Harp guitars, ii. 328
Harper (C. G.), ' The Norwich Koad,' ix. 266 ; ' The Cambridge, Ely, and King's Lynn Road,' xi. 187; 'The Holyhead Road,' xii. 108, 327 Harper (C. G.) on Duke of Cumberland, ii. 528. Machine^ public coach, ix. 413. Swift's visits to England : "Four Crosses" Inn, ix. 186 Harper (C. S.) on tavern signs : "The Bay Horse,"
vi. 169
Harper family, iii. 248, 393
Harpley (R. W.) on Brigham town and family, vi. 136 Harpur (C.) on back-formations, viii. 322. Pineapple
at the New Year, viii. 226 Harrap (G. G.) on Thackeray's ' Catherine Hayes/
xii. 446
Harrington (Elizabeth, Lady), her biography, iv. 264 Harris (Mrs. Ann), her maiden name, xi. 49 Harris (Rev. Christr.), rector of Stourmouth, ii. 249 Harris (C. S.) on " Broaching the admiral," ii. 230. Burton (Robert), ii. 295, 351. Carriage of a sword- belt, v. 237. Chain-mail reintroduced in the British army, viii. 233. Florio's 'Montaigne,' vii. 412. Horse Marine, ii. 356 ; iii. 215. -Itis, the termina- tion, viii. 472. Janissary, iii. 384 ; iv. 172. " Kiss the rod," iii. 433. Lanspisadoes, viii. 246. Maceron : mucheron, ix. 284. Magnetic Pole, iv. 272. " Mutus dedit nomen cocis," iii. 190. Railway from Russia to India, viii. 142. " Random of a shot," ii. 309. Regimental nicknames, v. 440. Shakespeare and Marston, it. 183, 378. Shirley (Robert), ix. 50. Telegraphy, wireless, ii. 471, 517. " Terra films," iv. 137. Tib's Eve, x. 33 Harris (D. F.) on gates of Caroline Park, Edinburgh,
ix. 110
Harris (E. B.) on bookbinding, v. 209. ' Historical English Dictionary,' ii. 25, 518. Lee's ' Life of Shakespeare,' iii. 42
Harris (F. R.) on ancient boats, viii. 407 Harris (Henry), M.D.Ed., his biography, vii. 308 Harris (H. N.) on Henry Harris, M.D.Edin., vii. 308 Harris (John), publisher, his portrait, xii. 106, 214 Harrison (B.) on list of knights, iii. 427 Harrison (F.) on poll-books, xi. 289. Jouillin,
surname, iv. 308
Harrison (H.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, iv. 218, 466 ; v. 156. Artlandish, a Low German dialect, ix. 447. Beezeley, its etymology, v. 502. Colly, its meaning, vi. 33. Cuckland, ix. 155. Danish place-names in Cheshire, v. 93. Edgett, surname, iv. 177; v. 193 ; vi. 153. Enstone, iii. 435. Frisbie surname, iii. 392. Gorey or Gourey family, vi. 12. Hastings, battle of, iv. 456. Hog, ix. 305. Huish, its etymology, vi. 492. Ivers, its meaning, vi. 92. Leigh and Lee, iii. 311. Lovibond surname, iv. 175. Mor- com surname, v. 92. 'Names of Streets and Places in the County of London,' viii. 421. Petigrewe surname, v. 501. Polkinghorn, iv. 461. St. Clement Danes, viii. 187, 465. Silchester, iii. 256. Surnames from single letters, vi. 264 ; from French towns, ix. 154. Swigg surname, v. 112. Warburton=Werburh's Town, viii. 460. Went, viii. 214. Wire Pond, vi. 514. Wise, vii. 172. Woore, in Salop, vi. 33
Harrison (Thomas), regicide, 1618-62, xi. 88, 211 Harrison (William), J.P., I 8 le of Man, his diary, i. 227
Harrison (W. E.) on church registers, iv. 517. Lines
on sampler, iv. 517 Harrogate Spa, engraving of, iv. 209 Harrovian on precedence, xi. 257 Harrow, agricultural implement, its name and history,
i. 485 ; ii. 32, 117
Harry (O.) on Trevis family, iii. 148 Harry-carry, a vehicle, i. 429; ii. 18 Harry Dick hat, x. 48, 155 Hart (H. C.) on Dutch courage, xi. 237. Golden
Horn, x. 405. Harvey, Marston, and Jonson, xi.
201, 281, 343, 501. Jonson and Harvey, xii. 161,
263, 342. Jonson, Harvey, and Nashe, xii. 403,
482. "Leap in the dark," xi. 466. Shake-
speariana, xi. 162 Harte (Bret), his ' Birds of Cirencester,' ii. 66, 249,
369, 478 Hartshorne (A.) on bougies : buggies, vii. 148.
Dog gates for staircases, ii. 255. Drinking-glass,
v. 515. Epitaphs, ii. 187, 386. Evolution of a
nose, x. 417. Humbuz, vii. 89. Sack and sugar,
vii. 148. Stripes on sailors' collars, ix. 347 Harvest bells, viii. 201, 308, 427; ix. 15, 231, 418 Harvest custom, "Cutting the frog," i. 303 Harvest festivals, their introduction in London, v.
Harvet (Dr. Gentianus). See Hervet. Harvey (Christopher), author of 'The Synagogue,'
viii. 44, 115 Harvey (Gabriel), Marston, and Jonson, xi. 201, 281,
343, 501; and Jonson, and Nashe, xii. 161, 263,
342, 403, 482 Harvey (William) and the circulation of the blood :
an inedited poem, c. 1673, ix. 26 Harvie-Brown (J. A.) on "White faunch hind," iii.
169 Harwood (H. W. F.) on Shakespeare and Lord
Burleigh, xii. 411
Harwood (M.) on address wanted, vi. 228 Haschisch, use and effect of the drug, xii. 14, 97 Haseley, Warwick, Easter custom at, ix. 365 Haselock family, x. 89
Haskett-Smith (W. P.) on drive-bundle, viii. 341 Haslam (Charles Junius), 1811-1902, his biography,
ix. 144, 251, 391, 496 Haslam (Percival), his 'Few Hints to Whist-Players,'
xii. 506
Hasluck (S. S.) on Samuel Follett, x. 58 Hasted (Edward), his ' History of Kent,' i. 445, 497 Hastings (F. E.) on date of the Crucifixion, vi. 412 Hastings (Warren), portrait by Lawrence, iv. 263 Hastings, battle of, iv. 456
Hat, first silk, in London, iii. 325 ; shaving, iii. 447 Hat trimmings, ecclesiastical, ii. 168 Hatbands as a sign of mourning, xi. 429 ; xii. 314 Hatch (Dr. E.), the late, poem by, vii. 29, 111 Hatchments in churches, i. 55 Hateful, use of the word, ix. 446 Hately family, vii. 867, 411 Haterius (Quintus), 63 B.C. -26 A.D., rhetorician, x.
Hathaway surname, iii. 53 Hats, white, and the Whigs, i. 267, 395, 495 ; worn
in church, viii. 81 ; x. 26 ; in the royal presence,
viii. 368, 452 ; ix. 34
M 2