Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/110

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[9* s, i. FEB. 5,

Messrs. A. H. Wheeler & Co., | Allahabad. | n.d. [1888].

Collation: 12mo. Advertisements, one leaf ; title as above, on verso " Reprinted in chief from the 'Week's News,'" one leaf; Preface, one leaf; Contents, verso blank, one leaf; pp 1-100; L'Envoi, verso blank, one leaf; advertisements, four leaves, paged to yii. On last page of advertisements, " Printed at the 'Pioneer' Press, Allahabad."

Issued as No. 2 of A. H. Wheeler dc Co. s " Indian Railway Library " in a greenish-grey wrapper, lettered on face, "The Story of The Gadsbys | By Rudyard Kipling | One | Rupee." With lithographic sketches on face and back of wrapper.

The second edition differs from the first in having 86 pages instead of 100, and " L'Envoi " is printed on p. 86 (unnumbered) instead of on a separate leaf. There are also variations in the lithographs on the wrapper. More recent editions have 94 pages. 3. In Black and White. | By | Rudyard Kipling. I Published by | Messrs. A. H. Wheeler & Co., | Allahabad. | n.d. [1888].

Collation: 12mo. Advertisements, one leaf, title as above, on verso " Reprinted in chief from the 'Week's News,'" one leaf; Intro- duction, one leaf ; Contents, verso blank, one leaf; pp. 1-106. The Dedication, one leaf paged i, ii ; advertisements, four leaves

^fssued Is^No. 3 of A. H. Wheeler & Co.'* "Indian Railway Library " in a white wrapper lettered on face, "In Black | and White I By Rudyard Kipling | One | Rupee. With lithographic sketches on face and back of wrapper.

4. Under the Deodars. | By | Rudyard Kipling | [Quotation from James Thomson s City ot Dreadlu Night '1 Published by | Messrs. A. H. Wheeler & Cof, | Allahabad. | n.d. [1888].

Collation: 12mo. Advertisements, one leaf title as above, on verso " Reprinted in chie from the 'Week's News,'" one leaf; Preface verso blank, one leaf; Contents, verso blank one leaf; pp. 1-106. Advertisements, fou leaves, paged to vii.

Issued as No. 4 of A. H. Wheeler & Co. " Indian Railway Library " in a greenish-gre wrapper, lettered on face, " Under the | Deo dars | By Rudyard Kipling | One | Rupee With lithographic sketches on face and bac of wrapper.

5 The Phantom 'Rickshaw | and Other Tales. By' | Rudyard Kipling. J. Published byJ^Messr .. H. Wheele:

[iuavara IVlpimg. jruuiismsu. uy \ one

A! H. Wheeler & Co., | Allahabad. | n.d. [1888].

Collation: 12mo. Advertisements, one lea title as above, on verso " Reprinted in chie from the 'Week's News,' "one leaf; Prefac

erso blank, one leaf ; Contents, verso blank, ne leaf; pp. 1-114. Advertisements, four eaves, paged to vii.

Issued as No. 5 of A. H. Wheeler & Co.'a Indian Railway Library " in a greenish-grey

rapper, lettered on face, "The Phantom | lick sha w j& other Eerie Tales | by Rudyard ipling | One Rupee." With lithographic vetches on face and back of wrapper.

6. Wee Willie Winkie | and other Child Stories. By | Rudyard Kipling. | Published by I Messrs. . H. Wheeler & Co., | Allahabad. | n.d. [1888].

Collation: 12mo. Advertisements, one leaf; itle as above, on verso " Reprinted in chief rom the 'Week's News,' "one leaf; Preface, erso blank, one leaf ; Contents, verso blank, ne leaf; pp. 1-104. Advertisements, four eaves, paged to vii.

Issued as No. 6 of A. H. Wheeler & Co.'s Indian Railway Library " in greenish-grey vrappers, lettered on face, "Wee j Willie | Winkie | & other Child Stories | By Rudyard apling | One Rupee." With lithographic ketches on face and back of wrapper.

7. The | City of Dreadful Night | and | Other Places | Depicted | by | Rudyard Kipling | A. H. Wheeler & Co., | Allahabad. | 1891. | [All Rights leserved.]

Collation: 12mo. Advertisements, two eaves ; title as above, verso blank, one leaf ; Contents, verso blank, one leaf; pp. 1-108. On p. 108, " Printed at the ' Pioneer ' Press, Allahabad.") Advertisements, five leaves.

Issued as No. 14 of A. H. Wheeler & Co.'s ' Indian Railway Library " in bluish-grey wrap- pers, lettered on face, " The City of | Dread -

ul | Night | By | Rudyard Kipling | One

lupee." With lithographic sketches on face and back of wrapper.

8. Letters of Marque. \ By | Rudyard Kipling, | Author of | ' Plain Tales from the Hills,' ' Depart mental Ditties.' | A. H. Wheeler & Co., | Allahabad, I 1891. | [All Rights Reserved.]

Collation : Advertisements, two leaves ; iialf -title, ' Letters of Marque,' verso blank, one leaf ; title as above, verso blank, one leaf ; Contents, one leaf, paged i, ii ; pp. 1-154. One blank page ; Opinions of the Press, three un- numbered pages ; one unnumbered page, with imprint, " Allahabad ; | Printed at the 'Pioneer 'Press."

According to the Book Buyer, this book was issued in green cloth. My copy, however, which I bought immediately on publication in India, is bound in red and blue cloth (the colours being separated diagonally) on the face, and in plain red cloth on back of cover, lettered on the face diagonally, " Letters of | Marque 1 by Rudyard Kipling," and upwards