Nelson (Rev. Nathaniel), hia biography, i. 467
Nelsonite on Nelson's house at Merton, v. 230
Nemo on bounder, ii. 388. Epigram on Simo Fraser, Lord Lovat, iii. 449. Executions : Tyburn, ii. 301 ; by axe and sword, iii. 17. Frenc Embassy at Albert Gate, i. 294. James I. and th preachers, ii. 33. London Lord Mayor, first, i 438. Nursery lore, i. 513. 'Pickwickian Manner and Customs,' ii. 76. St. Dunstan's, Stepney, i 335. Seals, eating of, ii. 397. Story, reference to i. 8. Sweating-pits in Ireland, iii. 54. "Tru hope is swift," iii. 456. Wade (General), i. 254 Waverley Novels, descriptive surnames in, iii. 9? Will found, i. 496
Neptune and crossing the Line, vii. 404 ; viii. 19 108, 171; x. 409; xi. 55
Nesfield (J. C.) on quotations in text-books, vi. 172
Nesquaw, dialect expression, v. 395, 500 ; vi. 37, 21
Neston (James), his biography, ii. 507
Nether Hall, Essex, views of, ii. 7
" Nether- Lochaber," Rev. Dr. Alexander Stewart memorial to, xi. 186, 277, 356
Nettleship (John T.) and passage in Browning's ' Parleyings with Christopher Smart,' v. 124
Neumann (G.) on Home or Hearne, xii. 93
Neve (Mrs. Margaret Ann), 1792-1903, xi. 287, 378
Nevil (Sir Henry), his biography, xii. 507
Nevill, feudal barons of Rossgarland, co. Wexford, vi. 169
Nevill (R.) on De la Pole or Pole family, x. 355 Evolution of a nose, x. 315. Honorificabilitudinitas, x. 374. Ludgersall, x. 336
Neville (Robert) and the term Pavo Septentrionis, xi.
Nevis, West Indies, its records, ix. 87, 198
New Court, subsequently Quality Court, Chancery
Lane, xii. 286
New Cross Gate, date of picture of, ix. 28 'New English Dictionary.' See Historical EnglitK
' New Entertaining Press,' periodical, i. 505 New Hall, Essex, inscription over its entrance, xii.
208, 410, 477, 496
New Jersey, church registers in, iv. 517 'New Jersey Archives,' x. 268 New South Wales, first British subject born in. ix. 206
272, 291, 351 1 New Tale of an Old Tub,' collation of pamphlet xi
New Testament. See Bible. New Theatre, King Street, iv. 47, 92 New Year, pineapple at, origin of the custom, viii. 226 New Year's Day superstitions, i. 87, 249, 351; ii. 55 New Zealand, original diocese of, xi. 126, 217 Newall (W.) on the Flying Dutchman, vii. 308.
'Troth of Gilbert a Beckett,' vii. 349 Newark Abbey, Surrey, cross near, ix. 248 ; x. 212 Newbery (Robert and Francis), James's powders, and
Oliver Goldsmith, viii. 11, 353 Newbold (W. R.) on ' Religion of Nature Delineated,'
xii. 486
New bolt (Henry), his 'The Only Son,' ix. 507 Newcastle, coals to, early use of the phrase, xi. 495 Newcastle-under-Lyme, mavors of. viii. 15 families
pf, viii. 225, 431 ; ix. 52
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Swedenborgianism in, iv. 245 ;
quincentenary of the shrievalty of, v. 453 ; dagger
money at assizes, xi. 7
Newcomb (Thomas), his memorial inscription at
Dunchurcb, viii. 161
Newcombe family of Exeter, ii. 507; iii. 192 Newcombe of Leir, his biography, iv. 129, 258 Newgate sessions, records of, 1580-90, xi. 468 Newington Butts, Shakespeare's theatre at, i. 386 ;
its name, 485 Newington Causeway in the sixteenth century, i. 425,
Newland (H. W.) on "Ask nothing more of me, sweet," viii. 394. Charade, its solution, iv. 52. Regimental nicknames, v. 440 Newman (Abraham), tea-merchant, Fenchurch Street,
i. 227
Newman (F. W.), his ' Lectures on Logic,' i. 189, 251 Newman (John Henry, Cardinal), book by, iv. 109,
177 ; and <N. & Q.,' iv. 498 ; v. 35 ; quotation
from Faber, vi. 151, 216 ; Latin rendering of
"Lead, kindly Light," x. 425; his ecclesiastical
rank, xii. 278 Newman (Rev. William), master of Tonbridge School,
i. 128
Newport (J. J.) on old wooden chest, v. 88 News, the word, vi. 188 Newsham's fire-engine, v. 207 Newspaper, earliest use of the word, v. 34 Newspaper, first halfpenny, ii. 504 ; iv. 270, 357,
425, 526 ; v. 153 ; earliest in Plantin Museum,
Antwerp, iv. 148 ; vi. 436 ; earliest evening, v. 477 J
vi. 89; 'John Bull,' its history, v. 495; 'Sun'
printed in gold at Queen Victoria's coronation, ix.
280 ; ' Globe ' centenary, xi. 41 ; ' Field ' jubilee,
62, 82 ; first wireless, 487 Newspaper correspondents killed and wounded in
Boer war, v. 469 Newspaper cuttings changing colour, xi. 89, 217, 297,
491; xii. 19, 111
Newspaper errors. See Mistakes. Newspaper statistics, vii. 223 Newspapers : anecdote about, ii. 45 ; Liverpool,
1810-15, 408, 498 ; and secret intelligence, iv. 309 ;
and Queen Victoria's funeral, vii. 165, 257 ; and
the halfpenny post, viii. 419 ; at Queen Victoria's
coronation, ix. 505 ; published in Latin in England,
xi. 13 Newton (Prof. Alfred) on Sir Thomas Lowther, xii.
467. Toucan, viii. 22, 85, 331. Wild bulls, ii.
215 STewton (E. E.) on articles on Hampstead, v. 436.
'Tom Bowling,' vi. 156. Weeks's Museum, ix.
97 Newton (Sir Isaac), Sir D. Brewster's 'Life,' i. 43,
78, 153; his house at Kensington, i. 53 ; ii. 174;
'Commercium Epistolicum, ' ix. 369, 492 Newton (Dr. James), his biography, xi. 505 Newton (John) and Cowper, v. 301, 417 Newton (John) on Dean and Prebendary,' iii. 328 Newton (W. F.) on "But should fortune fill your
sail," xii. 155
Newton family of South Lincolnshire, iii. 209, 415 Nez a la Roxelane," origin of the phrase, i. 67, 169 4?4