Rump Parliament, origin of the word, vi. 809
Rumping, use of the word, viii. 83
Run, theatrical, use of the term, v. 513
Runagate and runaway, confusion between, v. 513; vii. 76
Rungs or rounds of a ladder, ii. 386, 430, 492, 530 ; iii. 75, 116, 158, 231, 295 ; viii. 49
" Running amuck," earliest quotation, ii. 406 ; x. 307
Rupert (Prince) after the Restoration, x. 186
Rusalka on Bouguereau, x. 309
Rush (J. A.) on meaning of rodfall, iii. 294
Rugh (J. H.) on Sir W. B. Rush, ii. 218
Rush (Sir William Beaumaris), his biography, i. 448, 498; ii. 157,218
Rushbury, in Shropshire, ceiling inscription at, ix. 386
Rushen (P. C.) on Isaac Johnson, iii. 109
Rushes in churches, xi. 328
Rushton (F. R.) on birch-sap wine, xii. 50. Forman (Anthony), xi. 8. Good (John), x. 509. Pewter marks, xi. 196. Witnessing by signs, xi. 109, 418
Rushton (W. L.) on Shakespeare's books, v. 329 ; vi. 144, 283, 464; vii. 163, 423; viii. 78, 180. 321 ; xi. 64, 203; xii. 7, 463 ; Shakespeariana, iv. 142
Ruskin (John), passage in ' Sesame and Lilies,' iv. 380, 461 ; taste in his ' Modern Painters,' v. 86 ; his residences, v. 475 ; vi. 34 ; quotations in ' Crown of Wild Olive,' vi. 210, 296 ; his road, 231, 353 ; memorial at Herne Hill, vii. 126 ; and Browning, x. 328 ; and Whistler, xii. 85
Ruskin-Butterfield (W.) on British birds, i. 329
Russell (F. A.) on artists' mistakes, iv. 293. Bull- baiting, ix. 255. Dickens and Yorkshire schools, v. 354. Doctor, Christian name, v. 194. 'Down among the Dead Men,' iv. 112. 'Dulce Domum,' iii. 371. Farthings, xii. 292. ' Good Lines,' iv. 53. Knights made temp. Charles L, viii. 353. Lady- bird, Suffolk name for, v. 154. Mint, the, v. 114. Pews annexed to houses, ix. 31. Queues worn in army, iv. 223. Reade (Charles), xii. 312
Russell (Lord John) and the Alabama, xii. 49
Russell (Lady) on William Alexander, first Earl of Stirling, viii. 1 32. " All roads lead to Rome," vii. 511. Author of poem wanted, viii. 247. Bio- graphical queries, i. 114. Garage, viii. 230. " Cheval de St. Jean," vi. 291. Clock and watch figures, viii. 466. Conway (Henry Seymour), viii. 529. Cope (General Sir John), vi. 133. Cromwelliana, viii. 53. Dognoper, xi. 358. Fox (Charles), x. 196. Grati- tude defined, vii. 172. Hammond and Roe, viii. 525. Haydon's pictures, vi. 492. Iceland, early Irish in, vi. 232. James II., vi. 268 ; viii. 92. Jean le Manique, vii. 454. Johnson (Dr.) and Vestris, v. 24. Kell or keld=a spring of water, viii. 374. 11 Leet-ale," viii. 254. Lefevre (R.), his portrait of Bonaparte, i. 115. Mary, Queen of Scots, lines attributed to, vi. 479. Pam= knave of clubs, x. 171. Philoscriblerius, vii. 75. Powney family, viii. 251. Purbeck (Lady) and her son, vii. 456. Quotations, vii. 74. Reliquary at Orvieto, viii. 214. Russells of Aylesbury, viii. 165. St. Christopher and laughter, vii. 357. St. Omer Convent, ix. 347. Shirley (Robert), viii. 433. Walbroc (J. de), Sheriff of London, viii. 404
Russell (M.) on limericks or learicks, xii. 8. Sonnets on the sonnet, i. 398
Russell family, v. 187 ; xi. 474
Russell family of Aylesbury, viii. 165, 268
Russia, tea grown in, i. 486
Russia to India, railway anticipated, viii. 142
Russian, birds set free on Lady Day, i. 423 ; calendar
and the year 1900, v. 46, 265; genders of nouns in,
ix. 445 ; x. 75 ; and its relation to other Slavonic
languages, x. 146 ; ecclesiastical vestments, x. 28,
318, 392, 451 ; xi. 191 ; folk-lore, iii. 243, 385 ;
game, " Jiv, jiv, koorllka," i. 126, 316 ; language,
books for study of, iv. 268, 356 ; passages in praise
of, viii. 261; story, 'A Love Lesson,' &c., its
authorship, x. 89; superstitions, xi. 47; weather-
lore, iv. 130 ; word, iv. 206, 278, 423
Russian bear, origin of the term, vii. 349
Rust (J. C.) on open field land, v. 411
Rusticness, use of the word by Carlyle, vii. 5
Rusticus in Urbe on abridged motto on sundial, iv. 9.
Thompson (Dr.), of Cambridge, ii. 128. Shagreen,
its manufacture, iv. 115
Rutabaga, its etymology, iii. 186, 315
Rutene, use of the word by Leopardi, xi. 28
Rutherford (Mark) and George Eliot, x. 204
Rutherford family, iv. 268
Rutherforth (Thomas), D.D., biographical notes on,
i. 424
Rutland Visitation, 1681, i. 387; ii. 50 Rutledge (Dr. T.) 1745-1818, his biography, xi. 348 Ruts (Nicholas), c. 1631, his biography, xii. 228 Rutter (Dorothea), d. 1661, her biography, x. 109,
Rutter (J. A.) on Lamb hoaxes, vi. 85. Lamb jottings, vi. 481. Moated mounds, v. 309; vi. 76, 170. Rectangular keeps, v. 454. " Salutation " Tavern, its landlord, v. 315 Rutter family, vii. 148, 314
Rutton (W. L.) on ' Basset Table,' ii. 141, Birthplace of Lord Beaconsfield, viii. 317 ; ix. 15 ; x. 482. Bows and arrows as artillery, iv. 81. Carlyle and Scripture, ix. 207. Carlyle on symbols, ix. 27. Cheney or Cheyne family, iii. 382. Executions at Tyburn and elsewhere, vii. 121, 242, 282, 310. Gentleman Porter, i. 450 ; ii. 50. Hamlake= Helmslev, co. York, ii. 67, 209, 331. Holy Trinity: Christ Church : St. Saviour's, x. 341. London conduits, x. 421. London houses, marking of memorable, ix. 66. Mutterd, its locality, iii. 207, 413. 'Records of Buckinghamshire,' xi. 47. St. Botolph, City of London, xi. 54. Trehearne (John), Gentleman Porter, ii. 381, 392. Tyburn, manor of, vii. 489. Ware (Isaac), architect, iv. 458. Went- worth (Henrietta, Lady), ii. 12, 49. Wentworth (William), i. 50. West Bourne, ix. 269, 456. Yale (Elihu), his wife, x. 512 Ruvigny (Marquis de) on Wonham, place-name, vm.
Ruyton-of-the-XI.-Towns, in Shropshire, ix. 449 Rye, its etymology, i. 33, 296
Rye (Walter) on * Bailiff's Daughter of Islington,' i. 354. Chaucer, i. 331. " Fear-nothing maker," xi. 149. Mallett family, i. 31. Mergate Hall, iii. 52. Osborne (Dorothy), her letters, xii. 230. Pepys (Samuel), 1716, xi. 369
Rye (W. B.), ]un , on missing poems by G. R. Weckherlin, iii. 189. ' N. & Q.,' vol. i., v. 90
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