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NOTES AND QUERIES. VL- A™. M, woo. Second Edition, price Fool-pence. UR1EF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY -D BT W. T. LYNN. B.i " Conveys great deal of Information without being In any way dry or technical."—krniin* JKtreitrt. O. STONKMAN, 89, Warwick Lane, B.C. New Edition, price Two Shillings. CELESTIAL MOTIONS: a Handy Book of J Astronomy. Ninth Edition With 3 Plates. By W. T. LYNN, Ii.A F.R.A.8. " Has we sre glad to see. reached a ninth edition, which enables this excellent Introduction to the lacts ol astronomy to be bromht up to date •','.."(..'-. EDWARD STANFORD, »and 87, Coettspur Street, Charlue Cross. 8.W. Fifth Edition, leap. 8vo. cloth, price Sixpence 1>SHAREABLE ECLIPSES: a Sketch of the LV most Interesting Circumstances connected with the Observation of Bolar and Lunar Eclipses, both in Ancient and Modern Times, Hy W. T LYNN. H A. t K.A 8. London : B. HTAN FORD. 26 and 17. Cockspur Street. Charlnc Cross. S « . Eighth Edition, price Sixpence, cloth, 1? 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