Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/543

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.



B. (G. F. R.) on Campbell (Colin), his biography, 476

Clutterbuck (Charles), his biography, 415

De Cardonnel (G. R.), his biography, 247

Delaval (George), his biography, 188

Feary(?), 435

Fonblanque (J. A.), his biography, 247

Hemington (Nicholas), his biography, 47

Hemingway (Samuel), his biography, 415

Hogarth, his ' Sigismunda,' 74

Holmes (Walter), his biography, 27

Leyborne (Shippen), his biography, 435

Low (Thomas, Leonard, and Sampson), 289

Mercer (Francis), his biography, 47

Monger (John), his biography, 67

Powell (Thomas), his biography, 67

Travers (Peter), his biography, 27

Uvedale (Dr. Robert), his biography, 275 B. (H. J.) on contributors to vol. i. 'N. & Q.,' 90

Corporation, oldest trading, 345

Genius and large families, 480

Jesso, meaning and origin of the word, 88 B. (H. T.) on Widow Blackacre, 228

Boothby (" Prince "), 127

Card-matches, 88

China, price paid for, 249

Crown Office, 249

Declaratory Act, 337

" Esto perpetua," 337

French society in the last century, 67, 501

Gerard (Lady), 209

Gordon (Father), his biography, 28

Letters on the English Nation,' 186

Lighthouse sinecure, 289

Lyttelton (George, Lord), his ' Dialogues of the Dead,' 89

Pope (Alexander), his " Love-letters," 147

Rackstrow's old man, 269

Reynolds's ' Infant Academy,' 397

St. Martin's parish, its extent, 397

  • Sale of Authors,' 376

Sandwich (Lady) and Lord Rochester, 356

Sidney, Young, and Brownlow, 8

Spanish ambassador, 269

Titles, empty, 355

Tomb in Berkeley Church, 375

Trollope (Mr.) in Gray's 'Letters,' 228

Winstanley's wonders, 128 B. (J.) on Plugenet family, 400 B. (J. G.) on picture by Cruikshank, 148 B. (J. P.) on 4 The Pen,' journal of literature, 49 B. (Q.) on Flemish weavers, 442 B. (R.) on " Dan Chaucer," 76

Curate, a chained, 165

De Benstede or Bensted family, 115

Fahrenheit thermometer, 289, 463

Up, use of the word, 196

Volant as a Christian name, 293

Volunteers, English, serving abroad, 164

Winstanley's wonders, 237 B r (R.) on old wooden chest, 275

Hoodock, its meaning, 113

Lighthouse, firsr, British, 295

Middlin', its meaning, 218 B. (W.) on churches built of unhewn stone, 154

Infectious disease among cattle, 335 B. (W. Q.) on alum trade, 295

B. (W. C.) on April Fools' Day, 247

" Bernardus non vidit omnia," 441

Butt, counterfoil of a cheque, 443

Contributors to vol. i. ' N. & Q.,' 89

Crew (Sir Clipsby), 286

Dickens (Charles), his critics' errors, 45

1 Dictionary of National Biography,' 143, 472

Elizabethan terms, 366

Farntosh, its meaning, 385

Form of intercession : War in South Africa, 184

Goat in folk-lore, 360

Gray (Thomas) and Horace Walpole, 51

Green fairies : Woolpit green children, 155

" Hognayle " money, 459

Kidcoat ; Kitcote = a prison, 499

Letter- writing, 166

Mazes cut in turf, 504

Men wearing earrings, 191

Parish boundaries, 268

Pillillew, use of word, 485

Priest : To priest, 10, 191

Wooden horee, military punishment, 253 B. (W. E.) on chronology, old and new style, 268, 401 B. (W. G.) on Adelbright, Rex Norfolcife, 89 Babies' nails, cutting, 375, 500 Baddeley (St. C.) on " Blood of Hailes," 351, 431 Baer (F. H.) on valentines, 335 Baily (J.) on gipsies in England, 276 Baker (S.) on Vice-Admiral, 461

Bellringers' rimes, 93 Baldock (G. Y.) on Mayfair marriages, 65

Norman gizer, 383

Tavistock Chapel, 452

Ball (F. E. ) on George and Richard Adderley, 323 Ball (H. H.) on O'More family, 271

' Wearin' o' the Green,' 405 Ball games, Italian, 207

Bally and ballyrag, use and meaning of the words, 48 Banbury Churchyard, epitaph in, 434 Banners, silk, preservation of, 131 Baphomet, treatment of the word in the 'H.E.D.,' 167 Baptism and marriage superstitions, 54 Bar-At-Gin & Co., the name, 249, 297 Bar Gate of Southampton, arms on, 89, 292 Barcelona, anti-Jewish survival in, 315 Barckley, his ' Felicitie of Man,' 1631, story in, 4 Barker (W. R.) on pictures made of handwriting, 255 Barns Elms House, advertisement concerning, 312 Barnyard for farmyard, 343 Baronets, number of, in each reign, 114, 157 Basque book of Genesis, 396, 442 Basque song, the oldest, 470 Bath, Order of the, 50 Bathetic, its derivation and use, 26 Batsueins, its etymology, 288, 384 Battle sheaves, 230, 296, 382

Baudelaire, English translations of his poems, 375, 483 Baxter (John) on Shakespeariana, 393 Bayard, Blind, 356, 441, 506 Bayley (A. R.) on Baphomet, its meaning, 167

Grimgibber : Grimgribber, 237

Poe (E. A.), his 'Hop-Frog,' 155

Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, 69

Sidbury, Devon, 47

Bayly (W. J.) on biography of Lieut. Van Schaick, 68 Bayne (C. S.) on Ruskin on taste, 86