Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/343

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s .v. APRIL 28, i9oo.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

they have but to bargain with the baker, when the first Good Friday of the twentieth century approaches, that he supply the buns, as of yore, plain and spiced.


WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, iii order that the answers maybe addressed to them direct.

" INTIMIDATED THRONES." CasselPs ' En- cyclopaedic Dictionary' of 1885 (afterwards issued with a new title-page and rechristened ' Lloyd's Encyclopedic Dictionary,' 1895) illus- trates the verb intimidate by the passage Why do ye quake, intimidated thrones ?

Wordsworth, ' Excursion,' book vii.

This passage has not been supplied for the 4 New English Dictionary,' and does not occur in any edition of the ' Excursion ' known to us, either in book vii. or anywhere else. Can any Wordsworthian tell us where it is to be found 1 Or does it perchance belong to some earlier draft of the poem 1 ? The only words approaching it in the * Excursion ' are these (in book vii.) :

Ye thrones that have defied remorse, and cast Pity away, soon shall ye quake with fear.

Here we have the " quake " and the " thrones," but these are not yet " intimidated."

J. A. H. MURRAY. Oxford. '

DBS CARTES'S 'SYSTEM OF DEMONOLOGY.' A. Hamilton in his ' East Indies ' says he saw " in a temple at Arnoy, painted in fresco on a wall, according to Des Cartes's ' System of Demono- logy,'"arepresentation of hell with the demons in the "same shapes and figures as are in the cuts of that book ; better represented than I saw it in a church at Antwerp." What is known of Des Cartes's * Demonology ' 1


Garrick Club.

ST. CHRISTOPHER. Can you give me the author of the poem on the legend of St. Christopher beginning

" Carry me across ! " The Syrian heard, rose up, and braced His huge limbs to the accustom'd toil. " My child ! see how the waters boil," &c., and also tell me where the said poem can be obtained ? COCKLE SHELL.

INFECTIOUS DISEASE AMONG CATTLE. Is anything known of an infectious disease

which seems to have affected cattle in 1748-9 1 I copy from the 'Registers of Burton Fleming,' lately published by the Yorkshire Parish Re- gister Society. At p. 78, at the end of a terrier, the following occurs :

" The infectious distemper among Horn Cattle which rag d in almost all ye counties in England began at North Burton, February, 1748, and ceased again in June, 1749, in w ch time there died in ye said Toun about ye number of 150 Cattle."

In those days, when cattle were not so plentiful, 150 is a large number of deaths in one year, and would entail a great loss on the village.

W. B.

VALENTINES. Having recently added to my collection of early valentines a quaint specimen, which seems to have been made in Nuremberg in the first half of the present century, I should like to know if any of the readers of *N. & Q.' can identify the maker by the inscription on the lower right-hand margin, which is " Nurnberg ba Riedel," or can say if similarly inscribed valentines are known to them. My copy is numbered twelve, and is probably one of a series.


Rowfant Club, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.

MRS. BILLINGTON AS ST. CECILIA. Where is this picture by Reynolds now to be found ? Waagen, in his 'Treasures of Art in Great Britain,' speaks of it as being in the collection of the Marquis of Lansdowne at Bowood, but he is evidently confusing it with Reynolds's picture of Mrs. Sheridan as St. Cecilia, which is there. SENGA.

HENRY MOUTLOWE, M.P. This person was Fellow of King's College, LL.D., Professor of Law at Gresham College, and M.P. and Public Orator for the University of Cambridge. His will was proved 29 Oct., 1634. His second wife, whom he married in 1607, was Margaret, widow of Richard Love, of Cambridge, and mother of the Rev. Richard Love, Dean of Ely, who married Grace Moutlowe, his daughter by his first wife. Who was Henry Moutlowe's first wife, and what other issue had they ? SIGMA TAU.

JOHN CHOLMLEY, M.P. for South wark from 1698 till his death, 25 October, 1711. His brother Lewin died 29 March, 1731. They appear to have been a family of brewers in Southwark. Is anything known of them ?


Leigh, Lancashire.

COSTUME. I possess a couple of miniatures drawn in the early part of this century and believed to be of clergymen, but they have