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9"- S. IV. Nov. 25, '99.] NOTES AND QUERIES. Every SA TVRDA T, of any BookteUer or Neveagent, Price THREEPENCE. THE ATHENiEUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH and FOREIGN LITERATURE and the DRAMA. The ATHENjSVU for November 18 contain! Article! on STETENSON'B LETTERS. BOOK-PRICES CURRENT. COURT SOCIETY In GBOROE II.s KEION. LORD LYTTON'B INDIAN ADMINISTRATION. GREAT BRITAIN and HANOYBR. NEW NOVELS—Red Pottage; The Crown of Life; The Lord of the Harvest. The Ship of Stan; The Slave; The Bread of Tear*. Jenetba's Venture; Charming Miss Kjrle ; A Broken Promise. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATI* HB CHRISTMAS BOOKS. OUR LIBRARY TABLE—LI8T of NEW BOOKS. TESTE SIBYLLA—The NEW PAPYRUS FRAGMENT of ST. JOHNS GOSPEL—FRANCIS and BIFRONS—LONDON LIBRARY CATA- LOGUE—SALE-Tbe COURT of SCAWAGERS. Ano LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE—School-Books; societies; Meetings New Week ; Gossip. FINK ARTS—Sir J. B. Millals's Letters, Excavations at Caerwent, The New Rembrandt; Gossip. MUSIC—The Week; Gossip; Performances Next Week. DRAMA—The Week. The ATHENjEUUfor November 11 contaitu Article! on MR. GOSSE'S LIFE of DONNE. IN MOORISH CAPTIVITY. JOHN HOOK HA M FRBRE and his CIRCLE. FABLE and SONG in ITALY. A NEW LIFE of OROSSETESTE. NEW NOVELS-Act!to Service -, The Pursuit of Camilla; A Passing Fancy; Beyond these Dreams. BOOKS on AFRICA. SCOTTISH FICTION. EASTERN ORIGINS. CHRISTMAS BOOKS. OUTt LIBRARY TABLE-LIST ol NBW BOOKS. A PRESS. CUTTING AGENCY : POOLE'S CORRESPONDENCE ; gray's ' elegy '; sales. Aim LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE— Lord Plavtalr; Library Tabic. Societies; Meetings Next Week; Gossip. FINE ARTS — Christmas Booksi Minor Exhibitions; Anglo*Saxon Cemetery at Holdenbv -, Gossip. Mil SIC—The Week i Gossip; Performances Next Week. DBAMA-The Week; Gossip. OFFICE for ADVERTISEMENTS, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. Published by JOHN C. FRANCIS, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. WHITAKER & SONS' PUBLICATIONS. The DAILY ROUND. Meditation, Prayer, and Praise. Adapted to the Course of the Christian Year. Imperial 32mo. cloth, :it. ; Turkey roan, gilt edges, 4s. fid.; morocco, gilt edges. St. Foolscap 8vo. cloth. 4a. 6d.; Turkey roan, gilt edges, 6s. ; morocco, gilt edges, '.is. This favourite Manual is isifued in Ten Editions, ranging In size from the t-mallest potket Prayer Book to a large octavo, printed in very plain type, suitable for aged people whose eye- sight is failing. Some of the editions are handsomely printed with red-line borders, Ac The DAILY PSALMS. Vol. I. Morn- 1NG; Vol. IL EVENIAG. Each Volume complete in itself (sold separately); Meditations for Every Day in the Year. By the Author of 'The Daily Round.' Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 4j. 6d.; Persian roan, gilt edges, 6*.; morocco.' gilt edges, 9s, A Smaller Edition for the Pocket, imperial 32mo is also ready, cloth, Si.; Persian roan, gilt edges, 4s. (id ; morocco, fix. DAILY LIFE: its Trials, Duties, and DIFFICULT!!■ B. Short Practical Essays, lly the Author of'The Dally Round.' Fcap Svo. cloth, 4>. 6d.: roan, gilt edges, 6#.; morocco, gilt edges, '.is. The BOOK of PRIVATE PRAYER. Issued by Authority of the Lower House, uf Convocation, of the Province of Canterbury. I. Short Forms of Daily Prayer for those .having Little Time. Cloth, 6ot.; roan, gilt edges, lr. 6dV II, Forms for Use Twice Daily, with Prayers fur Various "cautions. Cloth. 2r.; roan, gilt* edges, 3s. 6d. III. Forms for Use Seven Times Daily. A New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Cloth, 3s.; roan, gilt edges, 4s. 6d. The NARROW WAY. A Complete Manual of Devotion. With a Guide to Confirmation and Holy Communion. 48mo. cloth, 6d.; or neatly bound in roan, with gilt edges, Is. 6et. Large-Type Edition, 18mo. cloth, Is., or neatly bound in roan, gilt edges, 2*. In very bold type, strongly bound in cloth, 7</. The HOLY COMMUNION. By the Rev. W. H. RIDLEY, M.A, Floe-Paper Edition, cloth, red edges, Is.; Persian roan, gilt edges; 2s. The UNCANONICAL and APO- CRYPHAL SCRIPTURES. By the Rev. W. R. CHURTON, B.D., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, Canon of the Cathedral of St. Albans, and Examining Chaplain of the Bishop. Large post 8vo. pp. 60S, cloth, 7*. 6d. Crown 8vo. pp. 620, cloth, Persian morocco back, top edge gilt, or, CLASSICAL and FOREIGN QUO I'ATKINS, Law Terms and Maxima, Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases and Expressions in French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Spanish, and Portuguese. With Translations, Reference*, Kxplanatory Notes, and Indexes. By WM. FRANCIS HKNKY KING, M.A. Oh. Oh. Oxford. London: 12, Warwick Lane, E.C.