previous existence, vi. 25. Domesday "mansio," ii.
326; iii. 135. Editions c.l 600, xii. 17 2. EdwardVII.'s
title in Scotland, vii. 317. 'Englishwoman's Love-
Letters,' xii. 110. Epitaph, at Gawsworth, iv. 522;
attributed to Milton, xii. 153. Fergaunt, vii. 169.
Flaming beryl, iv. 288, 526. George II., a son of,
v. 237. Graham (Richard), iii. 195. 'Great
Historic Peerage,' iv. 184. Iceland, early Irish in,
vi. 415. Ipplepen, co. Devon, vii. 217, 353.
Irish assize courts, i. 157. Iron-Beard (Dr.),
ii. 516. Irony, its meaning, vi. 137. Jekyll
surname, iv. 483 ; v. 290. Jewish and
Christian chronology, i. 172. Johnson (Dr.), vii.
296. Journal of a London citizen, xii. 317. Junius,
his letters, ii. 155 ; his identification, vi. 79.
Kent (Mr.), vii. 174. King of Bantam," v. 18.
Lely (Sir Peter), portrait by, ii. 148. London
Electrical Dispensary, iii. 495. Margiowlet, its
meaning, vi. 333. Miles family, iv. 268. Mouse,
Isaiah Ixvi. v. 17, 446. 'N. & Q.,' contributors
to vol. i., v. 90. Names, modern changes in, iii.
53. Obituary notices of contributors, iv. 412.
Oblivion, iii. 491. Oof, its etymology, iv. 252.
Papaw, its origin, v. 32. Penance of a married
priest, vi. 315. Place-names, curious, iii. 332.
Plantagenet chair, vi. 333. Polder: loophole, v.
258. Puddle Dock, i. 478. Quarter of corn, v.
456. Rechabites, vii. 14. Register, oldest parish,
ii. 177. Ry lands family, v. 440. Shakespeare's
grandfather, i. 114. Shepherdess Walk, iv. 425.
Statistics of heraldry, iv. 385. Sunken lanes, iv.
405. Tambourello, xii. 434. Tenure by burnt
offering, vi. 433. Vanishing London, vi. 332.
Verbs formed out of proper names, vii. 495. Welsh
leek, ii. 251. ' Welsh People,' vi. 131, 297. Wick,
xi. 495. Wife, versus family, i. 275. Wire Pond,
vi. 352
H. (Alf.) on designation of foreigners in Mexico, vii
H. (A. A.) on arms of Ardagh, iv. 356. Baillie (Joanna), portraits of, ix. 354. Lindsay (Dr.). Archbishop of Armagh, iii. 437. Portraits wanted, xii. 429
H. (A. C.) on Cardinal Allen's biography, x. 107. Clifford (Sir Gervase), iii. 28. Cornforth (Fanny), v. 129. Cromwells of Henbury, iv. 91. Gao deliveries, 1523, xi. 389. Hussey (Col. Thomas), 1708, x. 269. Hussey (Thomas), of London, 1715 vi. 106. Knighthood, x. 193. Metcalfe (Theophilus) ii. 328. Pierce (Rev. Robert), 1657-1707, vi. 350 Polygraphic Hall, x. 234. Quant (J.), ix. 486 Roberts (Wilson A.), iii. 288. Sheen (John), clock maker, vi. 129. Souvenir Normand, xii. 249 Sussex clergy, 1607-26, xi. 28. Wadham family x. 248. Warton (Rev. Anthony), 1657, ix. 47 Warton (Rev. Edward), i. 488. Wharton=Grenfell Granville, xi. 508. Wharton (Anthony), o Lincoln College, vii. 49 H. (A. D.) on the Chesapeake, iii. 288. Gun reports
vii. 207
H. (A. F.) on Crosdill, viii. 124. Gold gigliato an
its value, vi. 8. Memorize, Americanism, v. 56
Roman Empire, its fall, v. 28
H. (A. M.) on Golden rule, xii. 268
H (A. S.) on ancient water-pipes, iv. 15
[. (B.) on Boudicca repulsed at Verulam, v. 14
H. (C.) on Chute and Mildmay families, iv. 74, 136.
Elizabethan terms, v. 148. Oxford at accession of
George I., x. 471. Royal descendants, ix. 107-
Seymour (Mary) and Edward VI., xi. 268
H. (C. A.) on Edward Gwynn, xi. 467
H. (C. E.) on Shakespeare's ' Sonnets,' 1609, vi. 435
H. (C. S.) on author of saying, viii. 463. Chain-mail
reintroduced into British army, viii. 471. Tongue-
twisters, xi. 455
H. (C. W.) on Batty, printer, 159, Fleet Street, ix. 208. Cheynell (Bridget), ii. 87. Eyre (Sir James), 1734-99, vii. 397. Hamilton (William Gerard), ix. 177. Hymnbook used in Horsham Church, Sussex, viii. 523. " Ludi magister," ix. 216. Simpson (James), surgeon, viii. 424. Warren (Sir John Borlase), Bart., vii. 198, 395 H. (D.) on "Beautiful city of Prague," xi. 407. Hurgin, its etymology, v. 21 4. Putrem, ' ^Eneid ' viii. 596 ; v. 383 H. (D. T.) on dorp, use of the word, vi. 113
H.E.D.,' its title, vii. 347, 436 H. (E. M.) on Hulme family, ix. 249 H. (F.) on accredit, vi. 487. "An end," v. 175.
"Another to," v. 256. Any, use of the word, v. 333.
Bathetic, its derivation, v. 26. " Been to," iii. 289. Boytry, its derivation, v. 26. Collate, its meaning, vii. 5. " Comparisons are odious," v. 46. De- vassalage (? DeVasselage), vi. 208. Disintellectual- ization, vi. 207. English-speaking, vi. 486. Entapis, its meaning, v. 167. Frail, its meaning, v. 158. Gin, slang words for, vi. 286. Lincolnshire sayings, v. 197. Month, rime to, iii. 258. None, used with a plural verb, v. 38. "On the carpet," i. 96. Quaint custom, vii. 49. "Queen's English," ii 269. Quotation, an adulterate, vii. 5. Right, vulgar misuse of, vii. 49. Seek or seeke, its meaning, v. 26; vi. 291. Smokables, new word, iv. 294. Sock : To sock = to thrash, v. 53. Solecize, vi. 287. "Time immemorial," i. 329. Transmogrify, its etymology, iv. 172. "What all," iii. 258. Worst, used as a verb, v. 228. Wound for winded, v. 177 H. (F. K.) on 'Annals of Aberdeen, 1617,' vii. 486 H. (F. W.) on alteration of pronunciations, v. 453.
Authorship of ' The Red, White, and Blue,' v. 15 H. (H.) on heraldic query, iii. 308. "My ornaments are arms," xi. 327. Shropshire place-names, ii. 144
H. (H. A.) on 29, Upper Grosvenor Street, ii. 494 H. (H. B.) on Hannays of Kirkdale, iv. 69 H. (H. C.) on Slesvig-Holstein duchies, i. 268 H. (FJ. C. B.) on Atwood family, vi. 409. Godfrey
(Col. Charles), vi. 388
H. (H. G.) on Cann Office, viii. 304. Forage caps, viii. 427. Gill's Lap, vii. 228. Jones (John), the regicide, vii. 249. Leghorn, vii. 47. "So long," vii. 129
H. (H. G. K.) on the British flag, vi. 451 H. (H. K.) on churches washed away by the sea, iv. 460. Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth, iv. 443 H. (J.) on Devil and St. Dominic, iv. 418. " Jack- up-the-orchard," ii. 27. Ordnance Office, its motto, viii. 124. "Passing the time of day," iii. 427 Purse, endowing, iii. 328 H. (J. A. J.) on gates of Sandwich, vi. 297