Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/372

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XL MAY 9, 1903.

Hazlitt's reference to La Fontaine and ' Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles ' is not exact : the stories have nothing in common with the one in the * Mery Tales.'

LXV. ' Of him that loued the marchants wyfe.' This is No. 247 of Poggio.

LXVI. * Of the woman that couerd her heed and shewed her taile 'This is copied almost verbatim from Poggio's 137.

LXVIL ' Howe Alexander was monysshed to slee the fyrste that he mette.' This is the 607th of Pauli. Oesterley refers to Valer. Maximus, 7, 3, exter. 1 ; Csesarius Heister- bacensis, 'Dialogi,' in " Bibl. Patrum Cister- ciens.," ed. Tissier, 1662, torn. ii. 6, 26; Baeleta, 76a; ' Promptuar.,' J. 39; Petrarcha, 'Rer. Memorand.,' 3, 2, 436; Jac. Pontanus, 'Attica Bellaria,' Francof., 1644, 8vo, i. 5, 56, p. 224 ; 'Enxemplos,' 47; Guicciardini, 41a ; Belleforest, 239 ; Federmann, 408 ; ' Scherz mit der Wahrheit,' 3b ; ' Lyrum Larum,' 251 ; D. E. Helmhack, ' Der Neuermehrte, lustige und curiose Fabelhannsz.,' Hall, 1729, 8vo, 6; Sinnersberg, 640; Wolgemuth, i. 53.

LXVIII. 'Howe the cite of Lamsac was saued from destruction.' Pauli, No. 508. Oesterley quotes Suidas, v. Anaximen. ; Pausan., 6, 18, 2 ; Valer. Maximus, 7, 3, exter. 4 ; Petrarcha, 'Rerum Meruor.,' 3, 2, p. 436; Hpllen, 32a ; Pelbartus, * Quadrages. de Vitiis,' 34, K ; Pontanus, i. 5, 38, p. 208 ; Manlius, * Locorum Communium Collectanea,' 1590, 8yo, ii. p. 412 ; 'Enxempl.,' 164 ; Guic- ciardini, 82 ; Bellefor., 23 ; Federmann, 40 ; Ens., 21 ; Jac. v. Cassalis, 5 ; * Scherz mit der Wahrheit,' 8 ; Eutrap., iii. 203 ; Memel, 162 ; 'Lyrum Larum,' 252 ; Wolgemuth, ii. 50.

LXIX. ' Howe Demosthenes defended a mayde.' See 9 th S. vii. 67.

LXX. ' Of hym that desired to be made a gentilman.' This is the 61st of Poggio. I fancy I have somewhere seen it told of King James.

LXXII. ' Of the two yonge men that rode to Walsyngham.' The 90th of Poggio. It is taken into 'The Conceits of Old Hobson ' No. 19.

LXXIII. ' Of the yonge man of Bruges and his spouse.' Poggio, 157 ; No. 8 of the ' Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles'; Domenichi, 18 verso; 'Contes a rire, ou Recreations Frangaises ' ; La Fontaine, ' Les Aveux Indiscrete' ; Male- spini, 'Ducento Novelle,' Nov. 18; Nicod. Frischlini, 'Facetiae. Par Pari Relatum'; ' Nouveaux Contes a rire,' p. 78, 100.

LXX1V. 'Of hym that made as he hadde ben a chaste lyuer.' This is a mere transla- tion of Poggio, No. 173.

LXXV. ' Of hym that the olde roode fell on.' No. 34 of ' Hobson's Conceits ' ; Taylor's

'Wit and Mirth,' No. 13 ; p. 15 of 'Shake- speare Jest- Books.' It is No. 336 of Pauli.

LXXVI. 'Of the wydow that wolde nat wedde for bodily pleasure.' This is Poggio's 209.

LXXXII. 'Of hym that feyned hym self deed to proue what his wyfe wolde do.' Poggio's No. 116, whence it seems to be trans- lated in Domenichi, 74 ; Pauli, No. 144 (with a moralization). Oesterley refers to ' Scelta di Facetie,' p. 144 ; Brant, C. 4 ; cf. Meisterges. U. 142 ; Wegkurzer, 9b ; Vorrath, 139.

LXXXIII. ' Of the poure man into whose house theues brake by nyghte.' Very shortly in ' Conceits and Jests,' p. 11. It is in Domenichi, 31 verso ; ' Passo-tempo,' 159.

LXXXV. 'Of hym that had his goose stole.' This is No. 25 in ' Old Hobson.' It is also copied into ' Certaine Conceits,' No. 3, p. 4.

LXXXVI. ' Of the begger that sayd he was kyn to kyng Philip of Macedorie.' This is the first of ' Certaine Conceits ' ; somewhat differently in Pauli, No. 517. Oesterley quotes Bebel, ii. 249, sig. Ji, 4a ; Manlius, 373 ; 'Con- viv. Sermon.,' i. 185; ' Nugse Venales,' p. 66; 'Scelta di Facet.,' p. 146; ' Chevreana,' 1697, i. p. 119 ; L'Estrange in Thoms's ' Anec- dotes,' p. 16 ; ' Lyrum Larum,' 170 ; Memel, 196; Acerra, 'Phil,' 4, 4; Helmhack, 82; Sinnersberg, 250.

LXXXVII. 'Of Dantes answere to the iester.' This is Poggio's No. 57. There are several other jests told of Dante in Poggio, but they are different from this.

LXXXVIII. ' Of hym that had sore eyes.' This is partly the same as No. 30 of Old Hobson' and Taylor's 'Wit and Mirth,' No. 25.

XC. 'Of hym that had the custodi of a warde.' Poggio, 194; Pauli, 356. Oesterley quotes Brant, Diiiij. ; 'Serm. Convivial.,' i. p. 291 ; Ottom. Luscinius, 'Joci ac Sales' (Aug. Vind., 1524), 8vo, 143 ; Eutrapel., i. 868 ; Taylor's ' Sculler,' 1612 ; ' Works,' 1630, 3, 22.

XCI ' Of the excellent paynter, that had foule children.' Very shortly given in 'Con- ceits and Jests,' No. 31. In the ' Supplement!

alle Novelle di Sacchetti f atti da Vincenzio

Follini, 1791' (Firenze, 1888, 2 vols.), vol. ii. p. 403, the story is told of Giotto and Dante. It is Pauli's No. 412. Oesterley in his notes refers to Bromyard, J, 7, 1 ; Wright, ' Lat. Stor.,'128; R. Holkot, 'Super LibrosSapien tie,' Reutliugen, 1489, fol. 195 ; Gritsch, 41 F ; Pontanus, ' D. Serm.,' 1708 ; Petrarcha, ' Epist. Farail.,' 5, 17, p. 653; ' Conviv. Sermones,'. i. 163, i. 221 : Luscinius, 198 ; Guicc., 1588, p. 88 ; Bellefor., 84 ; Federmann, 157 : Ens., 115; 'Scelta di Facet.,' p. 124; 'Scherz mit der Wahrheit,' 77b j Metzger, p. 23 ; ' Lyrura