(Lord) on decaying nations, x. 427 ; xi. 56. San
Diego, xi. 377. School library of the seventeenth
century, xii. 388. Shakespeare and Vondel, vii.
147. Shakespeare's epitaph in Labourdin Baskish,
vii. 345. Snicket, its meaning, vii. 348. "So
long," vii. 234. Stages on barrels, xii. 503. Suff
and stuff, xi. 488. Then = than, vii. 447. Three
bishops in one tomb and of one family, x. 476.
Toys, Wykehamical word, xii. 345. Trapeza in
Russian, xi. 298. " Travailler pour le Roi de
Prusse,"xi. 496. Unrara, xi. 188 ; xii. 10. Uther
and Arthur, xi. 327. W. (E.), translator of ' Theo-
dore ; or, the Peruvians,' xi. 509. 'Whitaker'on
Andorra, vii. 326
Dodsley (Robert), d. 1764, his biography, ix. 228; x. 272 ; xi. 173, 275
Dog, and the gamekeeper, vii. 107, 194 ; and the Due d'Enghien, xii. 28, 92, 174
Dog of St. Rooh, church built in commemoration of, xii. 189, 236
Dog gates for staircases, ii. 255
Dogger Bank, origin of the name, iv. 106
Dognoper, a Yorkshire name for beadle, xi. 248, 358, 409
Dogs, old proverb concerning, iii. 145 ; ancient, in Devonshire, v. 269, 341, 523 ; rules concerning admission into college, xii. 125
Dogs : Isle of Dogs, origin of the name, ix. 165, 397
Doig (James), his biography, vi. 209
Dollar, "pillar," ii. 347, 435; iii. 34
Dollar on American words : linkumfiddle, viii. 448. Apostle spoons, viii. 294. "Blood is thicker than water," viii. 428. Demon repentant, viii. 494. Triple marriages, iii. 217
Dollies for doilies, misprint in the ' Standard,' v. 46
Dollond (John) and the achromatic telescope, xi. 58
Dolor as a Christian name, ii. 136
Domesday " mansio," ii. 326, 435 ; iii. 135
Dominabus, vi. 149
Dominic (Richard), recusant Wykehamist, xi. 227, 350
Dominican Order, arms of the, v. 230, 346 ; vi. 93
"Dominicis Augusti, In," its meaning, ii. 226, 337
Donald (T. F.) on tandem, xi. 353
Donation party, New England, vii. 518
Doncaster, motto on gate tower at, xii. 249 : epitaph at, 288, 413, 470
Donhead St. Mary and Donhead St. Andrew, xii. 205, 356
Donibristle miners : curious literary reminiscence, ix. 64
Donne (Dr. John), his 'Poems,' 1650 edition, i. 29, 255 ; ii. 247; references to, in early English litera- ture, vii. 183 ; sham book-titles by, 1669, viii. 212 ; his burial, ix. 28 ; and the Donnes of Norfolk, xii. 24, 131
Donore (Lord), the title, viii. 64, 114, 370
Donsel=page or young gentleman, iv. 168, 294
Doog. See Mauthe doog.
Doolys, ferocious, origin of the story, vi. 230, 312
Doon = village prison, i. 467
Doones of Exmoor, tales of the, xii. 226
Doorman, shoeingsmith's term, its meaning, viii. 184
Doran (Dr.), editor of N. & Q.,' 1872-78, iv. 368
Dorchester, gold ring found at, viii. 183
Doris (Charles) and * Secret Memoirs of Napoleon,' ii.
528 Dorling (E. E.) on arms of Eton and Winchester
Colleges, x. 30. Supporters, i. 36 Dormer (J.) on Annie of Tharau, xi. 91. "Beatific Vision," x. 355. " Birmingham's dress," x. 472. Boadicea's daughters, xii. 14. City of the Violet Crown, xi. 177- Coleridge as a translator, xii. 26. " Corn-bote " in Barbour's ' Bruce,' x. 115. Dante, indigo in, xi. 184 ; portrait of, 273. Danteiana, xi. 156. Easter, its date, xi. 117. "Eat cherries with princes," x. 428. Eggs, their price, ix. 278. Half-bull =half-crown, xi. 71. Herrick's 'Hesperides': "Lutes of amber," ix. 471; x. 95, 511. Isabella colour, xi. 49. Jacobin: Jacobite, xii. 508. Living dead, xi. 497. Lucid interval, xi. 137. Lupo-mannaro, xi. 17. Macaroni tools, xii. 352. Maize, its native country, xi. 857. "Man of Destiny," xi. 348. Misquotations, xi. 13. Motor, xi. 115. 'N.E.D.,' additions to the, ix. 143, 262, 363, '402, 482 ; x. 202, 282. Owls, xii. 114. "Palo de cobra," xii. 374, 473. ' Paston Letters' and the < N.E.D.,' xi. 142, 168. Pen- dugum : carlyng, xi. 17. Periwinkle, x. 235, 370. Piddinghoe Church, Sussex, x. 477. Plagiarism and platitude, xi. 425. Races of mankind, xi. 236. " Religion of all sensible men," x, 271. Schiller's translators, viii. 442. Seeds, their retarded ger- mination, xi. 155. Transcendant, xi. 15, 71 Dornheim (Carl), engraver, iv. 228 Dorp as an English word, v. 493 ; vi. 113 Dorrington (Richard), inquired after, iv. 188 Dorset (0. Sackville, sixth Earl of), iv. 71, 446 Dorsetshire, Charles Il.'a hiding-places in, x. 141,
286, 293, 475 ; hops in, xi. 248 Dorsetshire speech, vi. 126 Dorso-ventrality : endorsement, ix. 64, 212, 331, 415 ;
x. 93, 218
Doset Hall, Surrey, its history, ix. 288, 483 ; x. 196J Dossetor on Parliament cakes, iii. 212 Dossetor (D. R.) on local silversmiths, i. 116 Dossetor (Daniel Robert), his death, vi. 300 Dottle on error in Guy Mannering,' iii. 493 Double Joes," origin of the name, ix. 164 Doubles, books on, xii. 367 Douce (Francis), his literary remains, i. 87, 158 Douglas on Walley family, vi. 268 Douglas, the Black, his biography, v. 229 Douglas (Sir James) and Robert Bruce, vii. 28, 93, 194 Douglas (J. B.) on " In petto," xi. 289. Loadberry,
xii. 366. Taylor (Sir John and Lady), xi. 309 Douglas (James and John), Westminster scholars,
1768, x. 48 Douglas (James Douglas Stoddart), 1793-1875,
iv. 539 ; v. 52
Douglas (R. B.) on Joseph Boulmier. vii. 415. Bussy
(Ernest), viii. 48. Massdna (Marshal), iii. 396.
4 Troth of Gilbert a Beckett,' viii. 47
Douglas (S. K.) on mangosteen markings, xii. 330
Douglas (W.) on G. Almar, actor and dramatist, xii.
388. Authors of books wanted, xii. 74. Bristol
Theatre, iv. 92. Cumberland's 'Jew,' v. 479.
Dickensiana: 'David Copperfield,' ix. 391. Kemble
(Charles), xii. 349. Longbow (Major), i. 438.
1 Othello,' ii. 335. Petworth and the Percies, iv. 36.
i 2