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9* & 1V/DEO. 16,'90.] NOTES AND QUERIES. PHE PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY. Patrvnt.—The Archbishops of Canterbury and of York, and nearly til the Blshopa. Council.—Lord Hawkesbar?, O E. Cokarne. Clareneeux, Her Canon Mayo, J. C. Challenor Smith, Esq., Francis Collies, M.D., O. V Mar* •hall, Rouge Crni x. J. Paul Rolands, Esq. It'-'i. Treat.—W. F. Irvine, Esq.. 4. Baton Road. Blrkenhead. Hon. See.— E. A. Fry. Esq., 17;.'. Edmund Street, Birmingham. Formed for the purpose of transcribing and printing the Parish Registers of England and Wales. Prospectus and full particulars from the Hon. Sec. Subscription II. Is. per annum. C ULLETON'S HERALDIC OFFICE, 92, PICCADILLY, London, W. (formerly 2fi, Cranbonm Street). OENBALOOICAL RESEAHCHES. Heraldry: English and Forcijrn. Genealogical CharU Engrossed. Sketches and Paintings of Arms and Crests. Engraving Department: Book-plates, Seals, Dies, Livery Buttons, Crested Stationery, Visiting Cards, Ac. SPECIMENS FREE. 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