Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/538

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560 INDEX. Notes and Queriei, Jan. 20,1900. Dilke (Lady) on ' Pyramus and Thisbe,' 267, 400 " When all the world was young, love ! " 258 Dillon (6.) on companions of Cortes, 499 Dillon (James), first Earl of Roscommon, his descendants, 89, 151 Dings=small shops, in York, Beverley, and Hull, 181, 270 Dipsall, its etymology, 381 Disraeli. See Beaconsfield. Dobbs (E. W.) on riming warning for book-borrowers, 153 Doctor as a Christian name, 518 Dodd (Ralph) and the Thames Tunnel, 419, 467 Dogger Bank, origin of the name, 106 Donsel=page or young gentleman, 168, 294 Doran (Dr.), editor of ' N. & Q.,' 1872-78, 368 Dornheim (Carl), engraver, 228 Dorrington (Richard) inquired after, 188 Dorset (C. Sackville, sixth Earl of), 71, 446 Douglas (James Douglas Stoddart), 1793-1875, 539 Douglas (Win.) on Bristol Theatre, 92 Fetworth and the Percies, 35 ' This House to be Sold,' 156 Dover, Smith's Folly at, 34 Dover (Thomas), M.D., his biography, 397 ' Down among the Dead Hen,' picture in Royal Academy, 24,112 Downing (W.) on ' A Day's Ride,' 517 Dozzil or dossil, 479 Drake (H.) on "to hele," 408 Drake (H. H.) on Carminow, 325 Drake (Sir Francis), 281 Harrington (Elizabeth, Lady), 264 Parish registers, 211 St. Pol (Earls of), 445 Drake (Sir Francis), his biography, 281 Dreyfus, origin of the name, 186 Drury (C.) on Susannah Drury, 109 Musical epitaph, 305 Drury (Susannah), artist, 109 Dryden, sonnet on, 143, 252 Dublin, death-rate at, 34 ; bleeding image in Christ Church, 127, 311, 407, 527 Dudley family, their arms, 398, 484, 545 Duel in 1698, 497 Doff(WilUam), his biography, 328, 401 Dunheved on pock-fretten, 514 Durand (C. J.) on ' The Ked, White, and Blue,' 503 Dutchman, the Flying, origin of the legend, 194 Dyddian'r Cwn = dog-days, 208, 277 Dyer (A. y.) on Buckeridge family, 518 Stephens (Henry), his biography, 348 DyBon : Colet, 111 E. (C.) on Rev. Richard Butler, 406 E. (K. P. D.) on scarlet in the hunting field, 48 Eale, its etymology, 55 Earl Marshal's Court, 381, 462 Easter egg and rabbit, their association, 91 EaBton (Cardinal), his arms, 519 Easton (W. M. G.) on Wigmore family, 640 Ebsworth (J. W.) on song 'A Trap for a Scold,' 420 Edgcumbe (R.) on " Le mot de Cambronne," 355 Relic of Napoleon, 136 Edge Hill, snow on battle-field of, 146, 197 Edgett surname, 177 Edward II., life of, by Sir Francis Hubert, 9 Edwards (Edward), and free libraries, 268 ; portrait of, 381 Eggiste=magpie, 307, 357 Eldin (Lord), anecdotes concerning, 443 Electoral nomination, 496 "Elixir Vitae " in fiction, 187, 257 Elizabeth (Queen), scandal concerning, 187, 272, 541 Ellacombe (H. N.) on ' An Apology for Cathedral Service,' 524 Weather-lore, 486 Elliston (Thos.) on instrumental choir, 12 Elworthy (F. T.) on archaeological rarity, 214 Hele: to hele, 174 Ignorami, 395 " Misegun beans," 462 Piert, its etymology, 461 Embalming milk, preservative practice, 495 Emmas at Hull Fair, 381 Encyclopaedias, their compilation, 126 " Energetic Old Man," "The Christian Knight," 518 English family, 398 English rimes to foreign words, 193 Engraving, steel and copper, 13 Engraving of Harrogate Spa, 209 Entwisle family, 438, 523 Epigram:— " Two men wrote a lexicon," 56 Epitaphs :— " Bold Infidelity, turn pale and die ! " 268, 332, 423 " Earthly cavern, to thy keeping," 230, 403 Gawsworth, co. Chester, 345, 522 Harris (Ann), 326 "I, nimiuin dilecta, vocat Deus," 47, 97, 155 Musical: " To the down-bow of death," 305, 447 " My quivering lips," 476 Prittlewell Churchyard, 326, 427, 504 " Reader, wonder thinke it none," 491 " Si sapis, attonitus sacro decode sepulchro," 492, Weston (Right Hon. E.) in Somerby Church, 6 " Why here i Why not ? 'tis holy ground," 218 Europe, eastern boundary line of, 477 Evans (Sir Hugh), a Gloucestershire worthy, 57 Evans (J.) on "Three Pound Twelve," 443 Everitt (A. T.) on Petworth and the Percies, 35 Roos and Cromwell families, 440 Evreux (Earls of), their genealogy, 348, 428, 541 Expensarius, 168, 294 Eyre and Blount families, 438 V. (A.) on pattens, 325 F. (C. L.) on eastern boundary line of Europe, 477 F. (J. C.) on early history of bicycle, 167 F. (J. T.) on bellringers' rimes, 447 Foot outlines as records of pilgrimage, 464 Grooves on walls of churches, 417 London churches, 466 Pens, nibs, and nebs, 172 F. (K. St. C.) on Blakemore, near Crewkerne, 519 Ford family of Bagtor and Ember Court, 128 F. (R.) on religious foundation at Shere, 12 F. (8. J. A.) on authorship of 'The Red, White, and Blue,' 231, 502 " My lodging is on the cold ground," 505