Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/534

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1904.

Books recently published:

Swynnerton's (C.) Romantic Tales from the

Panjab, 178 Trevelyan's (Sir G-. 0.) American Revolution,

Vols. I. and II., Part II., 458 Turner on Birds, ed. by A. H. Evans, 399 Wallace's (A. R.) The Wonderful Century, 400 Ward's (H. W.) Cunnie Rabbit, Mr. Spider, and

the other Beef, 318 Welch's (C.) History of the Worshipful Company

of Pewterers of the City of London, 179 Weston's (J. L.) Three Days' Tournament: a

Study in Romance and Folk-lore, 219 Whitaker's Almanack and Peerage, 1904, 499 Who's Who and Who's Who Year-Book, 1904,

499 Wilkie (Sir David), by W. Bayne, 259 ; by Lord

R. S. Gower, 279 Wilkins's (W. H.) The Love of an Uncrowned

Queen, 218 Winchilsea (Anne, Countess of), Poems of, by M.

Reynolds, 280

Wister's (Sally) Journal, ed. by A. C. Myers, 218 Booksellers' Catalogues, 39, 79, 119, 160, 219, 259,

305, 319, 359, 375, 420, 459 Bookselling, a history of, 267, 316, 395, 490 Booth (John Wilkes), assassin of President Lincoln,

25, 150, 197, 236, 396 Borrajo (E. M.) ou Eliza Grimwood, 377 Publication by subscription, 378 Reade (Charles) in Bolfcon Kow, 397 Boston Church, inscription on bell in, 389 Boswell-Stone (W. Gr.) on story of French Revolu-

tion, 152

Bottle-tree, or baobab, 483 Bounty, Capt. Bligh and mutiny of the, 501 Bowes family, 235 Bowring (E. A.), his rendering of Heine's ' Princess

Sabbath,' 103

Bowring (Sir John), his album of autographs, 368 Boyce (E.) on will read publicly in parish church, 348 Boyd family, 405

Boyle (Edmund M.), his genealogical collections, 98 Bracelet, or line encircling the wrist, 6, 115 Braddon (Miss), inaccuracy in 'The Conflict,' 125 Bradford (Mrs. Anne), her maiden surname, 410 Bradford, skulls at, 51, 96 Bradley (B.) on Lushington, 7

Macaroni fiddle, 289

Brantome's variant of the story of Aphikia, 385 Breckenridge (J. M.) on Breckenridge family, 428 Breslar (M. L. R.) on all over, 144 Carlyle and the Talmud, 425 French quotation, 289 Gilpin's route, 437 Heine's 'Princess Sabbath,' 103 Jewish weddings, 46, 214 Marat, 236

"Shot the moon," 107 Translations, good and bad, 473 Brett (Samuel), his pamphlet on a Jewish Council,

Bribery, orders obtained by, 248

Bricks, tax on, 345

Bridge chantry in the West Riding, 43, 111, 217

Brigandage in Greece, 305, 375

Brightlingsea, election of deputy-mayor at, 506

Brighton Manor Court Roll, 48, 92

Briscoe (J. P.) on tale by Archibald Forbes, 134

Bristol Cathedral, hearth with overhead flue in, 454

Bristol puzzle-ring, meaning of the term, 228

Britannia on the coinage, 84

British hens' protest against French eggs, 329

Broadfoot (W.) on kaimakam, 27, 155

Brooke (Henry), his ' Gustavus Vasa,' 226

Brooks (Phillips), D.D., window in memory of, in

St. Margaret's, Westminster, 1, 63, 123, 164 Bruhl (Count de), d. 1855, memorial at Chingford,

189, 275, 331, 373 Brushfield (T. N.) on Bath and Buxton, 414

G-orges (Sir Ferdinando), 252

Pepys (Mrs. Samuel), 18

Raleigh in America, 250

Raleigh (Sir Walter), 289, 451 Brutus on Richard Nash, 273

Raleigh in America, 105 Buche, meaning of the word, 486 Budgel (Eustace), epigram attributed to, 4 Bugge, hanging censer in basilica at, 447 Bull Plain, Hertford, 269, 412 Bull Rings in Devonshire, 484 Bunyan (John), his ' Solomon's Temple Spiritualized,'


Burgovise, its locality, 92 Burgoyne (F. J.) on quotations, 468 Burial, upright, instances of, 34, 137, 294; sham, 246,


Burleigh (Lord) and Shakespeare, 328, 396, 411, 478 Burns (Robert) and the ' Greek Antholegy,' 82 Burr (G. S.) on upright burial, 34 Burton (R.), Shilleto's edition of his * Anatomy of

Melancholy,' 2, 62, 162, 301, 362, 442 Businesses, the antiquity of, 176 Butler (J. D.) on unram, 9 Buxton, patients sent to, in 1647, 286, 414 Byfield House, Barnes, its history, 108, 193 Byron (Lord), quotation from his translation of ' II Morgante Maggiore,' 12 ; at Ferrara, 18, 52, 91 ; mural tablet to, 503 Byse (F.) on ' Nova Solyma,' 168 By-word, used in a good sense, 25 C. on Spanish badge, 93 C. (A. L.) on Berkshire and Oxfordshire parish

registers, 388 C. (A. R.) on epitaph, 504

Parkins (Dr.), 349

See- saw, dialectal word for, 89 C. (B. T.) on Britannia on the coinage, 84 C. (C. I.) on Cabinet in a Constitutional sense, 31 C. (F. J.) on 'English Dialect Dictionary,' 194

Folk-lore of childbirth, 288

Gillygate at York, 232

Jews in England, 328

Primrose superstition, 234 C. (H.) on Bell : Lindley : Perry, 77

Bond (Dr. John), 513

Donhead St. Mary, 293

Gorges (Sir Ferdinando), 155

Mistakes in printed registers, 508

South (John), LL.B. , 395

Stuart (Lady Arabella) and Dr. Fulton, 418

Wykehamical word toys, 493