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NOTES and QXJEEIES: % Itttom oi Untmommnmaxtxtm FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. " When found, make a not* of."—Captain Cuttlb, No. 100. [SE.] Saturday, November 25, 1899. { Prick Fourpknok. Registered at a Newepaper. c ^ULLETON'S HERALDIC OFFICE, 92, PICCADILLY, London, W. (formerly 36, Cranbourn Street). GENEALOGICAL RESEARCHES. Heraldry : English and Foreign. Genealogical Charts Engrossed. Sketches and Paintings of Arms and Crest* Engraving Department: Book-plates, Seals, Dies, Livery Buttons, Crested Stationery, Visiting Cards, Ac. SPECIMENS FREE. The BRITISH and AMERICAN HERALDIC OFFICE (Chambers) Professionally undertakes all RECORD RE- SEARCHES (British, Colonial, and Foreign}, Including those GENEALOGICAL and HERALDIC. PEDIGREES traced and proved for Family History and In support of Claims to Title, Estate, Armorial Bearings, &c -, Heraldic Palntlogs and Designs -, Illuminated Addresses; Sheriffs' Banners, Book- plates, Ac. Circular Pamphlet post free. 22, SOUTH MOLTON STREET, LONDON, W. BOOKS.—ALL OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS sup- piled, no matter on what Subject. Acknowledged the world over as the most expert Book Anders extant. Please state wants.—BAKER'S Oreat Bookshop, 14-10, John Bright Street, Birmingham. THE MARLBOROUGH PAMPHLET CASE.— DUST-PROOF CASES for PAMPHLETS, MAGAZINES, SER- MONS, MSS., Ac—Made In over Thirty sizes, from crown Sro. to Queen else. No. 1, crown Hvo , Is.; No. 2, demy 8vo., Is. 8d.; No. 9, Music Size, 2s. 6d , No. 10, Graphic, 8s.; No. 16, Notes and Queriet, MSB., Sermons, 'la.; No. 17, Athenemm, Academy, Literature, Ac., 2$. W. LIBRARY SUPPLY CO. 4, Are Maria Lane, London, EC. THE AUTHOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER - PAD. (The LEADBNHALL PRESS, Ltd., Publishers and Printer*. 50, Leadenhall Street. London, B.O.) Contains hairless paper, over which the pen slips with perfect freedom Sixpence each. St. per dosen, ruled or plain. New Pocket Size, 3*. per dozen, ruled or plain. Authors should note that The Leadenhall Press, Ltd., cannot be responsible for the loss of MSB by fire or otherwise. Duplicate copies should be retained. ALLEN'S SOLID LEATHER PORTMAN- TEAUS and FITTED SUIT CASKS. ALLEN'S DRESSING BAGS, in CROCO- DILE and MOBOCCO LEATHER, tram Five Guineas upward*. ALLEN'S PORTABLE CAMP and BAR. BACK FUKNITURE for Officers joining. Established 1799. By Appointment to H.K.H. the Prince of Walet. J. W. ALLEN. 87, Strand, London. RUSHTON on SHAKESPEARE. Bound in 1 vol. Comprising :— SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATED by OLD AUTHORS. First and Second Parts. SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATED by the LEX SCKIPTA. First and only Part. SHAKESPEARE'S TESTAMENTARY LANGUAGE. And SHAKEaPEARE EUPHUISM. Price 6s. net. EDWARD HOWELL, S3, Church Street, Liverpool. New Edition, price Two shillings, CELESTIAL MOTIONS: a Handy Book of Astronomy. Ninth Edition. With 8 Plates. Br W. T. LTNN, B.A. F.B.A.8. " Has, we are glad to see, reached a ninth edition, which enables this excellent introduction to the tacts of astronomy to be brought up to date."— Guardian. EDWARD STANFORD, 26and 2T, Oockspur Street, Charing Cross, S.W. Seventh Edition, price Sixpence, oloth, REMARKABLE COMETS: a Brief Survey of the most interesting Facts In the History of Cometaxy Astronomy. By W. T LYNN, B.A. F.K.A.8. EDWARD STANFORD, 26 and 27, Oockspur Street,Charing Cross, S.W. Fourth Edition, feap. Hvo. cloth, price 64. REMARKABLE ECLIPSES: a Sketch of the most interesting Circumstances connected with the Observation of Solar and Lunar Eclipses, both in Ancient and Modern Times. By W. T. LTNN, B.A. F.K.i.S. Loudon : K. (STANFORD, 30and 37, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, S.W. Second Edition, price id. BRIEF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY. By W. T. LTNN, B.A. F.R.A.S. "Conveys a great deal of information without being in any way dry or technical."—Kent.elx Mercury. a. STONEMAN, 89, Warwick Lane, B.C. w. °- BENNETT'S POEMS. The GOLDEN LIBRARY.—Square lflmo. cloth, 3s. CONTRIBUTIONS to a BALLAD HISTORY of ENGLAND. OHATTO A WTNDUS, 110 and 111, St. Martin's Lane, W.C. STICKPHAST PASTE is HEAPS better than Gum for sticking In Scraps, Joining Papers, Ac. Od. and Is. with strong, useful Brush (not a Tor). Send two stamps to cover postage for a sample Bottle, including Brush. Factory, sugar Loaf Court, Leadenhall Street, B.C. Of all Stationers. Stickphast Paste sticks. WM. & GEO. LAW. COFFEE—SUGAR—TEA. 104, NEW OXFORD STREET, W.C.