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9°-S. VI. om. 6, 1§I).] _ NOTES AND QUERIES. 269 I mation on the subject. I also wish to know the quantity of the letter o in the word. Is it long or short? should the word be pro~ nounced “ bissona ” or “ bissona ” ? PATRICK NIAXWELL. Bath. ENGRAVED PORTRAIT or S1=IAKEsPEARE.f-In Bell’s ‘Shakes eare’ (1774) the frontispiece representing William Shakespeare, at the age of fort , in the usual oval scroll, was “engraved by Hall, 1773.” '1‘here were two Halls-John, born near Colchester in 1739, and Charles, born about 1720 -both engravers. The portraits by Charles, according to Red- grave’s ‘Dictionary,’ were “his best works, respectable in execution, and faithful copies.” The Colchester man seems to have been the more important engraver of the two, and studied under Ravenet, took a premium from the Society of Arts, and engraved after West and others. Which man engraved this ‘por- trait of Shakespeare ? H. . Mount Pleasant, North Malvern. PELLING, THE FLYING MAN.-On a tablet on the east wall of Pocklington Church, Yorkshire, is the following inscription :- “ In I Memory of I Tho’s Pellin , Burton-Stather, I in Lincolnshire I commonl calIed the flying man, I who was killed against the I Battlement of the choir I when coming down the I rope from the steeple of this church. I 'I‘his Fatal accident | hap- pened_on the 14th, and I he was buried the 16th of J_Adpr1l, 1733, exactly under the Place where he 16 . I Restored by subscription l889.” I shall be pleased to learn where I may obtain more particulars of Pelling. WILLI¢M ANDRI-zws. Royal Institution, Hull. ‘MARsI=I UPON TEE GUMs.’-A work with this title is mentioned in one of Horace Walpole’s letters of 1780. When was this work published, and who was its aIuIthri>`r'§; DIARY or THE SECOND EARL or CLARI-:NDoN. -1Can some reader of ‘N. & Q.’ su ply me with two passa es from this diar refining to King William III. which are reflerred to by Horace Walpole (‘ Letters,’ ed. Cunningham, vol. vu. p. 484}_;s follows? 1. “ His Majesty’s rep? to the rds who advised him (I think at alisbury) to send away King James ”; 2. “His few words, after lon patience, to that foolish Lord himself, who harangued him on the observance of his declaration. ’ H. T. B. VICTOR HUGO.-Who was the “one lady” present at the Hotel Continental, Paris, on 25 February, 1885, when signal honour was doneto Victor HUVFO by his fellow-country- men? . CANN HUGHES, M.A. Lancaster. YECMANRY RECoRDs.-Have the records of an of our yeomanr regiments been dpub- lished? If so, of which regiment, an by whom? ` D. K. T. ARMCRIAL GRANTEEs.-To what families were the following arms granted? Those to whose names they are now assigned in the printed armories received them, as I have reason to think, from heiresses, and so were not the original rantees. Braham of Braham, co. Cumberland : Gules, a chevron between th ree fishes erect argent. Caldwell, co. Stafford: Ar ent! on a fesse dancettée azure three fishes’ Iiea s (i.e., lings’ heads) erased or. Candler, co. Suffolk: Ermine, on a fesse, engrailed sable, three fishes’ heads argent, col ared gules. Holtoft of --: Sable, three fishes’ heads erased haurient argent. Holtofe of Flintham, co. Notts: Sable, three conger eels’ heads couped and erect argent. Ostost, or Ostoft, of --: Sable, three fishes’ heads erased argent. CURIOSO. DE BATIIE AND HOLSWORTHY FAMILIES.- In Kelly’s ‘l)evon’ it is stated that Lord Chief Justice de Bathe held Bathe Manor at Holsworthy. I alwa s understood that Sir A. Metsted married Eleanor de Bathe. Their daughter married Holland, ancestor of Lord Knutsford of Sandle Bridge, Cheshire and of the Hon. Lionel Holland, I .P., Bow, London. Miss Holland married Holsworthy of Hols- worthy Manor-so it would appear that the De Bathes never owned Holsworthy Manor. Can any one reconcile this ? In Risdon’s ‘Devon ’ it is stated that Mark Sladen, of Barham Down in Kent, owned De Bathe in North Tawton in 1600; while Kelly’s ‘Devon’ states that Lady Margaret Paulett sold it in 1591 to Richard Kelland of Lapford, ancestor of the late Richard Kelland of a ford, and gpestos in Bow sold it to the Coombe family. hich is correct? Or perha s Sladen held it under lease from the Kellailgds. CHARLES PETER DARTIQUENAVE. - On 17 September, 1801, there died at Alnwick, at the age of fifty-ei ht, Charles Peter Dartique- nave, sometime CI Ilderton, in the county of Northumberland. His father is stated to have been a captain in the Guards, and his grandfather, a natural son of Charles II. a paymaster of the Board of Works. Charles