Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/530

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Notes and Queries, July 29,

S. (H. H.) on Bounder, its derivation, 14 Bulls and blunders, 366 Corn-crake= landrail, 385 Prices in 1734, 145 S. (H. T.) on Strong's Bluff, 187 S. (J.) on Archbishop Vesey, 306 S. (J. P.) on process for removing paint, 392 S. (N. S.) on Kaisar-i-Hind, 283

London, old, 26

London water supply, 186

Roxburghe Club and ' Revels, ' 45

Welsh worthies, 465 S. (R. M.) on 'Spiteful Letter,' 208 S. (W.) on last war bow, 494

Iruin (Sir Alexander), 172

Murray (General), 286

Perth and Rome, 174 Sackville (C.), sixth Earl of Dorset, 488 Sacrilege, its fate, 85 Sagamore, its etymology, 365 St. Albans, brass at St. Peter's Church, 171, 376 St. Austell on ' Meditations of Marcus Aurelius,' 249 St. Clair family, green grief to, 37, 94 St. Clair family of Herdmanstoun, 89, 314 St. Cross Priory, Isle of Wight, its history, 207, 317 St. George's Day, coronations on, 307, 390 St. Helen as a weather saint, 409, 474 St. John of Jerusalem, the Order in Scotland, 328,


St. Jordan, legends connected with, 207, 349, 414, 495 St. Leger (K.) on " Treacle " Bible, 68

' Lucy's Flitting,' 317 St. Medard, church dedicated to, 389 St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, its demolition, 108, 274 St. Patrick and Hey sham, 169 St. Swithin on Aylwin, Christian name, 256

Bounder, its derivation, 14

Camelian ring, 75, 276

Church towers, cards on, 273

Church tradition, 94

Churches, mysterious marks in, 207

" Demon's aversion," 375

' Dulce Domum,' 236

Epitaph, remarkable, 284

Ghetto, Roman, 154

Glastonbury thorn, French, 5

Godfrey (Robert Scott), 28

Green and the Grahams, 94

Holling Day, 108

Kipling (R.), his ' Recessional,' 236

Liddell and Scott, 466

Mustard motto, 257

Oblivion, 426

Place-names, curious, 391

Rolling-pins as charms, 245, 392

Rummer, its etymology, 137

Sacrilege, its fate, 85

Staircases, houses without, 116

Trinity windows, 293

Veit = Guy, 249 St. Withold, his curse, 56 Sainthill (Samuel) and his Basque studies, 109, 201,

254, 432

Salesbury (William), 1520-1600, 466 Salverte (Eusebe), translation of ' Sciences Occultes,' 34

San Francisco, its Golden Gate, 349, 412, 496

Sanderson family and White MSS., 368

Sanderson family of Sebergham, co. Cumberland, 129,


Sarcienne (Madame), her biography, 368 Sargeant (C. W.) on mayors in 1726, 167 Savill (J. C.) on ' Directions for Health,' 289 Saxon names and Norman, 114 Scandrett (R. A.) on Foundet, its meaning, 96 Scattergood (Bernard P.) on Fleet wood family, 448

Soluta, its meaning, 268 Schlemihl (Peter), his name, 111 Scrimanski, in ' Hudibras,' 169, 358 Sclavonic names. See Slavonic. Scorpions in heraldry, 436 Scot abroad, 109

Scotch, origin of the name, 127, 331 Scotch provinces, 161, 209, 294 Scotchman, origin of the name, 127, 331 Scotland, Order of St. John of Jerusalem in, 328 -

Civil War in, 348 Scott and Liddell, 466, 484, 493 Scott (E. J. L.) on Samuel tfainthill and his Basque

studies, 254

Scott (S. C.) on Maximilian Coult, 468 Scott (Sir Walter), " lyke-wake " and " late-wake," 3 ; Gilbert or Guilbert Glossin in ' Guy Mannering,' 34 ; descriptive surnames in Waverley novels, 92 ; error in 'Guy Mannering,' 188, 429, 493; work alluded to in ' The Antiquary,' 198 ; " Trances " in ' Redgauntlet,' 267 ; " Tweed said to Till," 324 : and a Greek epitaph, 346, 434 ; ' Waverley,' error in, 468

Scotus on Charles Stuart, 387

Seals, best way of obtaining impressions, 169, 333, 412 Seals, eating of, 111

Seaman (John), LL.D , his biography, 428 Seconds as a measure of time, 16, 71, 136 Sedley (Sir Charles), his 'Grumbler,' 67 Selwyn (George), his curious taste, 245, 435 Senga on Aspidistra, 356 Servery= service room, 365, 498 Seville, its capture, 327, 395, 457 Sewardstone, its locality, 67, 156 Seymour (T.) on epitaph at Whitby, 166 Shakspeare (Thomas), register entry, 1625, 108 Shakspeare (William), Gladstone on, 26 ; and the sea^ 36, 173 ; notes on Sidney Lee's ' Life, 7 42, 118 T 255 ; parallel passages in Boccaccio, 47; ' Hamlet, 7 by Dan Hayes, 87 ; Falstaff and Sir John Old- castle, 166 ; Bacon- Shakspeare controversy and Sir Henry Wotton, 181; his imitations of his own characters, 213 ; and Rabelais, 224 ; and M. Ros- tand, 483

Shakspeariana :

Antony and Cleopatra, Act III. sc. 10, " Ribau-

dred Nagge," 362, 422 As You Like It, Act II. sc. 4, " Alas ! poor

shepherd ! " &c., 64 ; " Coming a-night to Jane

Smile," 64, 363 ; sc. 7, " Dry as the remainder

biscuit," 64 Coriolanus, Act I. sc. 9, " Let him be made an

overture for the wars," 63, 422 Henry IV., Pt. II., ActV. sc. 2, "You are right

Justice," 282