Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/301

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9*s. iv. Nov. 4, m] NOTES AND QUERIES. MESSRS. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LTD., Have much pleasure in announcing a New Series of THE LIBRARY. Edited by J. Y. W. MACALISTER, F.S.A. NEW SERIES, royal 8vo. price 3». net. To be published in Quarterly Numbers, beginning in DECEMBER, price 3s. net, or at an Annual Subscription, payable in advance, of 10s. 6d. (postage Is. extra). In its new form THE LIBRARY will be printed at the CHISWICK PRESS. It will also be adequately illustrated, and each Number will contain as a FRONTISPIECE a PORTRAIT of an EMINENT BOOKMAN, English or American, past or present, with a sketch of his life. The Portrait in No. 1 will be that of Dr. GARNETT, reproduced by permission in photogravure from the painting by the Hon. JOHN COLLIER As regards its special subjects, bibliography and library work, every effort will be made to hold the scales evenly between matters of modern and of antiquarian import, and to treat everything which affects the wellbeing of libraries without superfluous technicality. In addition to notices of recent books on these subjects, each number will contain NOTES ON BOOKS AND WORK in different departments of LITERATURE, SCIENCE, and ART, specially written by experts in the different subjects. For the BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION OF THE LIBRARY the Editor has secured the col- laboration of Mr. ALFRED POLLARD, the Editor of BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS and B1BLIOGRAPHICA, and Articles have been promised by M. Leopold Delisle, Dr. Garnett, Mr. G. F. Barwick, Signor Biagi, Dr. Konrad Burgen, Mr. Cyril Davenport, Rev. P. Ditchfleld, Dr. Dziatzko, Prof. John Ferguson, Mr. W. Y. Fletcher, Mr. T. O. Law, Mr. John Macfarlane, Mr. H. R. Plomer, Mr. Robert Proctor, Mr. Robert Steele, Mr. E. F. Strange, Mr. W. H. James Weale, and Mr. H. B. Wheatley. As regards Library Work, Papers will be contributed by competent and well-known writers on every subject connected with the organization and equipment of Libraries, among others by Messrs. P. J. Anderson, F. T. Barrett, J. D. Brown, H. W. Fovargue, L. 8. Jast, Thomas Mason, J. Minto, Beresford Pite, and Butler Wood. Articles on American and Colonial Library Work and Progress will appear in each Number, and in addition to those already named the following American and Colonial Librarians have promised Con- tributions : H. C. L. Anderson, Sydney; James Bain, Public Library, Toronto : R. R, Bowker, Editor of the Library Jirurnal; William H. Brett, Cleveland, Ohio ; F. M. Crunden, St. Louis, Mo.; C. A. Cutter, Author of 'Cutter's Cataloguing Rules'; Melville Dewey; C. H. Gould, Montreal; Miss Hannah P. James, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; William C. Lane, Harvard; Herbert Putnam, Washington. No. I. to be published in DECEMBER, price 3s. net. London : KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER k, CO., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, W.C.