Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/563

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.




From the contagion of the world's slow stain, 397

God bless the king ! God bless, &c., 388

High Heaven itself our impious rage assails, 109

His time a moment, and a point his space, 58

How often must it weep, how often burn ! 109

In Iceland, where the surface is of snow, 397

Is Thomas Hardy nowadays ? 396

Let each man learn to know himself, 497

My name is Norval, 200

Neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring, 125,

290, 437 Nil actum, 106

Non est factus mundus in tempore, sed cum tern- pore, 496

On Stainmore's wintry wild, 210 Our wishes lengthen as our sun declines, 397, 527 Remember me is all I ask, 210 So odd, my country's ruin made me grave, 109,


That fadeth not away, 1 Peter i. 4, v. 4, 513 That one small head should carry all he knew, 115 The wind would blow, had I my will, 210 These are imperial works, and worthy kings, 109,


They eat and drink and scheme and plod, 317 To be contented is the only plan, 457 Video meliora proboque, 40 Whatever sweets Sabsean springs disclose, 109,

219 Quotations, verification of, 333 ; familiar French, 336,

398, 461, 478 ; collection of Biblical, 426, 484 E- metathesis in O.E., 81 E. on Bloody Monday, 377 E. (A. F.) OR bottled Burton ale, 67

Whiskers = moustache, 88 K. (D.) on soldier ancestors, 496 E. (D. M.) on ' Adventures in the Moon,' 128 Anchylostomeasis, its meaning, 28 Bedingfield family, 68 Bully, football term, 9 " Far cry to Loch Awe," 130 E. (F. E.) on inscriptions on statues, 168 E. (G. H.) on Bohun : Plugenet families, 269 E. (J. H.) on Hoastik carles, 72 E. (T.) on Earl's Palace, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, 426 E n on English travellers in Savoy, 58

Voltaire engraving, 95

"Rackstrow's old man " and museum, 269, 366, 485 Eadcliffe (J.) on Adelbright, Rex Norfolciae, 257 Crornie (Sir Michael), his biography, 136 Emery family, 174 Leith halfpenny, 466 Prince of Wales, title of, 214 Venn (Eev. Henry) and Lord Mountford, 38 Eadford (W. L.) on Trask's ' History of Norton-sub

Hamdon,' 451

Rae (W. F.) on Mr. Dilke on Junius, 21 Eailway tickets, workmen's cheap, 452 Ralegh (Sir Walter), engraved portraits of, 68 Eatclifle (T.) on end : an end, 137 February fill-dyke, 502 Ghosts and suicides, 462 " Green-eyed monster," 406 Heel-ball or cobblers' wax, 256 Marriage and baptism superstitions, 54

latcliffe (T.) on "Neither fish, nor flesh, nor good

red herring,' 290 Pillillew, its meaning, 372 Poker virtue, 173

"Prooshan Blue " in * Pickwick,' 452 Sock : To sock=to thrash, 53 Toad mugs, 198 Layrnonde on " Dan " Chaucer, 27 lead (F. W.) on Egyptian chessmen, 111, 341 Field- Marshals in the British army, 91 Hanky-panky, 175 Mouse, Isaiah Ixvi. 17, 487 leade (A. L.) on Russell family, 187 ~.eade family, 68, 175 .eardon (Lieut.), his biography, 288 ,edmond (P.) on pedigree of Lords of Cardigan, 416 led neck, applied to Eoinan Catholics in Lancashire,


leeve (E. H. L.) on Sir Nathaniel Eich, 249 Regimental mottoes, 389

Regimental nicknames, 104, 161, 224, 263, 377, 438 leid (A. G.) on cordwainer, its derivation, 14 'Dr. Syntax,' 151 Farntosh, its origin, 136 Great oath, Scottish term, 13 Long and young family, 333 Eeid (G. E.) on " Be the day weary," 249 Reinle (K. E.) on end : an end, 277

Gothic spaurds, 273 Remote as a Christian name, 8 Renfred as a Christian name, 375, 460 Reporter, earliest journalistic use of the word, 516 [leredos : Lardose, 455

Reynolds (Sir Joshua), his ' Infant Academy,' 397 Rich (Sir Nathaniel), his biography, 249 Richardson family, 149

Richardson (W. C.) on Irish Fearagurthok, 108 Eiding in Prussia, 494

Rimes, nursery, 27, 93, 216 ; bellringers', 93 Rivett-Carnac (J. H.) on military despatch, 434

Vice- Admiral, office of, 252 Robbins (A.. F.) on early mention of actresses, 514 Britain as " Queen of Isles," 369 " Comparisons are odious," 292 Defoe (Daniel), his financial difficulties, 285 Dickens and Yorkshire schools, 464 Editors, evolution of, 425 Football on Shrove Tuesday, 402 French prisoners of war in England, 465- King of Bantam, 18 Mr. Attorney, 474 Moral pockethandkerchiefs, 423 Newspaper, earliest use of word, 34 Partridge (John), almanac-maker, 6 Politician, use of the word, 500 Prime Minister, 94

Prince of Wales as Duke of Cornwall, 4 Eeporter, use of the word, 516 Shakespeariana, 63 Skaits^ skates, 374 Slang, first use of the word, 212 Stamp collecting, 404 Stop-press editions, 8 Eoberts (Lord) and Suwarrow, 454, 521 Eoberts (W.) on Barns Elms House, 312 Board of Green Cloth, clerks of, 51