Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/423

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9* s. V.MAY 26,



'THE FISHERMAN OF LAKE SEMAPEE.' Can you tell me the name of the author of a pathetic story entitled 'The Fisherman of Lake Semapee,' which appeared in Once a Week, 22 August, 1863 1 The tale has been attributed for years to Charles Dickens. It is based on facts that I am familiar with, which facts are believed to have become known to the great novelist while on his visit to the United States in 1842. Do you know whether this story has appeared in any other English publication ?


MUGGLETONIAN WRITINGS. I should be glad if any of your readers who are con- versant with the history of the Great Re- bellion, more particularly the history of the numerous religious sects which flourished during that unhappy period, can inform me if Ludoyick Muggleton left any writings or manuscripts concerning the doctrines of the particular sect named after him, and where they are to be found. G. H. T.

[No mention of such is made in the life, by the Rev. Alexander Gordon, in the ' Diet. Nat. Biog.']


When unto dying eyes The casement slowly grows a glimmering square.

What is the exact significance of this ? Is it the growth of light or the failure of vision ?

H. T.

" ROLLICK." Has this word standard value as a substantive 1 The query is prompted by the following sentence in Emeritus Professor Masson's 'De Quincey,' chap. xi. p. 145 (" English Men of Letters ") :

" A sense of fun follows him into his most serious disquisitions, and reveals itself in freaks of playful- ness and jets of comic fancy ; and, once or twice, as in his ' Murder considered as One of the Fine Arts,' he breaks into sheer extravagance or wild and pro- tracted rollick."

The verb " rollick " and the adjective " rol- licking" are common enough, but the noun " rollick," as here presented by Dr. Masson, does not wear the aspect of an old acquaint- ance. THOMAS BAYNE.

MURIEL. I shall feel obliged to any one who can tell me the origin and meaning of this name. C. C. STEVENSON.


DWNN OF DWYNN, RADNORSHIRE. Mr. Gosse, in his work on John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's, says, " It is pure conjecture that the Dean was descended from the ancient family of the Dwnns of Dwynn, in Radnor- shire/' Of this conjecture, arid of the exist-

ence of the Radnorshire family of Dwnn of Dwynn, the mention made by Mr. Gosse is the first that has come before the writer of this query. Mr. Gosse speaks as if the Rad- norshire family were distinct from that family of Dwnn, Donne, or Dunne, of Carmarthen- shire, Glamorganshire, &c., whose arms and crest the Dean bore. Can 'N. & Q.' furnish any information as to the Radnorshire family referred to by Mr. Gosse, its arms, length of residence at Dwynn, and whether Dywnn is an old house, and in what part of Radnor- shire it is situated 1 G. D. D. Brigade-Major's House, North Camp, Aldershot.

' THE WHITE MAN'S BURDEN,' BY KIPLING. Can you tell me the paper or periodical in which this poem came out ? Has it been pub- lished in England 1 I have only seen quota- tions from it, and want to obtain a copy.

A. P.

[It appeared in America in McClure's for Feb- ruary, 1899, according to the ' Kipling Primer,' but no English publication is mentioned.]

CHARLES CLUTTERBUCK was admitted to Westminster School on 22 Jan., 1770. Any particulars concerning him are desired.

G. F. R. B.

SAMUEL HEMINGWAY was admitted to West- minster School on 1 Aug., 1770. Can any correspondent of ' N. & Q.' give me informa- tion concerning him 1 G. F. R. B.

" PASTOPHORIA." Josephus (' Wars,' iv. 9, 12) uses this word in this connexion :

"One large tower was erected above the top

of the Pastophoria, where one of the priests usually stood with a trumpet," &c.

This is Whiston's translation, and "Pasto- phoria " is not translated in the last revision of Josephus, that by Shilleto, in " Bohn's Standard Library." The position, in what is now known as the Haram area, is the south-east angle, where tradition places the pinnacle of the Temple on which our Saviour was placed in vision. What was the " Pasto- phoria"] W. S. CALDECOTT. Mowbray, Cape Town.

\_Pastophorium is the priests' chambers or apart- ments of the Temple.]

ALMSHOUSES IN SAVAGE GARDENS, TRINITY SQUARE. I am told they were pulled down many years ago. Can any correspondent say whose almshouses they were, and if they were rebuilt elsewhere ? C. G. PORT.

ASSEMBLY RULES. I understand Charles Dickens wrote a short account of some quaint assembly rules, to be seen in the Museum at