Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/567

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.



Stuart (Sir Robert and Sir Wm.), 336, 402 Sturge (J. M.) on lines by Jean Ingelow, 229 Styles, the, and the year 1900, 46 Sudan, mail shirts from the, 183, 270, 326 Suffolk, name for ladybird in, 48, 154, 274 Suicides and ghosts, 288, 462 Sun's motion, rate of the, 89, 176 Surnames : Edgett, its derivation, 13, 193 ; Morcom, 16, 92 ; Taltarum, its origin, 28, 131 ; Swigg, its origin, 112; Jekyll, its derivation, 152, 290; Percival, 376 ; Vinrace, 376 ; Petigrewe, 501 Sutty, bookseller, 1700-30, his biography, 26 Suum Cuique on Pythagoras and Christianity, 426 Suwarrow and Lord Roberts, 454, 521 Swansea, its derivation, 11 Sweepstakes, use of the word in connexion with

building, 336, 464 Swigg surname, its origin, 112 Sword-belt, carriage of, 237 S wound = a fainting-fit, 356, 464 Swynnerton (C.) on old songs, 437 Sympson (E. M.) on " A far cry to Loch Awe," 323 T. (A. S.) on Admiral Sir Thomas Dilkes, 421 T. (C. R.) on Sunday hare, 46

T. (F. B.) on John White, patriarch of Dorchester, 475 T. (G-. H.) on Muggletonian writings, 415 T. (H.) on familiar French quotations, 336 Lamotte's ' Fables Nouvelles,' 228 Marchioness of Granby, portrait by, 25 Step : Step mother or father, 189 T. (I.) on Fleet Street, No. 17, 132 T. (J. S. M.) on bridge, card game, its derivation, 12 Centum, use of word, 433 " Curse of Scotland," 493 ' Infernal Marriage,' by B. Disraeli, 287 Poem entitled ' The Expostulation,' 127, 293 Tables, game of, 501

T. (T. R. E. N.) on swound=a fainting-fit, 356 T. (W. A.) on horse equipment, 148 Tabitha on Cat's-Meat Square, 148 Tables, the game of, 435, 501

  • Tales of the Genii,' by Rev. James Ridley (Sir Charles

Morell), 474

Taltarum surname, its origin, 28, 131 Tankage, its meaning, 28, 253 Tate (W. R.) on eighteenth-century ' History of Eng

land,' 189

Tavistock Chapel, its demolition, 452 Taxes on knowledge and John Cleave, 83, 177, 271 Taylor (C. S.) on altars at Glastonbury, 131

February fill-dyke, 277 Taylor (H.) on cross near Wycoller Hall, 248

Elizabeth (Queen), scandal concerning, 51 Taylor (I.) on Cockayne family, 345 Delagoa and Algoa, 424 Horse equipment, 213 Huish, its etymology, 475 Lyddite, origin of the name, 185 Picts and Scots, 261, 482 Shaddock, Chinese fruit, 217 South African names, 49

Taylor (J.) on William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, 137 Tea gardens of North London, 115, 322 Teesdale (H. W.), letters in his possession, 89 Tennyson (Lord), his ' Dream of Fair Women,' 208 meaning of lines by, 415, 502

Tepee: Wigwam, their meaning, 104 Terry (P.) on the taxes on knowledge, 83 Thames Tunnel and Ralph Dodd, 35, 75, 169, 291, 346 The* Beurre-, 9, 57, 114, 290 The Unmistakable on "Stand the racket," 316 Theatrical anecdote, 266

Theatrical deadheads, derivation of the term, 332 Theatrical run, use of the term, 513 Thebal=Theobald, 337, 479 Thermometer, Fahrenheit, 229, 289, 422, 463 Thiselton (A. E.) on Shakespeariana, 62, 164 Thomas (R.) on F. E. Accum, 361 ' Adventures in the Moon,' 254 Africander : Afrikander, 89 Aubrey's ' Brief Lives,' 45 ' Box and Cox,' 353 Cowper centenary, 358 Entire, brewers' term, 175 Guy (Thomas), his will, 326 Hanky-panky, curious coincidence, 296 " Hopping the wag," 346 'Law List,' the, 165 Luggage train, 332 " No class," 244 Parsimony, not parcimony, 215 Up, the word, 121 Thompson (G. H.) on box-irons, 320

Lists of Northern fighters at Flodden, 362 White cattle, 234 Thompson (J.) on Redneck, meaning of term, 315 Thompson (L.) on ladies and Leap Year, 356 Thomson (C.) on Corney House, 69

Richardson family, 149

Thornfield on Herbert's ' Jacula Prudentum,' 177 Mail shirts from the Sudan, 183, 326 Mitford (Miss), her ' Our Village,' 229 Patty Moon's Walk, Tunbridge Wells, 186 Thornton (R. II.) on advertising in London, 454 Age, old, at fifty, 195 Branch, pilot's certificate, 436 Epitaph : " This maid no elegance," 85 Poe (Edgar Allan), his ' Hop-Frog,' 4 Putrem, ' ^Eneid,' viii. 596, 248 Smock marriages, 323 Taltarum surname, 28 " To lie in one's throat," 146 Twibil, its meaning, 466 Vowel combination eo, 52 Thorp (J. T.) on French prisoners of war, 269

Wharton (Philip, Duke of;, his biography, 27 Thorpe (W. G.) on Oliver Cromwell's letters, 67 'Three Sister Arts,' title of pamphlet, 313, 366 Throats, blessing of the, Romanist rite, 169, 273 Thurbane (John), M.P. for Sandwich, 109, 192 Tiffin, its origin, 13 Tin trade, ancient, of Britain, 218 Tip, origin of the word, 52 Titles, empty, referred to by Horace Walpole in 1776.


Toad mugs, 8, 198 Toads, sayings about, 54

Tobacco, collection of cuttings relating to, 268, 486 Tod (A. H.) on the dress of Charterhouse scholars, 27 Tom-all- Alone's, its locality, 246, 324 'Tom Bowling,' meaning of the opening line, 474 Tomkinson (Thomas), his biography, 8