Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/558

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Notes and Queries, July 25, 1903.

Williams (C. A.) on Annie of Tharau, 175

Williams (Rev. John), first Hector of Edinburgh

Academy, 224

Williams (M. L.) on Princess Charlotte, 8 Williamson (Sir Adam), his family and descent, 67 Willows, characteristics of, 254 Wilmshurst (T. B. ) on Shakespeariana, 162 Wilson (C. B.) on Annie of Tharau, 175

Cahoot, its etymology, 367

French phrase, 337

Kurish German, 90

Linguistic curiosities, 34, 172

Maiden applied to married woman, 318

Pronunciation of ng, 77

Races of mankind, 372

Red up, 466

Schulze, the German organ-builder, 410

" To eat cherries with princes," 36 Wilson (T.) on barleycorn, 508

Equation of time at Christmas, 128

' John Barleycorn,' 249 Wilson (W. E.) on "Mr. W. H.," 125

Shakespeare's Seventy-sixth Sonnet, 96 Wilson family, 49 Wiltshire (Elizabeth, Countess of), mother of Anne

Boleyn, 229

Wiltshire poll-books of 1705, 394 Winbolt (S. E.) on portraits of celebrities wanted, 48 Winchester and Eton Colleges, arms of, 332 Window-tax and window-peepers, 50, 154, 237 W ine, the manufacture of birch-sap wine, 467 Wintringham Church, inscription at, 9 Wireless newspaper, the first, 487 Wit in unsuspected places, 446 Witch, a kind of lamp, 192 Witchcraft, modern, on Deeside, 208 Wither (George), 1588-1667, his poetry, 266, 409, 492 Witnessing by signs, 109, 175, 237, 294, 418 Woking Churchyard, wonderful plant in, 148 Wolfe (Rev. C.), 'Burial of Sir John Moore,' 105,

143, 214

Woman, married, maiden applied to a, 128, 232, 318 Women, married, arms of, 114, 197, 313, 477 Women in the Talmud, status of, 221 Wood (J. Warrington), d. 1886, sculptor, 308, 398 Wool as a foundation for buildings, 309, 516 Wordsworth (Christopher), edition of Crakanthorp,

469, 498

Wordsworth (William), commentary on his poems, 148 ; 'White Doe of Rylstone,' 465 ; Prof. Raleigh on, 486 ; on Laodamia, 511 World without end, use of the phrase, 448, 513 W r ormholtvoorta, its topography, 507 Worsbam (Sir John), his farm, 95 Wreckers, Cornish, 126, 196, 233, 274, 393 Wrestling championship, 329, 473 Wright (W. A.) on first edition of 'Paradise Lost,' 107

Milton's 'Minor Poems,' 365 Wright (W. J. P.) on passive resistance, 267 Wygge (William), recusant Wykehamist, 227, 350

Wykehamists, recusant, 227, 350 Wykes pedigree in Colby's ' Visitations,' 465, 513 Wynch (Robert), Madras chaplain in 1731, 406 X. on ' Discursos de la Nobleza de Espana,' 218

Longevity, 287

Xylographer on 'Butterfly's Ball and the Grass- hopper's Feast,' 207

Cartodis sale of prints', 28

Hourglasses, 2G8

Rings in 1487, 308 Y. on Coronation Durbar, 21 Y. (A. R.) on Hallowe'en practice, 109

Modern witchcraft, 208

Old Wife, 188

Y. (C. F.) on dairy windows, 50 Y. (E. N.) on Inns of Chancery, 448 Yaffle = eating or a meal, use of the word, 286 Yardley (E.) on apple blossoms, 506

Bacon on Hercules, 65, 154, 352

Definition of genius, 432

Different than, 476

Heuskarian rarity in the Bodleian Library, 31

Hood (Robin), 258

Keats's 'La Belle Dame sans Merci,' 95, 353

Knife superstition, 53

Legend of the serpent's feet, 70

Lupo-mannaro, 17

Milton's 'Hymn on the Morning of Christ's Nativity,' 475

Misquotations, 13, 93, 274, 457

Notes on Skeat's ' Concise Dictionary,' 377

Old Wife, 433

Parallel passages, 511

Paucity of books in Elizabethan times, 150, 455

Shakespeare's geography, 333

Shakespeare's Shylock, 476

Shakespeariana, 163, 323 Yeo (W. C.) on Royal Aquarium, date of closing, 145

Setting of the seven stars, 109 Yeoman, derivation of the word, 113 Ygrec on Cornish wreckers, 196

Heriot, 173

Motto on brass almsdisb, 108

Payne (Antony), 416

Witnessing by signs, 294 Yoke of rams' fleeces, use of the word, 387 York, Gillygate at, its etymology, 406, 457, 518 Yorkshire and Lancashire, May Day in, 1660-80, 345 Z. on Mrs. Drelincourt, 168

Elizabeth, Countess of Wiltshire, 229

" La Triste He>itiere " : Lady Rochester, 136

Paucity of books in Elizabethan times, 44, 336

Portrait by Zurbaran, 158

Shakespeare's geography, 208 Z. (A. M.) on Trevelyan legend, 247 Z. (Y.) on Clifford's Inn: vanishing London, 285, 405

Jews in England, 306 Zodiac, origin of the signs of the, 188, 254 Zschokke, his ' Journal of a Poor Vicar,' 187, 274 Zurbaran (Esteban), his portrait of Lady Whitmoie, 158, 311