Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/268

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[9 th S. 1. MAR. 26, '98.

drawn attention to its most notable articles in the pages of this journal. The volume contains a series of articles upon the mortars in the Howlett col- lection and elsewhere, fully illustrated. There is also a very interesting set of papers entitled ' Three Ancient Churches at York,' and a number of short articles of importance. The illustrations are very much above the average, and there are a great number of them.

West Ham Library Notes. Edited by A. Cotgrave,

Chief Librarian.

WE welcome this useful publication most gladly. It will be of great service to all those who use the West Ham libraries, whatever may be their condi- tion or the amount of culture they have acquired, for no one, we feel sure, unless it be some librarian, can tell offnand what are the best modern works on all the very various arts and sciences into which know- ledge has been divided. It is a quarterly publica- tion sold at a nominal price. Many of our readers who live far away from West Ham would find it useful as suggesting books with which they may not hitherto have become acquainted. Mr. Passmore Edwards, the well-known founder of libraries, has been a benefactor to West Ham. The present number contains a list of the institutions which owe their origin to that gentleman's generosity.

The Sandwiths of Helmsley, co. York. A Short Pre- liminary Pedigree by L. S. (Phillimore & Co.) THIS is a useful contribution to genealogy, as it has evidently been carefully compiled. Short as it is, it must have been a work of no little labour. The author hopes that he may at length " be able to print a regular family history." We sincerely trust that this may be the case. Humphry Sand with " of Kars " is, or perhaps we should say was, a name known to all patriotic Englishmen, but he was not the only one of the race who did good service. More than one of the Sandwiths made for them- selves a career in India. Sandwith is an uncommon name. It is not improbable that all who have borne it were of one stock ; but whether L. S. will be able to find all the missing links is very doubtful.

The Spectator. With Introduction and Notes by

George A. Aitken. Vol. V. (Nimmo.) THE fifth volume of Mr. Aitken's excellent edition of the Spectator has some admirably useful notes, witness that on p. 12 on the Mohocks, that on p. 245 on milkmaids, and others. In a quotation from ' Hudibras,' p. 209, " tunes " is surely a misprint for times. The volume is as elegant as its predecessors. A portrait is given of Tickle, and the vignette pre- sents Button's Coffee-House.

An Examination of the Charge of Apostasy against Wordsworth. By William Hale White. (Long- mans & Co.)

THE aim of Mr. White's brochure it is scarely more is, by extracts from Wordsworth's prose and poetical works, to allow the poet to defend himself trom the charge that towards the middle of life " he apostatised from his earlier faith, both in politics and religion." The attempt is earnest and successful. Whether it was worth accom- plishing is a matter on which more than one opinion may be held. The volume, which is from the same source to which we owe a description of the Wordsworth and Coleridge MSS. in the posses-

sion of Mr. T. Norton Longman, may be read with pleasure and interest, and constitutes a piece of satisfactory Wordsworthian criticism.

Willing' s British and Irish Press Guide for 1898.

(Willing, Jun.)

THE twenty-fifth annual issue of this trustworthy and indispensable publication now sees the light, with all the improvements that experience has shown to be expedient. It constitutes an all-im- portant index to the press of the United Kingdom, its merits have long been recognized.

Consolidation. By Canon Newbolt. (Longmans


THE Alcuin Club prints this address as one of its tracts, in which Canon Newbolt pleads in favour of allowing to the bishops of the Church, assisted by a body of experts as assessors, a larger power in developing a national ceremonial independent of Roman usages, which are often modern and un- catholic.

ME. GEORGE EYRE EVANS promises, in a limited edition, ' Colytonia : a Chapter in the History of South Devon.' The publishers will be Messrs. Gibbons, of Ranelagh Street, Liverpool.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents moist observe the following rule. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. Correspond- ents who repeat queries are requested to head the second communication " Duplicate."

R. B. B. ("Pray, goody, please to moderate the rancour of your tongue," &c.). This is from ' Midas,' by Kane Hara, Act I. sc. iv.

F. See Cowper's 'Boadicea,' 11. 29, 30: Regions Csesar never knew Thy posterity shall sway.

MINOTAUR (" Book"). Of no value.

ERRATA. P. 236, col. 1, 1. 37, and col. 2, L 7, for "Tomkins" read Tomlins.


Editorial Communications should be addressed to " The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Advertise- ments and Business Letters to "The Publisher "- at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print ; and to this rule we can make no exception.

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