Macaulay (T. B., Lord), " Coligny's hoary hair" in
- ]vry,' i. 306 ; ii. 253 5 iv. 263 ; and Robert Mont-
gomery, ii. 12, 294 ; his 'Horatius,' v. 413 ; queries on his essays, viii. 384, 430 ; and Hannah More, ix. 306 ; errors in German translation of his essay on Frederick the Great, 405, 517; allusions, x. 129; on Lord Peterborough, 288 ; his flashes of silence 465 ; and Dickens, xii. 189, 497
Macaulay (Zachary), his death and burial-place, ii, 166, 337
Macaw, its etymology, ix. 25
McCarthy (Lieut. Charles), his biography, v. 288
MacCarthy (J.) on Queen Candace, ix. 321, 353. Greek epigram, ix. 273, 331. Source of the "Seven Ages," ix. 298
Macclesfield papers, xii. 356
McCord (D. R.) on oil painting, iii. 67
M'Cullagh, editor of ' Globe Democrat ' of St. Louis, and the word interview, xi. 9
M'Donald (G.), his ' Life of Sir Walter Scott,' ii. 48
MacDonald (A. M.) on Michael Bruce and Burns, ix. 211 ; x. 130, 449 ; xi. 11. Yarrow unvisited, x. 58
Macdonald (E.) on Lacaux, xi. 349
Macdonald ( Major) = Miss Macdonald, a cousin, ix. 448
McDonough (Felix Bryan), his early life, xi. 87, 136
MaoDougall (Alexander), b. 1761, his marriage register, x. 129
MacDougall (I.) on Brooch of Lorn, x. 268
McDowell (Lieut. Charles T. M.), his relatives, iii. 129
MacDowell family, iv. 457, 540
McE. (M. G.) on Col. Roger McElligott, xii. 328
Mace at Ilchester, inscription on, iv. 305
Maceron or mucheron, its meaning, ix. 284
Maces, corporation, viii. 344, 446
McElligott (Col. Roger), Governor of Cork for James II., xii. 328
Macfarlan (James), his 'Book- World,' iv. 48, 95, 251; vii. 177, 275
Macfarren ( George), his ' Oberon,' xii. 74
Macfie (R. A. S.) on Bland, Edinburgh actor, xii. 277. Macky's 'Court Characters,' v. 364
McG (E.) on theatrical anecdote, v. 266
McG. (J.) on Latin sentence misspelt, ix. 289
MacGauran or McGovern (Edmond), Bishop of Armagh, iii. 371, 454
MacGillean (A.) on Alexander Maclean, xii. 8
McGovern (J. B.) on Abbot of Furness, v. 396. Analogous titles of books, ix. 468. Armagh (martyr Bishop of), iii. 371; iv. 52. Author of book, x. 347. Authors' slips, x. 226. Barbieri (Ulisse), ix. 149. Beaconsfield (Lord), his birth- place, ix. 297. Best book of the nineteenth century, vii. 23. Bijou as a Christian name, vii. 48. Boon for bookworms, x. 98. Boundary stones in open fields, v. 297. Brougham (Lord), his confession, vi. 103. Burleymen, iii. 421. Catalogue of first book auction in England, vi. 86. Chi-Rho mono- gram, x. 49, 116. Christian name, curious, iii. 225. Cross near Wycoller Hall, vi. 312. Curiosities of collaboration, v. 362. Danteiana, iii 461; v. 141; vii. 201, 416 ; viii.219; x. 101. Dominican Order, vi. 94. Fiction or history ? vi. 329. Gladstone (W. E.) and the Metaphysical Society, iv. 381 ; his height, v. 129 ; and De Quincey, 314 ; statue of, vii. 108 ;
tragedy by, 408 ; tablet to, 313, 407 ; volume by,
viii. 21 ; Italian address by, x. 8 ; anecdote con?
cerning, xii. 170. Grave charge, viii. 362. Ballam,
(A. H.), x. 427; xi 295. Heysham antiquities,
iii. 169. History, how it is made, v. 423. Hood,
(Kobin), viii. 263 ; xi. 410. Hugely, xi. 389. Ice-
land, early Irish in, vi. 170. Ineen Dubh, xii. 75.
' Ivanhoe,' try sting oak in, viii. 42. Jews and
eternal punishment, x. 335. King's Champion, x.
58. Kit-Cat portraits, x. 188. Latin conversa-
tion, xi. 177. Latin riddle of Leo XIII., xii. 337.
Little John's remains, viii. 124. Maltese language
and history, xii. 292. May Road Well, Accring-
ton, vi. 151. " My name may have buoyancy,"
xii. 389. Napoleon : his library, viii. 145 ; his last
years, ix. 275 ; x. 255. Newman (Cardinal), book
by, iv. 109. Novelists' accuracy, x. 189. O'More
family, v. 271. Picts and Scots, v. 419 ; vi. 416.
Pluto in Shakespeare as God of Wealth, vi. 17.
Quaritch (the late Mr. Bernard), v. 83. Record
book-prices, iv. 472. Research, historical, iii. 302.
Replica, striking, iv. 226. Shakespeare and music,
v. 22. Shakespeariana, iii. 245. "They say.
What say they ? Let them say," vi. 53. Zola's
' Rome,' 68, 135
McGovern (J. H.) on martyr Bishop of Armagh, iii. 454
McGrath (E.) on gazebo, its derivation, iv. 26. Tennyson and Scott, ii. 376. Young's 'Night Thoughts,' x. 46
McGruther (Alexander), his identity, ii. 348
Machen, Monmouthshire, human remains found at, vii. 126
Machiavelli, supposed portrait by Titian, iv. 8, 75
Machine = public coach, viii. 462 ; ix. 37, 116, 413, 515
Machyn's ' Diary,' 1550-63, passage in, vii. 185
Mcllquham (H.) on Grierson of Dublin, vii. 153. References wanted, x. 351. ' Whole Duty of Man,j iii. 72
McK. (B. B.) on inundate, vi. 251
Mackay (M. J. J.) on Viscount Cholmondeley, v. 8
Mackenzie its pronunciation, ii. 408, 494 ; iii. 356
Mackenzie (V. St. Clair) on Shakespeariana, xi. 504 ; xii. 323
Mackenzie (W. M.) on Blue Beard, vii. 355
Mackenzie family of Gairloch, viii. 16
McKerrow (R. B.) on Japanese names, viii. 66. Nashe and Greene queries, x. 447. Nobility, viii. 253
Mackesy family of Ballymackesy, co. Wexford, viii. 46, 133
Mackey (W.) on St. Martin's Abbey, Compostella, x. 410
McKibbin (J.) on verses ascribed to Longfellow, xi. 208
Mackinlay (J. M.) on trees and the external soul, i. 177
McKinley (President), his death, viii. 237
Mackintosh (Alexander), his wife and children, vii. 128
McKnight (E.) on Crosse Hall, vii. 309. Mawdesley family, v. 325
Mackwoith's Inn, later Barnard's Inn, its history, xii. 13