Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/436

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* B. XL MAY go, iocs.

in the old faith. This woman believed she had been dead and was alive again, and such a case is quite common among savages. What, however, I wish to ask your readers is this : Is there any known -authenticated case of a person, while alive and in his normal health, being persuaded that he was dead and dwelling in the spiritual world 1 or has an attempt ever been made (as a psychological experiment) so to persuade any person ] ^

I suppose I need not add that neither hallucinations nor any phase of insanity touch the question, and that ecstasy is not relevant. THOMAS AULD.

DE LA. MARCHE. I should gratefully receive all kinds of information about Jean Francois de la Marche, last Bishop of St. Pol de Leon, France, emigrant, who went to London about the year 1802, and died there on 25 Nov., 1806. Has he left any descendants in England or in France ? Will somebody tell me where the papers he left can be found 1 C. B.

Valley res.

PAINTING BY SWAIN. Where is the painting by F. Swain, the original of an engraving by Goldar, published in 1786 under the title 'The Gallant Action (off the Isle of Man) where the brave Captain Elliot Defeated and took the Marshall Belleisle, commanded by the famous Thurot, and two other French Ships of War, the 28 of February, 1760 ' ?


" WE 'LL GO TO SEA NO MORE." Where can I find a little patriotic poem with the refrain " We '11 go to sea no more" ? The condition of this, in the last verse, is " When the French ride at the Nore." J. K. LAUGHTON.

"QUADERING." Can the use of this word be confirmed ; and, if so, what does it mean 1 ? It is supposed to have been used by one of the Elizabethan dramatic authors, but in my opinion may have been only used for "quartering." I.

[See ' H.E.D.' under ' Quader.']

BOWMEN. Companies of bowmen or archers were raised in England when an attack on this country was threatened by the Spanish Armada. These men were paid ; but were they volunteers or compelled to serve? I.

WILLIAM IRVING was admitted to West- minster School Midsummer, 1806 Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' give me particulars of his parentage and career ? G. F R. B.

POTATOES, WHISKY, AND LEPROSY. Crof ton Croker, in his ' Popular Songs of Ireland '

(1886, pp. 67-8), was inclined to assign the introduction of the manufacture of whisky into the Green Island to the fourteenth cen- tury, and continues :

" Before the progress of whisky, leper-houses, which, as Dr. Ledwich observes, ' were everywhere to be found in Ireland,' rapidly disappeared ; and hence this healing spirit was termed the water of life, or aqua vitce, which words rendered into Irish are uisge beaga, or usquebaugh, emphatically called uisge ; or, to use the expression of Sir Walter Scott, ' by way of eminence termed the water,' and from uisge is our common word whisky derived."

At an earlier page (61) is the following :

"In France potatoes were at first proscribed. Bauhine states that in his time the use of them had been prohibited in Burgundy, because it was sup- posed that they produced leprosy."

Is there any evidence to connect potatoes with leprosy, or whisky with the cure or prevention of that terrible disease 1


J. CONST. KASTNER. Can any corre- spondent enlighten me about a book, edited by J. C. Kastner, entitled 'Sketches of the Hungarian Struggle in 1848-1851,' and pub- lished by the editor in London and Glasgow in 1853 1 There is no copy of it in the British Museum, and mine seems to be incomplete. What I particularly want to know is whether some illustrations mentioned passim in the text were published bound up with the volume or separately. In the preface the editor states that

"both the artistic and literary parts of the work will show that the greatest pains have been taken to justify the confidence reposed in me, the draw- ings having been executed by eminent artists, and the text supplied by pens fully equal to the task."

With regard to the text, not a single sig- nature is given beyond that of the editor, and the original of one of the drawings was in the possession of Lady P*** in London. The printer was J. Williams, of Sunderland.

L. L. K.

CUCKOO FOLK-LORE. The Rev. George Oliver said in an article on the popular superstitions of Lincolnshire, printed in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1832, part ii. :

" The first cuckoo you hear carries with it a similar fatality. Should you have money in your pocket, it is an indication of plenty ; but woe to the unhappy wretch who hears this ill-omened bird for the first time with an empty purse ! "

Is this correct? It is certainly considered very lucky in Lincolnshire to have money on you when you first catch the sound of the suckoo's voice in spring ; but I have never been told that to hear it without money entailed misfortune. I have always imagined