Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/538

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1899.

Davies (T. L. O.) on Cornwall or England ? 131 Dawkum, its meaning, 347, 435 Day, seventh, 26 Dean (6.) on Todmorden, 115 Deaths, their registration, 131, 213 De Berneval (G.) on juvenile authors, 492 French Peerage, 478 Ingelow (Jean), novel by, 498 Penn (William), 474 Deed temp. Edward I., its value, 307 Defoe (Daniel) and ' A Journal of the Plague Year,

47, 133

De Kellygrew family arms, 269, 436 De Mireinont (Marquis), reference to, 248 Demon's aversion=vervain, 387 De Montmore (Nicolas Payen), book of his travels,


Denby pies, 490

Denman (A.) on Peter Shaw, M.D., 167 Dental College, oldest, 98 De P. (A. V.) on Du Piessy family, 432

Hook of Holland, 387

De Quincey (Thomas), article in Latin on, 304 De Ros family of Hamlake, 7, 158 Derring-do, misuse of the word, 506 Devaulx, clockmaker, 368 Devil's or DuvaPs House, Holloway, 81, 236 Dewark, land measure, 146, 217 Dewsiers, its etymology, 387, 493 Dey (E. M.) on Shakspeariana, 82, 422, 483

Somers (Lord), 285

Dibdin (E. E.) on "baccy" for tobacco, 177 Dickens (Charles), and R. W. Buss, 87, 256, 333; and 'Methods of Employment,' 144; and York- shire schools, 205 ; and Lant Street, Borough, 223 notes on 'Pickwickian Manners and Customs,' 401 lines by, 507

Dickenson (Sir Thomas), of York, his biography, 147 Dictionary of English proverbs, 487 'Dictionary of National Biography,' notes and correc

tions, 66, 162, 282, 322 Different, misuse of the word, 3, 1 71 Difficulted, use of the word, 55, 156, 336 Dilke (Lady) on Chevalier Servandoni, 109 Dirt, its sanctity, 324 Dix (E. R. M.) on stationer, 1612, 108 " JDodgill JKeepan," its meaning, 447 Dodgson (C. L.). See Lewis Carroll. Donne (Dr. John), his ' Poems,' 1650 edition, 29, 255 Doog. See Mauthe doog. Doon=village prison, 467 Dorling (E. E.) on supporters, 36 Dossetor (D. R.) on local silversmiths, 116 Douce (Francis), his literary remains, 87, 158 Douglas (W.) on Major Longbow, 438 West (Mrs. W.), actress, 78, 192 Wigan=Pincott, 317 Doveale, its meaning, 487 Drangut, its meaning, 507 Draycot, co. Worcester, its locality, 268, 376 Drayson (A. W.) on rotation of the earth, 417 Dredge (Rev. John Ingle), his death and biography,


Drew (Mrs.), American actress, 288, 392 Drowned bodies, their recovery, 465

Drummond families of Broich and Strageath, 91

Dublin, its liberties, 6, 171 ; Georgian inscription, 307

Dublin University and lecords of the Inquisition, 509

Duckworth family of Lancashire, 228

Du Deffand (Madame), Walpole's letters to, 247

Duels in the Waverley Novels, 42, 169, 330

Duff (William), his biography, 129

Duffield (W. B.) on siege of Siena, 370

Dunbar family of Grangehill, 88

Dunfermline earldom, 78, 156

Dunheved on posts in 1677, 326

Dunning (G. H. J.) on Augmentation Office, 368

Dunter, its meaning, 34

Du Piessy family, old French, 248, 432

Durand (C. J.) on 16th Light Dragoons, 356

Durham topography, 53

Dutchman, his smoking, 224

Duval's or Devil's House, Holloway, 81, 236

Dyer (A. 8.) on Rev. George Buckeridge, 468


E. (C. H. D.) on ' Song upon Praise of Chloris,' 167 E. (F.) on Corpus Christi, 327 E. (K. P. D.) on hare proverb, 468

Sea horse, 345 Earle (J.) on English grammar, 308 Earth, inclination of its axis, 224 : its rotation and

the glacial epoch, 291, 335, 417, 457 Easter bibliography, 284 Eaton (Theophilus), his second wife, 267, 394 Ebor on Henrietta, Lady Wentworth, 347 Eccles in place-names, 446 Edgcumbe (R.) on Lefevre's portrait of Bonaparte,


Edward VI., correct date of his birth, 206 Edwards (Rev. William), rector of Ten by, 7 Egerton (Mrs.), actress, her portraits, 186 Egg, standing, 386, 472 Elephant, its derivation, 187, 335, 374 Elephant, Latin epitaph on, 228 Eliot (George), the pseudonym, 344 Ellis (A. S.) on Hugh fitz Grip and the Martels, 221

Tennyson family, 312 El worthy (F. T.) on lair and lairage, 133

Through-stone, 210 Energeticness, new word, 85 England, Bonaparte's attempted invasion, 16, 71, 255,

419 ; Roman, 36 ; Roman potteries in, 68, 196 English grammar, innovation in, 308, 433 English letters, Old and Middle, 169, 211, 258, 313 Engraving of House of Commons, 188, 468 Enigmas, "Man cannot live without my first," 11,

157; " Totum sume, fluit," &c., 29, 131 ' Entertaining Gazette,' periodical, 505 Eo in names, its pronunciation, 305

Epigram :

" Medicus et pollinetor," 141, 315 Episcopal families, 76 Epitaph, faded, 250

Epitaphs :

Cromwell (Oliver), by Pavilion, 428 Elephant's, in Latin, 228 " Quod expendi habeo," 164