Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/276

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NOTES AND QUERIES. p* s. v. APML 7, im

were connected with Bedfordshire during the great Civil War ? I wish to learn some- thing of Col. Richard Cockayne, under whom John Bunyan served in the Parliamentary garrison of Newport Pagnell. Was he a kinsman of the Rev. George Cockayn of Cople, minister of the church in Red Cross Street, who saw ' The Acceptable Sacrifice ' through the press when Bunyan died leaving it still unpublished ? May I also ask whether anything is known of the Major Boulton under whom Bunyan was serving in March, 1645? MABEL PEACOCK.


TOBACCO. Can any of the readers of 'N. & Q. 5 afford information respecting the whereabouts of the extensive collection of cuttings, &c., relating to tobacco, made by the late William Bragge 1 An inspection of the same would be invaluable in the prepara- tion of my bibliography of the "weed."


60, Farleigh Road, Stoke Newington, N.

THROWING A BONNET OVER THE WINDMILLS. In an article on Dickens, copied into an American paper, Mr. Andrew Lang, speaking of ' Dombey and Son,' says :

"Elsewhere I have ventured to point out that, in my opinion, Edith had already thrown her bonne over the windmills with Mr. Carker, before her elopement."

The italics are mine. The correctness, or otherwise, of Mr. Lang's opinion is not in question, nor is his meaning dubious ; he believes that Mrs. Dombey had compromise^: herself before she left home. But why di( he choose this expression ? Is there any thing in folk-speech or literature as a basi for it; or did Mr. Lang invent it ? M. C. L. New York.

[" ' Jeter son bonnet par-dessus les moulins.' L vulgaire se sert de ce quolibet, dit Oudin, lorsqu'i ne sait plus comment finir un recit. Aujourd hu cela signifie sortir de ses habitudes, prendre u grand parti " (Le Roux de Lincy, ' Livre de Proverbes Fran9ais,' 1859, ii. 154). Some recpllectioi of " Jeter le froc aux orties," spoken familiarly o one who has abandoned monastic vows in favou of an irregular life, seems suggested.]

OLD AND NEW STYLE OF CHRONOLOGY. 13 March, being 29 February O.S., marks th enlargement by one day of the difference be tween the styles, the Eastern Church bein now thirteen instead of twelve days behin the time. Thus Old Lady Day is now 7 in stead of 6 April, Old May Day 14 May, Ol Lammas Day 14 Aug., Old Michaelmas Da 12 Oct., and Old Christmas Day will be 7 Jan 1901, having been 6 Jan., 1900. But is no Lord Mayor's Day in this category 1 My im

>ression is that 9 Nov. represents 28 Oct. O.S.;

so, the day must have been 8 Nov. from

752 till 1800, and must henceforth be 10 Nov., lough I see that 'Whitaker's Almanack,' hich gives the other dates in question as bove, still describes the 9th as Lord fayor's Day. Perhaps MR. LYNN or some ther correspondent will correct me if I am

wrong. W. E. B.

[See ante, p. 265.]

TERMS IN ANCIENT LEASE. In the unpub- ished MS. of Earl Cow per relating to the bbey of St. John's, Colchester, there is a ease of the manor in Barley, Herts, belong- ng to the abbey, and dated the " Wednesday )efore the Feast of St. Peter-in-Cathedra in he V year of Edward II." (1312). It is fol- owed by a memorandum to the effect that )he "religious men," besides (according to agreement) allowing all the chattels in the manor to remain to Bartholomew de Enefeud, int., the lessee, for his convenience, further et the following also remain :

' Duo plumba pendencia in bracino et unam unam ad salem et unum algeum pro eodem duas /abulas mensales pro magno stanno unam tabulam

dormitoriam unum par trestallorum unum bussellum igneum dim[idium] bussellum unum algeum pro


I shall be glad to receive help over the two plwnba. Again, algeus does not appear in the iictionaries. Is it a measure of some sort ? What is meant by " pro magno stanno " ? If tin, what tin would it be ? J. F. W.

Barley Rectory, Herts.

BLAKE'S IRON RAILWAY. In Manning and Bray's 'Surrey,' s.v. ' Wandsworth,' mention is made of a view of the " iron railway " by Blake. Any information about this view will be gratefully received. LIBRARIAN.

PARISH BOUNDARIES. In Thomas Ran- dolph's 'Poems,' fifth edition, Oxford, 1668, p. 91, we read :

They look like yonder man of wood, that stands To bound the limits of the parish-lands.

Are any such wooden effigies known ?

W. C. B.

CHILDREN ON BRASSES. H. Rider Haggard, in ' Doctor Theme,' says :

" Let him [the reader] look at the brasses in our old churches and among the number of children represented on them as kneeling behind their parents ; let him note what a large proportion pray with their hands open. Of these, the most, I believe, were cut off by smallpox."

Is there any evidence in support of this supposition? There is nothing unusual in praying with the hands open. The celebrant