Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 2.djvu/564

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 21, 1899.

K. (H.) on drowned bodies recovered, 463

K. (J.)onJoha Blake, 288

K. (K.) on Farquhar's ' Beaux' Stratagem,' 87

Kaikobzid, his identity, 327, 395

Keats (John), and Hampstead, 90, 167 ; his epitaph

on himself, 186, 435 ; and Shakspeare, 324 Kelly (Chief Justice), of Jamaica, his family, 107 Kelly (Edward) and Dr. John Dee, 407 Kemp family and Mergate Hall, 522 Kemp (J. T.) on "little " cyclopaedia, 185 Kendal (Duchess of), her biography, 69, 131 Kendrick family of Whitechapel, 429 Kensington, Newton's house in, 174 Kenworthy (J.) on " Dannikins," 250 Keyes (Thomas), husband of Lady Mary Grey, 48,


Khartum = elephant's trunk, 422 Kiao-Chou, its name, 38 Killigrewon " Angels on horseback," 145 Boswell (J.), his ' Johnson,' 34 Camelry = camel corps, 412 Charles I., his Gedrge, 263, 354 Eliot (George), 54 Figure-head, ship's, 207 Gig, use of the word, 384 Lord Lieutenant, 67 Louvre pictures, 450 Manila, its spelling, 6 Oil, salad and olive, 86 Rivers, their banks, 295 Syntax of preface, 237 Terminations, female, 291 York (Duke of) in Flanders, 194 ' Kilmarnock Mirror,' its publication, 68 King (A. J.) on Barclay's ' Argenis,' 538 Fennel, its meaning, 457 Nonjurors, 493 Perry family, 373 Translation wanted, 292 Wyatt family, 353

King (F.) on Roman Catholic, 227, 475 King's Langley Priory, Herts, its history, 129 Kinglake (A. W.), editions of ' Eothen,' 27 ; passage

in his ' Crimea,' 388, 533 Kingston (Elizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of), blunders

about, 365 Kingston-upon-Thames, its name, 4, 154, 232, 373,


Kinns (S.) on Duke of Suffolk, 135 Kite, Egyptian, 9

Kitty- witches, or loose women, 134 Knights, clerical, 326, 455 Knowler on Shipton parish registers, 66 Krebs (B.) on Dr. Iron-Beard, 146

Tolstoi (Count), his works in Russian, 457 Kris mistranslated cross, 36, 256, 332

L. (B. H.) on Furnival's Inn, 441

Hock tide customs, 171

Hop-picker, 32

Horse marine, 457

" Jack-up -the-orchard," 194

Swakeleys, near Uxbridge, 496 L. (C. M.) on Tartar cloud, 529 L. (E.) on daffodil and Tennyson, 489 L. (J. F. on Tickhill : " God help 'em," 248

. (M. C.) on " Calling of the sea," 533

Odour, hereditary, 505 Li. (W.) on ' Lyra Innocentium,' 227 Li. (W. S.) on Cromwell's followers, 209 Labrusca (Don Diaz), Spanish poet, 89, 199 Ladles, brass drinking or dipping, 187 Lamballe (Princess de), her ' Journal,' 149, 193 Lampposts in front of chief magistrates' houses, 526 Landlord, misuse of the word, 245 Lane (F. J.) on Rev. Randolph Marriot, 116 Lanfranc (Archbishop) and church at Pavia, 73 Langrishe (Sir Hercules), his biography, 190, 349 Langrishe (R.) on Sir Hercules Langrishe, 349 Latin, Low, its use in classical period, 108, 156, 495 Latin ambiguities, 14

Latitudes, temperate, their eccentricities, 104, 191 Laughton (J. K.) on " Developement," 497

Postage stamps, old, 425 Lawrence (Brother), his biography, 388 Laws concerning names, 107, 212 Lawson (R.) on famous barbers, 414 Ridpath (George), 432 Squab, its meaning, 352 Layton (W. E.) on Earl of Carnwath, 515

Crispe (Sir Nicholas), 105 Lea and Leigh, their etymology, 84, 215, 374 Leadam (I. 8.) on Horace Wai pole, 529 Leatherhead, its etymology, 285, 422 Lee (S.) on W. H. of Shakspeare's Sonnets, 372 Leek of Wales, 146, 251 Leeper (A.) on fire ceremonies. 44 Lathi, Low, 495 " Sojpleased," 135

Lega-Weekes (E.) on Caron House, 509 Niches, architectural, 409

' Legend of the Spider,' 47

Legends, quaint old, 469 ; holy well, 489, 535

Leigh and Lea, their etymology, 84, 215, 374

Lely (Sir Peter), portrait of John Hervey, 148, 251

Leslie (A.) on "Flam," 75

Letter-gae, ' Household Words ' article on, 382

Letters, Old and Middle English, 275, 336

Lever (Sir Ashton), his " Holophusikon," 148, 250

Lever (D'A.) on ringers' articles, 55

Lewis (Rev. George), his biography, 9, 152

Light (Edward) and harp guitars, 328

Lily of Wales, 99

" Limerick," nonsense verse, 408, 470

Lincoln (Abraham), poem on, 227, 292

Lincolnshire field-names, 86, 155, 352

Linwood (Miss), her picture galleries, 275, 512

Lion, its etymology, 146

Lisson manor, its name, 283, 356

Littre' at fault, 484

Liverpool newspapers, 1810-15, 408, 498

Llanelieu, St. Ellyw, Brecon, yew tree at, 369

Llanthony, the name, 184

Lloyd (Dr. George), Bishop of Chester, 29, 195

Lochwinnoch, co. Renfrew, its name, 26, 115, 158

Lockhart (John Gibson) versus Boswell, 206, 306

London, City names in Stow's ' Survey,' 10 ; historic stones at Royal Exchange, 65, 1 98 ; Faithorne's map, 132; private gates in, 230, 308; its first Lord Mayor, 308, 437

London as surname, 44, 132

London topography, 136