Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/560

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.

O'More family, 271

' On a Pincushion,' child's book, 7

One and all, Cornish inotto, 148, 424

Open spaces, Chadwick and Carlyle on, 286, 397

Order of the Bath, 50

Orientation of the fabrics of churches in England, 104

Ould (8. G.) on ' Hail, Queen of Heaven,' 28

Ouseley (Sir William) on Omar Khayya"m, 6

Overton (F. J.) on Dr. Johnson's birthplace, 452

Owen (D.) on jury in nautical terms, 426

Owen (J. P.) on " Comparisons are odious," 292

Hallam's riddle, 332

Oxford, origin and antiquity of the name, 69, 249, 517 P. (A.) on Kipling's ' White Man's Burden,' 415 P. (A. F.) on Stafford family, 12 P. (E. A.) on island of Jesso, 191 P. (F.) on regimental nicknames, 104 P. (F. J.) on gunpowder in China, 516 P. (H. A.) on French prisoners, 381 P. (H. B.) on Elverton Manor, 406

Familiar French quotations, 398, 461

Misquotation from ' The Deserted Village,' 115

Misquotation in ' N. & Q.,' 45

St. Martin's parish, extent of, 479 P. (J.) on petition against the use of hops, 376

Percival, origin of the surname, 376 P. (J. B.) on arms of Merioneth, 524

Earl's Palace, Orkney Islands, 486

Gordon (Duchess of), her biography, 460 P. (M.) on plashed hedges, 127

Moral pockethandkerchiefs, 147

Vine=a flexible shoot, 47 P. (R. B.) on F. E. Accum, 458

Blake's iron railway, 443

Box-irons, 104

Curzon Chapel, Mayfair, 227

Newsham's fire-engine, 207

Open spaces in towns, 286

Palmer's portable pens, 515

Railway tickets, workmen's cheap, 452

St. George's, Bloomsbury, 333

Steam engine, its early history, 64

' Tom Bowling,' 474

Tyre, its meaning, 516

Waterproof clothing, 294 P. (S.) on Thomas Johnson, 476 P. (S. L.) on poker virtue, 1 73 Page (J. T.) on Belle Sauvage, 426

Chest, old wooden, 1 96

Chaucer, " Dan," 76

Contributors to vol. i. ' N. & Q.,' 90

Eighteenth-century ' History of England,' 276

End : An end, 277

February fill-dyke, 384

Hanover Square Concert Rooms, 493

Horning, ancient Scottish rite, 51

Inscriptions in Brightwell Church, 275

Jarndyce v. Jarndyce, 156

Johnson (Dr.), his birthplace, 505

Jubilee number of ' N. & Q.,' 197 Lady shoemakers, 157 Lambert (General) in Guernsey, 91 Lincoln's Inn Fields, 53 Mawkin, its meaning, 394 Mazes cut in turf, 445 Mistakes, artists', 33

Page (J. T.) on 'New Critical Review of Public Buildings,' 114

Oakham Castle and its horseshoes, 130

Parnell, poet, his family, 97

Rimes, nursery, 216

St. Eanswyth, 8, 155

St. Mary's, Moorfields, 76

St. Michael's Church, Bassishaw, 113

St. Pancras's Church, Canterbury, 178

Shepherdess Walk, 115

Sock : To sock=to thrash, 53

" Soft as a toad," 54

Wroth silver, 112 Paint, process for removing, 274 Palamedes on ancestors, 479

Basque song, oldest, 470

Brothers bearing same Christian name, 54

St. Helen, Queen of England, 129

Waits and gaitas, their etymology, 5 Palk (Robert), Governor of Fort St. George, 207 Palmer (A. S.) on "Be the day weary," 407

Erlik Khan, Tibetian Pluto, 395

Horns of Moses, 284

Melek Taus, idol deity, 336

Putrem, < JEneid,' viii. 596, 383

Quotations, verifying, 333

Sun's motion, rate of, 89 Palmer (J. F.) on ancient dogs, 523

Picts and Scots, 419

Shakespeare and Cicero, 463

  • Wearin' o' the Green,' 316

Palmer (W. M.) on payment of larksilver, 376

Papaw, origin of the word, 32 Palmer's portable pens, 515 Parallel passages, 373 Parish and other accounts, 63, 207, 513 Parish boundaries, 268

Parish registers in France, earliest date of, 516 Parker (George), astrologer, and John Partridge,

almanac- maker, 6

Parliament, a voteless candidate for, 413 Parnell (Archdeacon Tho.), poet, his family, 33, 97 Parry family, 132

Parry (G. S.) on arms at Claverley, 87 Parry (J. H.) on Parry family, 132 Parsimony, its correct spelling, 215 Partridge (John), almanac-maker, his legal action

against George Parker, astrologer, in 1700, 6 Pasquils or pasquinades, original meaning of, 5, 57 Pastille-burner, china, 4

Pastophorium = priests' chambers of the Temple, 415 Pater (John), Major-General, 107, 158, 320 Paterson (A.) on brothers bearing the same Christian name, 322

Clock, old, 480

Mistakes, artists', 33

Year 1900 and the styles, 46 Patty Moon's Walk at Tunbridge Wells, 186 Paul I., Emperor of Russia, account of his murder, 23 Pavement, iron, in London, 52 Pavilion, use and meaning of the word, 354 Pax on pictures composed of handwriting, 255 Payen- Payne (De V.) on ' Ye King of Arms,' 234 Payne (W.) on London volunteers, 371

Traeth Mawr, reclamation of, 257 Peace (John), ' Apology for Cathedral Service,' 10, 138