Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/177

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Bonaparte relic, iii. 374. Bottle- Conjurer, iv. 91. Bressau, its Virgin, ii. 414. "Broaching the admiral," ii. 154. Carroll (Lewis), iii. 68. Cassocks, red, iii. 332. Cattle as criminals, iv. 151. Charles I. relics, iii. 315. Charles III. of Spain, ii. 74. Churchyards, entrance into, ii. 177. Cirage, its meaning, iii. 216. Comet, Papal bull against, iii. 197. Consumption, cure for, iii. 57. Cooper (Gilbert), ii. 218. Corpse, cure by hand of, iii. 172. Curiosities of collaboration, v. 214. Desemea, its etymology, iv. 56. Dewy - feathered, ii. 117. Dickens (Charles), ii. 235. ' Dictionary of National Biography,' i. 66, 324 ; ii. 343. " Down to the ground," i. 292. Dryden, sonnet on, iv. 252. Elixir vitse in fiction, v. 38. Erkenwald, Bishop of London, ii. 318. Fables, popular, ii. 92. Field (Maria Letitia), i. 107. French prisoners of war, i. 212. "God's first creature, which was light," iv. 462. Golden Gate, iii. 496. Goldsmith (O.), iii. 232. Greek Church in Soho, ii. 75. Hamish, the name, ii. 153. Hard, its meaning, iv. 358. Hempsheres, place-name, i. 432. Hoast : Whoost, ii. 336. Holy Communion, iv. 273. Hop-picker, ii. 32. Host eaten by mice, i. 274. Hotham (Sir Richard), ii. 17. Howard medal, i. 52. Ice : "An ice," iii. 152. Illustration, iii. 477. Indexing queries, i. 474. Jamshy'd and Kaikobdd, ii. 396. Joy, remembrance of past, i. 251, 494. Jury, Grand, its number, iii. 393. Key, golden, i. 314. Kinrade (Katherine), i. 318. Latin, Low, ii, 156. Latin ambiguities, iii. 272. Leprosy of houses, iv. 353. Litany, order of supplications in, iii. 394. Logan (Rev. John), i. 437. Lowell on 'Aurora Leigh,' iv. 95. 'Lyra Innocentium,' ii. 312. M.P. claiming payment of expenses, ix. 16. "Man in the street," ii. 131. Marshall (the late Rev. E.), iv. 289. Minister of the Word of God, i. 297. Modestest, use of the word, ii. 92. Moon through coloured glass, ii. 152. Nag's head, iii. 235. Newman (Cardinal) and N. &Q.,'iv. 498. "No great shakes," iii. 493. Nonjurors, ii. 493. O'Shaughnessy (Arthur), iii. 255. Oriel =hall royal, i. 288. Oxford, west window of New College, i. 454. Oxford under- graduate gowns, i. 415. Petworth and the Percies, iv. 35. Picket, iv. 540. 'Pickwickian Manners and Customs,' ii. 76. Pledge-taking illegal, iii. 232. Poland, Protestant episcopal churches in, i. 95. Prayer for " All sorts and conditions of men," i. 517. Register, oldest parish, ii. 176, 279. 'Rodiad,'i. 218. Rough = ruffian, ii. 5. St. Erth, iv. 443. St. Helen, iii. 474. St. Paul's Cathedral, i. 91. Scott (Sir Walter) : ' Guy Mannering,' iii. 431. Shelley at Oxford, iv. 7. Sir John, priest nickname, v. 97. " Terrae filius," iv. 137. Thackeray's 'Little Billee,' ii. 195. Thellusson (Peter), i. 17. Tips, origin of, iv. 462. Tobacco, works on, i. 415. Trousers, the word, iii. 274. Type errors, ii. 538. "Unearned increment," iv. 236. University office, its tenure, iv. 74. Valet- tus, its meaning, i. 472. 'Veni, Creator,' i. 497. Westcott (B. F.), passage in, i. 436. Whitaker's 'Naval and Military Directory,' ii. 131. Wilderspin (Samuel), ii. 135 Marshall (Frank A.) on Hawker MSS., iv. 168

Marshall (G.) on "A far cry to Loch Awe," v. 323. Addison's ' Rosamond,' iii. 192. Arrest for debt in Ireland, iv. 195. Augustus (Prince), of Prussia, iv. 463. Authors of quotations wanted, vi. 259. Bar- bers, famous, ii. 414. Battle sheaves, v. 296. Beaulieu, its origin, vi. 216. Bell inscription, xii. 68. Bellman, the, vi. 471. Blenkard, Khenish wine, v. 402 ; vi. 155. Boccaccio, iii. 435. Boni- face the Bavarian, iii. 396. Brighton Manor Court Roll, xii. 92. Burleigh (Lord), his precepts, iii. 489 ; iv. 151. Buss (K. W.), artist, i. 333. Cardi- nal, French, ii. 255. China, price paid for, v. 344. Coinage, its depreciation, v. 174, 321. Colum- barium in church tower, xii. 48. "Come, lasses and lads," ii. 132. Cookery term, ancient, v. 154. Cricket matches, iii. 273. Dargason, dance and tune, i. 358. De Liancourt, ii. 317. Declaratory Act, v. 422. Dorset, sixth Earl of, iv. 71. " Energetic old man," v. 93. Fontenoy, battle of, vii. 114, 333. Godbrother, iv. 236. ' Good Lines,' iv. 53. " Grave of great reputations," v. 156. Henry II. 's coronation, v. 365. History, unwritten, iii. 82, 195. " Hop the twig," ix. 315. " Hopping the wag," v. 346. Horse equipment, v. 360. Iceland, early Irish in, vi. 353. " King of Bantam," iv. 488 ; v. 18. Laurence family, ix. 517. Lee (S.), his * Shakespeare,' iii. 255. " Lex non scripta," iv. 456. Louvre, iv. 111. Maitland (Sir Peregrine), v. 525. Maundeville (Sir John) on orange peel, v. 321. Minas and Empecinados, ix. 349. Money, white, iii. 210. Moore (John), vi. 116. Morales, skirmish at, iii. 457. Musical queries, ii. 173. National nicknames, iv. 213. Nefs, model ships, v. 36. Organ, its history, ii. 338. Organ and pianoforte keys, ii. 1 2. Palatinate, vi. 256. ' Pick- wickian Manners and Customs,' i. 401 ; ii. 314. ' Pickwickian Studies,' iv. 492, 525 ; v. 57. Pins, iv. 358. Poets and the tender passion, iv. 51. "Policy of pin-pricks," iii. 115. Prime Minister, iii. 52. Prior's parentage, iv. 32. Rabelais, quota- tion from, iii. 336. " Rackstrow's old man," v. 485. Randan, its derivation, iii. 114. St. Jordan, iii. 350. Sandwich (Lady) and Lord Rochester, v. 442. Seville, capture of, iii. 457. Sheridan and Dundas, ii. 118, 413. Sleever, its meaning, iii. 97. Sporting record, eighteenth century, vi. 72. " Spun butter," iv. 484. Steam navigation, vi. 458 ; vii. 133. Stuart (Sir Robert and Sir William), v. 402. "Sumer is y-cumen in," ii. 109. Swift, lines on, vi. 177. Taunton (Rev. John), ix. 151. Thames Tunnel, iv. 467 ; v. 75, 291. Westminster Abbey, tomb in, vi. 238. William the Silent, his assassin, v. 346. Windsor chairs, iv. 12. Wooden horse, military punishment, v. 253. Woore, in Salop, v. 236 ; vi. 157. Wroth silver, v. 4. York (Cardinal), v. 52. York (Duke of) in Flanders, ii. 195

Marehall (G. W.) on Aldridge, co. Stafford, i. 427. Barton and Stedman, ii. 489. Register, oldest parish, ii. 133

Marshall ( Julian) on Addison's ' Rosamond,' iii. 192. Andre family, iii. 95. Authors' mistakes, viii. 181. Autograph Cottage, ix. 454. Book terms, iii. 52, 217, 475. Bumble-puppy, iv. 217. Campbell (Rev. Thomas), LL.D., vii. 34. Carroll (Sir W. F.), vii. 27. Coat of arms, vi. 497. Cowley's poems