Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/511

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.



Books recently published :

Abercromby's (J.) Pre- and Proto- Historic

Finns, 99 Addy's (S. O.) Evolution of the English House,


Aitken's (G. A.) Tatler, Vols. III. and IV., 139 Andrews's (W.) Bygone Church Life in Scotland,


Arbuthnot's (Sir A. J.) Lord Clive, 219 Bearne's (C.) Early Valois Queens, 278 Beesly's (A. H.) Life of Danton, 239 Britten's (F. J.) Old Clocks and Watches and

their Makers, 479

Brown's (P. H.) History of Scotland, Vol. I., 358 Brown's (R.), Jun., Origin of Primitive Con- stellations, 259 Brunetiere's (F.) Manual of French Literature,

translated by R. Derechef, 159 Buckman-Linard's (S.) My Horse, my Love, 60 Bygate's (J. E.) Cathedral Church of Durham, 459 Carew's (T.) Poems, edited by A. Vincent, 240 Clergy Directory for 1899, 240 Glutton-Brock's (A.) Cathedral Church of York,

179 Comparetti's (D.) Traditional Poetry of the

Finns, 99

Cowper's (H. S.) Register of Parish of Hawks- head, 379

Crawley-Boevey's (A. W.) Perverse Widow, 218 Gust's (Lady E.) Records of the Cust Family, 118 Cust's (L.) The Master E. S. and the Ars

Moriendi, 158

Dandliker's (K.) History of Switzerland, trans- lated by E. Salisbury, 1 98 Dante, translated by E! H. Plumptre, 399 Dauze's (P.) Index Bibliographique, 39 Davis's (F.) City of Silchester, 100, 177, 256, 354 Dictionary of National Biography, 18, 298 Dictionary of the Terms of the Canting Crew,


Dix-huitieme Siecle, 79

Dorling's (E. E.) Register of Choristers of Salis- bury Cathedral, 320

Dyer's (T. F. T.) Old English Social Life, 139 English Catalogue of Books for 1898, 300 Escott's (T. H. S.) A Trip to Paradoxia, 458 Folkard's (H. T.) Wigan, 320 Fox-Davies's (A. C.) Armorial Families, 58 Frere's ( W. H.) Use of Sarum, 59 Gibbs's (J. A.) Cotswold Village, 40 Hall's (H.) Mr. Pickwick's Kent, 440 Hazlitt's (W. C.) Supplement to Coinage of

European Continent, 359 Heath's (F. G-.) Autumnal Leaves, 100 Henderson's (T. F.) Scottish Vernacular Litera- ture, 80 Henslow's (G.) Medical Works of Fourteenth

Century, 178, 324 Heron-Allen's (E.) Fitzgerald's Ruba'iyat of

Omar Khayyam, 198 Hiatt's (C.) Beverley Minster, 219 Historical Dictionary of the English Language, 38,


History of South America, 319 Holgate's (C. W.) Winchester Long Rolls, 419 Hume's (M. A. S.) Spain, 1479-1788, 399

Books recently published :

Johnston's (Sir H. H.) Colonization of Africa,

358 Jusserand's (J. J.) Shakespeare in France under

the Ancien Regime, 479 Larminie's (W.) West Irish Folk-Tales, 258 Leader's (J. D.) Records of Burgery of Sheffield,


Lee's (S.) Shakespeare's Handwriting, 299 Leo of Assisi's Mirror of Perfection, translated by

S. Evans, 39 McCarthy's (J.) Modern England before the

Reform Bill, 419 ; Modern England from the

Reform Bill, 499

Maitland's (F. W.) Township and Borough, 259 Mardrus's (J. C.) Le Livre des Mille Nuits et

une Nuit, Vol. I., 498

Matthews's (J. H.) Cardiff Records, Vol. I., 238 Montgomerie-Fleming's (J. B.) Notes on Jamie- son's ' Scottish Dictionary,' 319 Nash's (T.) Choise of Valentines, edited by J. S.

Farmer, 219

New English Dictionary. See Historical Dic- tionary.

Newman's (E.) Study of Wagner, 418 Oliver's (V. L.) History of Antigua, Vol. III.,.


Oman's (J. C.) Great Indian Epics, 319 Oxford English Dictionary. See Historical


Palmer's Index to the ' Times,' 179 Paravicini's (F. de) Life of St. Edmund of Abing-

don, 60

Payne's (E. J.) History of America, Vol. II., 299 Pearson's (E.) Study in Philology, 299 Pepys's Diary, edited by H. B. Wheatley, Vol. IX.,

and Pepysiana, 398

Peters's (C.) King Solomon's Golden Ophir, 40 Piper's (E.) Church Towers of Somersetshire, 159 Raffety's (F. W.) Books worth Reading, 500 Reid's (A. G.) Annals of Auchterarder, 420 Scott's Novels, Border Edition, reissue, 99, 179,

278, 340, 419, 439 Sedgefield's (W. J.) King Alfred's Old English

Version of Boethius, 500 Sexby's (J. J.) Municipal Parks and Gardens of

London, 300

Shakespeare, Chiswick, 439 Simpson's (W. J. S.) Memoir of W. Sparrow

Simpson, 260 Smyth's (A. H.) Shakespeare's Pericles and

Apollonius of Tyre, 339

Sparrow's (A.) History of Church Preen, 259, 418 Spencer (B.) and Gillen's Tribes of Central Aus- tralia, 338

Sportsman's Year- Book, 19 Steuart's (A. F.) Diary of Thomas Brown, 59 Suckling's (F. H.) Forgotten Past, 220 Sweet's (H.) New English Grammar, Part II., 98 Thomas's (E.) Roman Life under the Caesars. 439 Trevelyan's (Sir G. O.) American Revolution,

Part I., 138 Venn's (J.) GonvUle and Caius College, Vol. II.,

240 Verney's (Lady) Memoirs of the Verney Family.