270. Of Alley, x. 45. Picture by Martineau, xi.
158. Pillillew, use of the word, v. 484. 'Reskimer,
a Cornish Gent.,' xii. 169. Savoir Vivre Club, xi.
293. Stow's portrait, viii. 213. Thicknesse (Philip),
ii. 341, 495
Stephens (R. C.) on a domestic implement, i. 489
Stephens family, iv. 348
Stephenson (C. H.) on Bessie Rayner Parkes, iii. 169
Stephenson (Mrs. P. A. F.) on General Benedict Arnold, ii. 18. Autographs, ii. 175. Bodley pedigree, x. 410. Cooke (Sir Thomas), ii. 187. Cooke family, ii. 88. Gretna Green marriages, vi. 127. Stephenson family, iv. 48. Theobalds of Kent, iv. 28. Turner (Thomas), ii. 13
Stepmother, early use of the word, v. 189, 273 ; used for mother-in-law, ix. 445, 517
Stepney Church, inscriptions in, xi. 77, 389, 457
Sterne (Rev. Laurence), and Charles Dickens, v. 185 ; inaccurate allusions to, x. 5, 325, 451 ; fragments in the manner of, xii. 447
Steuart (A. F.) on William Bate, miniaturist, x. 270. De Nune, viii. 267
Steuart (H.) on a pamphlet, i. 449
Stevens (E.) on barracked, its derivation, x. 135. English as a universal language, xii. 313
Stevens (Richard), Winchester scholar, 1553, xi. 468
Stevens (R. J. S.), his portrait, i. 16
Stevens (T.) on fey, its origin, iv. 275
Stevens and Brown (B. F.) on Moore MS., vii. 347
Stevenson (Rev. Alexander), his biography, iii. 8
Stevenson (A. P.) on "Oh, life so short ! " ix. 72
Stevenson (C. C.) on the name Muriel, v. 415
Stevenson (John), the Covenanter, i. 46, 192, 290
Stevenson (R. L.), and Vanity Fair,'i. 387; his poem 'The Vagabond,' v. 33o ; and W. E. Henley, ix. 161 ; his use of the words " Corinthian " and " put," xi. 267, 375
Stevenson (W. H.) on Aldgate and Whitechapel, iv. 385 ; v. 34. Alfred's Parliament, iv. 344. August- ales and Hexham Priory, ii. 391. Edgett surname, v. 13 ; vi. 49. Era in monkish chronology, i. 10, 231; ii. 473; iii. 234. Glyndyfrdwy, iii. 238. Hexham and the Augustales, iv. 34. Jekyll sur- name, iv. 415 ; v 152. Maheu de Redman, iv. 351. Morecambe, its derivation, v. 314. Oxford place- name, iv. 70, 382 ; v. 69, 517. Rounds or rungs, iii. 231. Swansea, its derivation, iii. 470. Veit= Guy, iii. 490. Wolverhampton, charter relating to St. Peter's, iii. 149
Stevenson family, iv. 499
Steward (Lady Arabella), medal ascribed to, ii. 283
Steward (E.) on organ stop, ii. 467
Stewart (Rev. Dr. Alexander), memorial to, xi. 186, 277, 356
Stewart (C.) on Dutton family, vi. 409 ; vii. 54, 175 ; ix. 492. Stewart family, vi. 508 ; vii. 508
Stewart (Frances), her lineage, i. 46
Stewart (Sir James), his ' Life of a Lawyer,' x. 448
Stewart (Rev. James Haldane), his biography, vii. 88,
Stewart (Sir Simeon), poet, his biography, vii. 367,
Stewart family, vi. 508 ; vii. 508 s Stewart of Athenry, Bart., his mother, vi. 469 V Stewarts of Annat and Ballachallan, vi. 289
Stewkley Church, Bucks, its architecture, i. 58
Stewkiey parish registers, iii. 106
Stickit or stickin minister, iii. 229, 337
Stiklastad, Norwegian battle, its spelling, vi. 385, 454
Stillborn : To die stillborn, i. 285 ; ii. 50
Stillingfleet (Benjamin), his peculiarity with regard to
printing of I, xi. 448 Stilwell (G. H,) on William Ware, bellfounder, xii.
350 Stilwell (J. P.) on Arabic star names, i. 15. Battle of
Dorking, iii. 305. Castor sugar, ix. 417. Eliza- bethan terms, v. 366. Frail, its meaning, iv. 436.
Halsh, viii. 509. Latin ambiguities, ii. 14.
Marbles, "alley-taw" and other, ii. 315. Morcom
surname, iv. 406. 'N. & Q.,' contributors to
vol. i., v. 90. Nimmet, its meaning, iv. 507.
Royal Exchange, stones at, ii. 198. Royal Naval
Club, iii. 173. Royal Navy Club, ii. 411.
Rubbing the eyes with gold, vi. 134. St. Barnabas's
Day, vii. 445. Ware (William), xii. 492. Washing.
ton family, a coincidence, v. 292. Worcestershire
folk-lore, vi. 496
Stinger, meaning of the word, viii. 81, 170, 251 Stirling (William Alexander, first Earl of), viii. 83,
Stirrup (C. H.) on recollections of Blackburn, v. 85 Stitherum, Midland provincialism, iii. 6 Stiver and steever, etymology of, v. 434 Stock (Elliot) on Kipling stories, vii. 488 Stock Exchange centenary, vii. 406 Stockley (W. F. P.) on Burke, xi. 8. Imperfect
subjunctive, ii. 408. Lesbian rule, x. 329. Shake-
speariana, xi. 25. " Table de communion," i. 25,
Stocks, movable, vi. 405 ; vii. 14, 118, 214 ; ix. 136 Stocks, stone, discovery of, viii. 121 Stockton (F. R.), The Lady or the Tiger ' iv. 419 Stoffel (C.) on " Ce canaille de D ," iv. 524. " Chi-
ike," ii. 53. Paragon, its meaning, iii. 168.
Poetry needs no preface, ix. 509 Stokes (H. P.) on Shakespeare's grandfather, i. 113,
275. Shakespeare queries, viii. 347 Stokes (M.) on Dante and Shakespeare, i. 381 Stonard : Vincent : Newcombe families, iv. 90 Stonard families, ii. 507; iii. 192 Stone (J. H.) on Achill Island, x. 268 Stone (J. M.) on Holbein gateway in Whitehall, v. 27.
Reference sought, vi. 268 Stone, in topography, iii. 43 Stone, Coronation, markings on, viii. 63, 154 Stone, Gold, Druidical remain, vi. 347 Stone, healing, in Christchurch, Monmouthshire, vi.
370, 477
Stone,, "through," i. 9, 210 ; ii. 153, 236 Stone ale, iii. 489 ; iv. 37, 93, 151 Stone pulpits, viii. 325, 394, 489 ; ix. 56, 157, 356 Stone sedilia in mediaeval churches, vi. 114 Stonehenge, vii. 247, 358 Stones, boundary, in open fields, iv. 476, 542 ; v. 297,
441 ; vi. 10, 92 ; x. 195 Stones, Hangman, legends and history of, x. 467;
xi. 33, 253 Stones, incised circles on, vii. 389, 491; tool marks
on mediaeval dressed, 390 Stones, boulder, vii. 27, 136