Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 2.djvu/556

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 21, 1899.

Christie (R. C.) on Mr. Gladstone as verse-writer, 72

Christmas bibliography, 505

Christmas carols, Habakkuk and Nativity in, 107, 449,


Christmas tup, its meaning, 348, 511 Chronology, monkish, 29, 292, 473 Church, old, wooden pillars in, 285, 414 Church of Scotland, Commissioners of General Assembly, 149, 276, 392 ; and the burning bush, 153 Church rents, bells tolled for their payment, 507 Church tradition, 58, 150, 173, 256, 296, 393, 474 Churches, deflection of chancels in, 58, 150, 173, 256, 296, 393, 474 ; dedicated to St. Paul before A.D. 600, 155 ; without fonts, 268, 393 Churching pew. See Child-bed pew. Churchyards, entrances to, 126, 177, 234, 296 Chuza, Mexican game, 328 Cicero on the Dreyfus case, 345 Cieling or ceiling, 284 Cirage, its meaning, 514

Cirencester: 'Birds of Cirencester,' 66, 249, 369, 478 Civic honours, old-style, 244 Clapton, Manor House at, 7, 173, 255 Claret and vin-de-grave, 156, 433 Clarinda, the name, 338 Clark (C. E.) on Washington family, 472 Clark (R.) on British town in Glamorganshire, 345 Greek Church, Soho, 2 Hanging in chains, 304 Holborn, improvements in, 182, 334 Clarke (C.) on Cecil, 275

Hampstead, Church Row at, 5 Inscription, puzzling, 347 Keats (John) and Hampstead, 167 Perspective, historic, 90 Clattworthy family of Manchester, 88 Claypole (Lady), her portrait, 448 Clayton (E. G.) on old-time punishments, 174

Register, oldest parish, 176 Clergy, London and Essex, in sixteenth century, 208,

297, 534

Clerical hat trimmings, 168 Clerical knights, 326, 455 Clerical myth, modern, 325 Clericus on Curzon family, 467 Clerke family, 247

Clerke (Anthony), stationer, 1540-61, 145, 375 Clerkenwell, engraving of Priory Church of St. John,


Cleveland (Miss) on Brimpsfield : Syde, 47 Clink Prison, its history, 260 Clio on autographs, 35

Clogs and pattens, 95, 235, 334, 432, 494, 535 Clulow (G.) on Dr. Johnson and tea-drinking, 413 Clyne-Monk on Scotch bodyguards, 87 Cogan peerage, 448

Coins, antique silver, 47 ; spade guinea, 1796, 67, 132

Irish farthings of Charles I., 110 ; pollard money

168 ; Spanish " pillar dollar," 347, 435 ; Scotch

plack and boddle, 348, 529

Coleman (E. H.) on Alton Towers sale, 53

Barrow (William), 497

Blotting paper, black, 506

Books published at beginning of century, 31

Boot -i and sandals, 314

Canons Hall 331

Uoleman (E. H.) on ' Causidicade,' its author, 112

Caxon = wig, 132

Chancery, Six Clerks in, 233

Chauncy MSS., 477

Coronation plate, 49

Erkenwald, Bishop of London, 318

Faggots to burn heretics, 378

Grub Street, 58

Habakkuk in Christmas carol, 513

Horse marine, 356

" Horse sense," 32

Husbands, two, following wife to grave, 266

Kitty-witches, 134

Liverpool newspapers, 498

London Lord Mayor, first, 438

Mabon's Day, 488

Perform'd, its meaning, 237

Proverbs, dictionary of English, 117

Register, oldest parish, 416

Registers dating from feast of St. John, 478

Rounds or rungs, 531

Royal Exchange, 65

St. Margaret's, Westminster, 194

Samplers, modern, 31-1

Sheepfold in church chancel, 289

Sheridan (Mrs.) as St. Cecilia, 455

Standish (Miles), 78

Taylor (Thomas), clockmaker, 291

' Te Deum,' metrical version, 537

' Telegraph,' newspaper title, 192

Theatre tickets and passes, 416

Thorpe (Benjamin), 98

Wall (Col. J.), 129

Ward (Dr.), of Soham, 397

Wesley (John), 54 Coleridge (S. T.) and Burns, 35, 97 Colin Tampon, Swiss nickname, 28, 130 Colket (C. H.) on John Oxenbridge, 467 Collectors of prints, their marks, 327, 432 Collier (Margaret), her biography, 528 Colonial Bank, Bishopsgate, its garden, 266 Columbaria, early, 348

Columbus (Christopher) and the standing egg, 53, 132 Colvill (R. F. S.) on facsimile signature, 293 Comet, Pope's bull against, 477, 517 Common Prayer Book of Church of England, doubtful grammar in, 305, 431 ; " World without end," 525 Commons House of Parliament, engraving of

Cromwell's, 128

Consumption, cure for, 466, 515 Contrast between 1344 and 1898, 525 Cook (J. E.) on silhouettes of children, 436 Cooke family of Essex, 88, 254, 314 Cooke (Sir Thomas), his burial-place, 187 Coombe (C. A.) on Grindleford Bridge, 88 Cooper (Gilbert), his biography, 147, 218 Cope and mitre, their use, 34, 98 Cordwainer, its meaning, 5, 97, 230 Corn mill, earliest water, 268, 412 Cornburgh (Alured or Averay), his biography, 423,


Cornub. on Robert Burton, 131 Cornwall or England ? 35 Coronation plate a perquisite, 49 Coronial, Australian word, 469