D'Assigny (Marius), B.D., year of his birth, xii. 168
Darwin (Charles), article by, ii. 247
Darwin (Erasmus) and Robert Mason, i. 47
Darwin (F.) on Huxley as reviewer, ix. 168
Dasent (A.) on arms of Dutch and Flemish towns, ix. 386
Dashwood (R.) on Sir Anthony Brabason, vii. 228
Data, statistical, xi. 236
Data as a singular noun, vi. 208, 295
Date a.u.c., latest instance, vi. 329
Daubney (W. H.) on dairy windows, xi. 155
D'Aulnoy (Comtesse) and the microphone, iii. 264, 397
Daunton (Rev. William), rector of Stourmouth, ii. 28
Dauvergne, alias d'Auvergne, iv. 287
D Auvergne family, vii. 68, 117, 176, 191,251, 277, 332, 397, 516
Davenant (Charles), second part of essays, vi. 267, 433; and 'The Third Part of Tom Double,' viii. 261
Davenport-Hulme (James), M.D., 1772-1848, his descendants, vii. 129, 235
Davey (H.) on Cromwell music, iii. 341; iv. 151, 276, 401, 500; v. 132. Fairfax (Bryan, Lord), compensation to, v. 12. 'Lost Pleiad,' vi. 333. Metrical Psalter, ix. 509. 'Stately Dance,' iv. 402. "Sumer is y-cumen in," ii. 110, 234, 512
David (King) and Henry IV., iii. 104, 215
David (W. H.) on 'Abbey of Kilkhampton,' xii. 488. "Another story," i. 417. Beanfeast, ix. 217. Grub Street, i. 312. Holy Communion, iv. 448. Latin couplet, iv. 75. Peel, Sir Robert, vii. 207. Penseroso, vi. 485. Prime Minister or Premier, iii. 273; v. 213
Davies, Esquire, of Stan ton Lacy, co. Salop, his Christian name, viii. 105
Davies (D.) on Herefordshire manor-houses, x. 353 ; Pre-Celtic Britain, x. 298
Davies (F. R.) on ancient British cities, viii. 467. ' Burial of Sir John Moore,' viii. 169. Chaplain to William III., viii. 154. < Moss Rose,' viii. 148. Mummy wheat, viii. 170. Pronunciation, xii. 349
Davies (G. S. ) on German armour, x. 328
Davies (L. E.) on painter's name wanted, viii. 165; Prodigal Son as Sir C. Grandison, xi. 77.
Davies (T. L. O.) on Cornwall or England i. 131. Female terminations, ii. 291
Davies (Rev. William), M.A., his biography, iii. 167
Davis (Adam), of Grey Lodge, Westmorland, his arms and crest, v. 108
Davis (Alexander), ob. 1665, inscription on his tomb- stone, vi. 342
Davis (A. E. M.) on Alcuin Club, ii. 372
Davis (A. R.) on skulls, xii. 51
Davis (C. T.) on English grave at Ostend, xii. 9 Davis (F.) on Christianity in Roman Britain, iv. 334, 503. Romano- British City of Silchester,' iii. 354 Davis (H. E.) on ' Discursos de la Nobleza de Espana,'
1659, xi. 128
Davis (J.) on Richard Nash, xi. 445
Davis (K.) on Davis arms, v. 108
Davis (L. E.) on'engraving of Paris and Helen, iii. 467
Davis (Dr. Maurice), his death, ii. 300
Davis (M. D.) on Aldgate and Whitechapel, iv. 168.
Ancient confectionery, x. 149. Anglo - Saxon
speech, iv. 137. Biugham armorial, iv. 133.
Buche, xii. 486. Farjeon (B. L.), xii. 104
Frowyk (Henry and Peter de), xii. 386. Frowyk
family, iv. 244. Genesis i., ix. 377. " In fine,"
x. 270. Ireland, its subjugation, iv. 263. Isaac
of Norwich, vi. 8 ; viii. 404. Jessica, x. 246.
Jewish charm, xi. 293. Jewish tolerance, viii. 501.
Jewish weddings, xii. 115, 435. Jews' Way,
Jews' Gate, Jews' Lane, &c., ix. 508. Le Fizgert,
ix. 487. " Le Furmager," x. 129. Lombard, xii.
125. Muriel, its derivation, vi. 32. Osorio family,
ix. 414. Richard L, viii. 523. Shimmozzel, vii.
10. Stinging memorandum, xii. 225, Topography
of ancient London, xii. 429. Wine a rare article,
x. 209. Zangwill surname, iv. 246
Davis (Robert), his diving engine, ix. 347
Davison, co. Cumberland, pedigree of, vi. 428
Davy (A. J.) on beer: bur, x. 457. Bells rung during
thunderstorms, iv. 223. Book-borrowers, ii. 115.
Books and bookmen, their future, iv. 476. Bull
lings in Devonshire, xii. 484. Bury Head, South
Devon, ii. 450. Centipedes, local names, vii. 395.
Cowper's Expostulation,' v. 235. Crowdy-mutton,
vi. 37. Cyclealities, xi. 109. ' Doones of Exmoor,'
xii. 226. Drangway, its meaning, ii. 118.
Endorsement : dorso-ventrality, x. 93. Friday
superstition, vi. 454. Gybbins, race of the, x. 213.
Hele : to hele, iv. 47. Heriot, x. 433. Huddle,
its meaning, ii. 255. Lease, long, xii. 134. Mallet
or mullet, x. 194. May cats, x. 9. May-water, vii.
393. Money lent by measure, ii. 367. Mourning
Sunday, ix. 498. Nothing, xi. 333. Pound's Day,
x. 5. Private printing press, viii. 489
Daw Raby, Robert Nevill's younger brother, xi. 209
Dawbarn & Co., their ' Builder's Price List,' ix. 427
Dawe (George), R.A., his biography, viii. 104, 150,
233 ; and Charles Lamb, 245
Dawes (C. B.) on Cromwell's daughters, x. 393. Dawes (John), vi. 87. Dumas and 'The Son of Porthos,' vi. 69. English translations, ix. 410. John XII. and Benedict IX., v. 416. Milton : a tract on logic, ix. 107. Parentage of Caesar Borgia, viii. 524 ; ix. 232, 438. Portraits wanted, ix. 475. Spider- eating, viii. 409. White gloves at assizes, ix. 309 Dawes (Sir John), Bart., 1663, his biography, vi. 87,
Dawkum, its meaning, i. 347, 435 Dawson (B.) on quotation from Schopenhauer, iv. 169 Dawson family of Castle Dawson, ii. 528 Day (R.) on location of theatre, vii. 351 Day (Tom), of Twyford, Leicester, iv. 148, 251 Day family of Worfield, co. Salop, iii. 208 Day, seventh, i. 26 Days, borrowing, xii. 23, 351 Ddyli (Sion o) on Llyu Coblynau : Knockers' Llyn
ix. 353
Dead, living, xi. 427, 497; xii. 14, 97 Deadfold, its meaning, iii. 68, 153, 455 ; iv. 92 Dead Sea level, ix. 488 ; x. 31 Deadman's Place burial-ground, Southwardly. 209 Deal, meaning of the word in card games, vii. 6 Deale his ' Crock ford's ; or, Life in the West,' vii. 348 Dean (G.) on Todmorden, i. 115 Dean's Yard, Westminster, No. 17, its history, xii. 265