Moody family of Bury St. Edmunds, iii. 247
Moon, its gender, i. 54
Moon, seen through coloured glass, i. 328, 377, 393 ;
ii. 13, 152, 233, 375, 492 ; killing pigs in the wane
of the, vi. 426, 516 Moon (G. Washington) on " Little Willie," ix. 268.
Psalmorum Codex Latinus, ix. 87 Moon (Mrs.), supposed last survivor of the battle of
Waterloo, xii. 346, 457 Moon (Z.) on Hubert de Burgh, v. 249 Moon-goddess and Sun-god, ii. 405, 538 Moon-lore, vii. 27, 96, 154 Moons, paschal, table of, vii. 48, 96 Moor (Canon C.) on Cardinal of Naples, iv. 48 Moore (Col. C. T. J.) on Farwell family, ii. 8. Grigson
family, ii. 287. More: Middleton : Arden: Kyllin-
beck, iv. 87. More (Sir Thomas), ii. 488 ; his
arms, v. 247. More family, i. 4. More family
portrait, i. 508. Roos and Cromwell families, iv.
229, 346 Moore (Col. Charles T. J.), his death, v. 428, 448 ; his
father, vi. 102 Moore (Edward and James), play-writers, x. 226, 291,
Moore (Miss Frances), her writings, iii. 125, 272 Moore (John), 1644-7, his biography, v. 515 ; vi. 55,
Moore (John), Bishop of Ely, his descendants, x. 210 Moore (Sir John), alternative readings of Wolfe's
poem, iv. 21, 177, 336 ; first publication of the
poem, viii. 72, 169, 188 ; xi. 105, 143, 214 Moore (Sir Jonas), Knt., his descendants, ii. 406 Moore (J. Carrick), his death, i. 200 Moore (L.) on De Liancourt, ii. 248 Moore (Sergeant), soldier-architect of Colombo Cathe- dral, viii. 384, 487 Moore (Thos.), and Moliere, iv. 66 ; his wife, 49, 134;
lines in '.A Dream of Hindostan,' vii. 35 ; his
commonplace book, 347 ; rimes in, ix. 488 ; and
Byron, xi. 405
Moore (W. W.) on Junius's Letters, ii. 230 Moore's 'History of Dunstable,'ix. 87 Moorfields, St. Mary's, iv. 511 ; ix. 468 Moorhouse(Lieut.-CoL), his descendants, vi. 410 ; vii.
18, 70 ; his burial, viii. 354 Moorsom (R. M.) on Bishop Atterbury, iv. 68 Moose, derivation of the word, xii. 504 Morales, cavalry action at, iii. 327, 395, 457 Moravia and Campbell families, xi. 469 Moravian settlement in Fetter Lane, vi. 221, 331,
351, 472
Moray (Sir Robert), portrait of, vi. 507; vii. 34 Morcom surname, its derivation, iv. 148, 312, 406,
467; v. 16, 92
Mordaunt or Morden College, x. 509 ; xi. 55, 155 Morden family, x. 468
More : Middleton : Ardeii : Kyllinbeck, iv. 87 More (Hannah), her parents, v. 315 ; and Lord
Macaulay, ix. 306
More (James or Jacob), artist, xi. 349 More (Sir Thomas), his ancestry, ii. 488 ; iii. 151;
his arms, v. 247; on St. Waleric>xii. 445 More (Rev. William), M.A., his bi^raphy, iii. 108 More Church, Shropshire, Malvern tiles in, xii. 146,
216, 354
More family, i. 4
More family portrait, i. 508 W
Morecambe^place-name, its etymology, v. 314 Morehead (William), 1637-92, his biography, vii. 329 Moreno de Vargas (Bernabe), his ' Discursos de la
Nobleza de Bspana,' 1659, xi. 128 Morgan (F.) on "Only too thankful," x. 151 Morgan (G.) on inscription on portrait, vi. 429 Morgan (Major-General George), his biography, iii.
Morgan (G. B.) on Browne family, vii. 430 Morgan (Sir Henry), Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica,
1675, his biography, v. 67 Morgan (Henry East), his death, vii. 400 Morgan (Dr. James Gordon), his biography, v. 88 Morgan (Sir Thomas), of Arkstone, ix. 9, 158, 314 Morgan (W. L.) on Swansea, iv. 110, 407 Morganatic marriages, xii. 486 Morice (Humphry), his will, iii. 241 Morice (John), F.S.A., his biography, vii. 350 Morice (J. P.) on ' Dr. Syntax,' v. 8 Morice (Sir William) and Lord Clarendon, xii. 182 Morier (James Justinian), his ' Adventures of Hajji
Baba,' vii. 129
Morland (George), engravings of his pictures, iv. 229 Morland (Henry Robert), his "laundress" paintings, i.
25 Morley (Elizabeth, Lady), her biography, ix. 388 ; x.
75 Morley (George), his ' Shakespeare's Greenwood,' vi.
338, 407, 474 Morley (R. P.) on "I would that my heart," xi. 148 ;
Tennyson's ' Lord of Burleigh,' xi. 75 Morn, English and Scottish term, iv. 265 Morning : " Betuix midday and nicht," ii. 105, 152,
193 Morning glory, variety of convolvulus, vii. 209, 292,
'Moro,' an opera, iii. 407, 471 Morphyn (H.) on Gale = mine, ii. 153 Morren (John), ' D.N.B.' on, xii. 483 Morris (Capt. Charles), song-writer, his biography,
i. 327; his wife, viii. 343, 533; x. 67, 117, 173 Morris (E. E.) on "Daniel " Chaucer, iii. 304. Endea- vour, H.M. barque, ii. 248 ; iii. 438. Jonson
(Ben), iv. 347. Montaigne and East Anglia, iii.
437. " Rotatory calabash," v. 186. ' Sesame and
Lilies,' passage in, iv. 380. Ulrickstadt, vii. 49.
Widow's man, v. 148
Morris (G. T. W.) on arms on fireback, x. 278 Morris (H. C. L.) on anthropoid ape, xii. 232. Polo
(Marco), xii. 225. Shakespeare, Second Folio, x.
371. Wolfram von Eschenbach, xii. 288 Morris (J. B.) on R. W. Buss, i. 256. " Hullabaloo,"
iii. 53. Paine (Tom), his portrait, iv. 52. Sand- paper, i. 18. Silhouettes of children, ii. 396.
Trade=road, iv. 256 Morris (L.) on roof-tree, ix. 108 Morris (Capt. Thomas), fl. 1806, his biography, x.
149 Morris (William), his Welsh descent, ii. 529; as a
man of business, vi. 406, 495 ; vii. 54, 118, 172,
296, 431
Morris's Coffee-House, its locality, ii. 149, 271 Morsay or Marsay (Count), vii. 249, 351