidious Albion, iv. 334. Alcuin
Club, ii. 356. Anne (Queen), x. 325. Armour in
portraits, vi. 389. Battle of Fontenoy, vii. 212.
Boothby (" Prince"), v. 236. Bull (John), iii. 378.
Bummel, its meaning, v. 524. Canadian Boat
Song, vii. 513. Catechism, historical, xi. 316.
Coventry : Sent to Coventry, iv. 335. Devil
walking through Athlone, v. 425. Dude, its pro-
nunciation, vii. 16. Epitaph on James Bossom, x.
486. Evil spirits and inkbottles, xii. 297.
Foreigners in Mexico, vii. 496. Frederick, Prince
of Wales, viii. 371. Herbert's 'Jacula Pru-
dentum,' proverbs in, v. 383. Immurement alive
of religious, xii. 517. Joan of Arc, vii. 355. Jokes
three great, of the Middle Ages, vi. 8. Jones
(Paul), iii. 34. Kent (Duke of), i. 176. Le Loutre
(Abbe"), vi. 377. Lease, long, xii. 449. Lin-
wood (Miss), her galleries, ii. 275. Lobster,
a nickname for soldier, vi. 515. ' Lost Pleiad,'
vi. 333. Marriage saving from execution,
viii. 419. Miquelon, island of, v. 486. Muggle-
tonian writings, v. 485. National Covenant of
1638, viii. 385. Nicknames, national, iv. 401.
" Nothing like leather," vi. 511. Novel attributed
to Scott, x. 448. Pung, its meaning, i. 397.
References wanted, vi. 276. Rifled firearms, i. 377.
Rifling, early mention of, vi. 292. Round robin,
x. 394. 7th Royal Fusiliers, vi. 256. Shake-
speare v. Bacon, x. 375. Shakespeare, the knavish,
vii. 255. Suwarroff and Masse'na, vii. 193.
Tyrawley = Wewitzer, i. 373. Wedding dress,
scanty, vii. 18. Wilberforce (Bishop S.), x. 436.
Windward and Leeward Islands, i. 431
G.R. in letters of artillery officer, 1793, ix. 248, 298
. (R. F.) on Queen Charlotte, i. 407. ' Courses de
Testes et de Bagues,' i. 508
G. (S. F.) on ' Legend of the Spider,' ii. 47. Maca- roni : harp in South Italy, xii. 348 G. (T.), his identity, i. 157 G. (T.) on letter of King James VI., iii. 447 G. (W.) on chartularyof Friston, Lincolnshire, vi. 149 G. (W. H. M.) on Shakespeare Cottage at St. Albans,
x. 488 G. (W. J.) on early Italian, iii. 231. Literature for
soldiers, v. 105. Three impossible things, i. 368 G. (W. R.) on bicycles in thunderstorms, i. 350. Book- binding question, i. 152. English mile, iv. 497. Tennyson query, v. 503
Gad's Hill, notorious for robbery in 1612, vi. 286 Gadget, its etymology and meaning, iii. 488 Gadsden (W. J.) on Ben well burial register, vi. 247. Bible, date of, vi. 9. Bowen (Lord), i. 56. Guy (Thomas), his will, v. 209. Holloway, manor house at, i. 81. Marriage customs, ii. 89. Measurement, eccentric, iv. 226. Pulteney (Charles Speke),viii. 165. Singing in church, vii. 265. West Bourne, ix. 270 Gad- whip service at Caistor, Lincolnshire, viii. 285 Gage (Henry, William, and W. H.), Westminster
scholars, xii. 268
Gahagan (George), Westminster scholar, 1804, xii. 309 Gaidoz (H.) on bookbinding and damp, i. 28. Book- sellers' catalogues, xii. 375. Celtic schedules of the 1901 census, vii. 308. French flu-ting, ii. 125. Han, iv. 405. Ireland, sweating-pits in, ii. 107. McLennan's ' Kinship in Ancient Greece,' i. 167,