Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/327

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s. m. APRIL 29,




CONTENTS. -No. 70. 10TES: The Knights of Bristol, 321 Basilicas, 322

America painted to the Life,' 323' Medical Works of the Fourteenth Century 'Tweed and Till The Swallow, 324 "Encyclopedia" Thackeray's House The First Silk Hat in London Assyrian Rowing, 325 PitzGerald's 'Omar' " JudEeus Apella "Cocked Hat Club An Old English Inn, 326.

Q JERIES : " Information and General Knowledge Office"

"Under the beard of Geordie Buchanan" " Gew- mouthed "Name of Play and Author Capture of Seville Morales Gaunt Family Cronbane Halfpenny, 327 Forced Loans Ballad of Dean and Prebendary Rat-rime Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Scotland Amwas v. Emmaus-Kubeibeh Sir Philip Hoby Herne the Hunter

Author of Satirical Lines Wanted " Neithior " or "Bidding" Endowing Purse, 328 Caricatures by Lord Mark Kerr " One hour with thee "Parodies of Kipling's Verse The Baxter Family, 329.

REPLIES : Garrick's ' Jubilee,' 329 Earthquake in 170, 330 Earl of Carnwath Wilson Aylsbury Roberts Anglo- Saxon : Scotch: Scotchman Nelson and Freemasonry- Charade' Old St. Paul's,' 331 Lending Money by Mea- sure in Devonshire Red Cassocks Enstone, Oxon Place-names Portrait of O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, 332 Welsh Custom Impressions of Seals "License" or "Licence," 333 Johnson's House at Frognal "Peace, Retrenchment, and Reform" Date of Wedding " Pease Eggers" Parliament Cakes The Papal Bull against a Comet, 334 Innes=de I nsula Mayors, 1726 " Parley's Penny Library," 3:55 A Quotation from Rabelais Blotting Paper, 336 Rolling-pins as Charms Ardra : Two-Mile Bridge "Stickit" or "Stickin Minister" 'A Lover's Complaint' University Colleges of Residence, 337 John I Watkins Richard Heber, the Book Collector, 338.

NOTKS ON BOOKS :-Spencer and Gillen's ' Native Tribes of Central Australia 'Smyth's ' Shakespeare's Pericles and Apollonius of Tyre ' Whitman's ' Austria 'Lang's Scott's


> Notices to Correspondents.

THE KNIGHTS OF BRISTOL. THERE is a great confusion about these personages. Even Macaulay is unable to discriminate between them, and Mr. Seccombe, lin his articles in the ' Dictionary of National Biography,' is not quite accurate. I I am in a position to give an authoritative statement of the connexion between them. Mr. Seccombe says ('Diet. Nat. Biog.,' vol. xxxi. op. 255, 256) : 1. That Sir John Knight, the ounger, is supposed to have been a kinsman )f his namesake Sir John, the elder. This s true, as will be seen from the annexed able. 2. That John Knight, who was Mayor

Bristol in 1670, was "apparently no rela-

on of his namesake." This is quite erroneous, was the father of Sir John Knight, the ounger, and first cousin of Sir John, the Ider.

r There were four contemporary John Anights of Bristol, all members of and ffice-holders in the Society of Merchant enturers, three of them mayors, two of iem aldermen, two of them M.P.s for Bristol. 1. Sir John Knight, the elder, third son of

Alderman George Knight (Mayor 1639-40), who was son of Alderman Francis Knight (Mayor 1594-5 and 1613-14). He was ad- mitted a member of the Society of Merchant Venturers 22 July, 1639; elected a member of the Common Council 3 September, 1650, but declined to serve again elected 12 Sep- tember, 1654, but did not take the oaths, owing to his Royalist principles. He was " restored " to the Council by a mandamus dated 19 June, 1660, and chosen Sheriff on 15 September, from which office he claimed and obtained exemption on the plea of having to attend to his Parliamentary duties. He appears not to have taken his seat in the Council at this time, and when, in accord- ance with a royal order, dated 29 September,

1661, all the members of the Council who had been elected during the interregnum were removed and fresh elections held, he was rechosen (4 October, 1661). In April,

1662, he was elected Alderman ; he was knighted 5 September, 1663, and served as Mayor for the year 1663-4. He was also Master of the Merchant Venturers in the same year. He was one of the aldermen who signed the surrender of the charter of the city on 9 November, 1683, and died a few weeks later (16 December). He sat as M.P. for Bristol in the Restoration Parliament of 1660 (which Mr. Seccombe omits in his article), in the " Pensioner " Parliament (1661- 1679), and in the two Parliaments elected in 1679. At the election of 1681 he was at the bottom of the poll. Though a Tory, he was a strong anti-Catholic ana in favour of the Exclusion Bill, and consequently received the support of the opposition, while the Court party voted for Mr. Earle and Sir Richard Hart. The Recorder, Sir Robert Atkyns, was a joint candidate with Knight.

2. Alderman John Knight, " the younger." He was son of Edward Knight, who was second son of Alderman Francis Knight. He was admitted a member of the Society of Merchant Venturers 11 November, 1650, of which society he was a Warden in 1654-5, 1655-6, 1659-60, and 1661-2, and Master 1666-7. He was elected to the Common Council 30 August, 1653, but refused to serve, and was fined 12 September, 1654. He was again elected 13 August, 1661, and re- elected 2 November in that year, but did not take the oaths till 12 September, 1664. Three days after the last date he was chosen Sheriff for the year 1664-5 he served as Mayor in the year 1670-1, and was elected Alderman 5 September, 1672. He seems to have died early in 1679 ; his name appears on the list of Aldermen in the Council minutes for