Mendelssohn (Moses), ix. 185. Misquotation,
curious, ii. 205, 454. Morris (William) as a man of
business, vi. 496. " Moving heaven and earth," vi.
299. Mural inscriptions, vi. 46. Nines: "To the
nines," x. 387- Notarikon, viii. 482. Pastophoria,
its meaning 1 , vi. 153. Pennsylvanian Dutch, xi. 24.
Proverbs xxvi. 4-5, ix. 404. ' Psalm xlix. 6-12, vi.
147. Rome, St. Andrea delle Fratte, ii. 355. "Rout,
ix. 198. Royal walks, ix. 244. Schlemihl (Peter),
iii. 111. Scott (Sir Walter), iii. 346. Seven, viii.
525. Shepherdess Walk, iv. 306. Sheridan and
Maginn, ix. 305. "Shot the moon," xii. 107.
Shimmozzel, vi. 266 ; vii. 10 ; viii. 471 ; ix. 395.
Swift, lines on, vi. 107. Swimming exploits, vi.
511. Star-lore, ix. 358. Talmudic proverbs
and stories, vi. 501. Tashlich, Jewish custom, vi.
291. Translations, good and bad, xii. 473. "Up
to Dick," xi. 390. Wabbling, vii. 168. Wanstead
House, ii. 489. Women in the Talmud, xi. 221.
"World without end," iii. 355
Breslaw, juggler, circa 1783, viii. 16, 228
Bressau, its brazen Virgin, ii. 167, 414
Brestsenus (Samuel). See Brett.
Bret (Mrs.), actress, vi. 151
Breton calvaries, iv. 398, 523
Brett (Samuel), bis pamphlet on a Jewish Council, 1655, xi. 408 ; xii. 121
Bretteyn (William), LL.D., 1533-52, xi. 49
Brewer (Andrew), his biography, iv. 9
Brewer (Dr. Cobham), his monument, x. 285, 475, 516
Brewers' "entire," v. 100, 176
Brewster (Sir David), his ' Life of Newton/ i. 43, 78, 153
Bribery, orders obtained by, xii. 248
Brick, supposed date 1393, iv. 46, 93, 156, 184, 214, 275, 353 ; vi. 278
Brick House, Great Hormead, Herts, its history,vi. 190
Bricks, stock and place, origin of the terms, iv. 51 4 ; their making and use, viii. 404, 449, 528 ; in the Middle Ages, ix. 196 ; tax on, xii. 345.
Bridecake (Ralph), medal and biography, i. 67, 132
Bridewain, its etymology and meaning, vi. 189, 254
Bridge, card game, derivation of the word, iv. 497 ; v. 12
Bridge chantry in the West Riding, xii. 43, 111, 217
Bridge, damage to, iii. 48, 135
Bridgeman (Charles) , organist, iv. 55
Bridges, dancing upon, i. 109
Bridges MSS. at Bodleian Library and Lincoln Epis- copal Registers, xi. 61
Bridport dagger, iii. 365
Briefs. See Church briefs.
Brierley (H.) on Alfred Noble, viii. 223. Lightowler surname, x. 494. Rochdale parish registers, ii. 80
" Brig o' dread," iii. 487
Brigandage in Greece, xii. 305, 375
Brigham (J.) on Brigham town and family, vi. 8
Brigham town and family, vi. 8, 94, 136
Bright (A. H.) on Walton, Woodford, and Beale, i. 284
Bright, opponent of Canning, i. 287
Bright (John), saying of, iii. 49, 116; or 'Cranford,' vi. 445 ; vii. 93, 154
Brightlingsea, election of deputy-mavor at, xii. 506
Brighton Manor Court Roll, xii. 48, 92
Brightwalton, ' Curious Particulars of Brightwalton,'
ix. 349, 458
Brightwell Church, inscriptions in, v. 168, 275 Brillat-Savarin and Fielding, vii. 248 Brimpsfield, monastery at, ii. 47, 216 Brindley (H. H.) on armorial bearings of railway
companies, ix. 409. Heraldic query, iii. 50 Briscoe (J. P.) on Philip James Bailey, x. 349. Blount
(Margaret), iv. 355. Christian names, iii. 417.
Corporation chains and maces, viii. 447. Forbes
(Archibald), tale by, xii. 134. Gate, tavern sign,
iii. 398. Petit (J. C. H.), i. 17. Rubbing the eyes
with gold, v. 213. Sexton's tombstone, xi. 235 Bristol, and St. Jordan, iii. 349, 414 ; and Glasgow,
viii. 225 Bristol Cathedral, weddings in, iv. 127 ; hearth with
overhead flue in, xii. 454
" Bristol look," meaning of the term, ix. 148, 298, 332 Bristol puzzle-ring, meaning of the term, xii. 228 Bristow (Nicholas and John), ancestry of, x. 288 Bristow family, viii. 404; ix. 171, 317, 329; x. 229 Brit=brill, its etymology, viii. 222 Britain, Roman, iv. 229, 266, 334, 406, 503 ; as
" Queen of Isles" and "Empress of the Main," v
369 ; its Saxon shore, 433 Britannia on the coinage, xii. 84 Britannia Theatre, Hoxton, its demolition, xi. 386, 477 British, peculiar use of the term, iv. 29, 95 British Academy, charter granted by the King, x. 161 'British Apollo,' periodical, 1708-11, its authorship,
viii. 97, 158, 291, 432 British art and decorative design, i. 505 British cities, ancient, viii. 359, 467 British hens' protest against French eggs, xii. 329 British language, ancient, i. 68, 172 British lion, origin of the term, vii. 349 ' British Magazine,' 1747, its publication of the ' Good
Devil of Woodstock,' xi. 370
British Museum Library, note on Catalogue, ii. 17 Brittany, war of, and * Morte Arthure,' x. 161 ; its
people, xi. 266, 354 ; folk-lore in, 444 Britten (F. J.) on Daniel Quare, watchmaker, vi. 157 Briveting= roaming, iv. 329, 405 Broad Street and Bishopggate Srreet in 1677 aa
residential quarters, ix. 146 Broadfoot (W.) on kaimakam, xii. 27, 155 Broadwood-Widger, Devonshire, its parish register,
viii. 259, 333, 392 Brocas : Weekes : Catlin, vii. 267 Brock, Yarmouth beachman, his swim for life, vi. 284 Brock (A. J.) on Mauthe doog, i. 96 Brockwell Park, Herne Hill, motto on sundial, iv. 9 Brod, meaning and use of the word, ix. 162, 483 Brodrick (Admiral), escape from burning ship, v. 315,
Broke (Adam), his biography, v. 355 Bromby, author of lines on 'Milton's Blindness,' viii.
264 Bromby (E. H.) on able-bodied wine, xi. 46. Detached
sheet, vii. 295. Roman numerals, v. 366. Silver
ladle, iii. 474. Thellusson (Peter), viii. 53 Brome (Alexander), his biography and will, i. 324 Bronte = Bran well, x. 365
Bronte (Anne), memorial tablets and her age, ii. 151 Bronte (Charlotte) and Manchester, v. 449
V 2