Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/132

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. VIL FEB. w, 1901.

unless he were related or indebted to the Abbot Serlo, who until 1072 had been a monk at Mont St. Michel. If not a brother of John, Serlo must have been some relative, for a few days after the death of Eustace in Wales, Henry II. confirmed all the lands of Serlo to Eustace's son and heir, William " de Vesci."

It may possibly be new to some readers of

  • N. & Q.' that William fitz Aldelirie was a

Yorkshireman, and not in any way connected with William de Burgh, with whom he had long been identified by the heralds. Who he really was I found many years ago from Harl. MS. 800; and the late Mr. Holmes, editing this MS. for the Yorks. Archaeological Journal, xii. 139, did the same in 1894. The anonymous author of 'The Norman People'

has identified Aldeline, William's father, with a contemporary namesake at Aldfield, near Kipon, but it has yet to be proved, and he knew nothing about his being lord of the manor of Thorpe Audlin, near Pontefract, so called after him to this day.

It may be worth while mentioning here that Aldelm is a very old misreading of the letters in for an m, a thing easily done in mediaeval MSS.

I append a pedigree necessary to make all this more clear. It is only Serlo de Burgh and Agnes de Valoines who do not stand very satisfactorily the test of probable dates. Agnes must have been much more than sixty in 1185 ("plusquam" in the record), and her niece Agnes was then sixty.

Ranulf the moneyer (of Caen) bought the mill of Viem, 1035=p

Waleran fitz Ranulf of Caen, 1066, came= over with the Conqueror, had lands in Essex, &c., the tithes of which he gave to the Abbey of St. Stephen at Caen ; had the mill of Viem ; dead 1086.

p Richard, father of=f=.... John, so brother or brother-in-law of Waleran ; qy. dead 1086.

. Conan had the mill of Amblie near Caen, 1066 ; had a dau.

John fitz Wale-=

F= John, " nepos Walerami," 1086, held=f=...

Qy. Serlo

ran had the barony in Essex,

among other manors Saxlingham in Norfolk, the tithes of which John "fitz

de Burgh or de

&c.,1086; living

Richard" gave to Gloucester Abbey



before 1104 ; seized the mill of Viem, 1076.

Robert =j Doisnell

Juliana (qy.=William de Pain^Sybil Beatrix,

dau.of John) Hastings, fitz " dau. and

pEustace fitz^Agnes, William John gave dau. fitz

1 Agnes, widow

had the fief of

1130. John; dead

h. of Ivo de

rent in Saxlingham

of John. Wm,

of Roger de Va-




to Glou.


her grand- father, 1130.

Abbey ; d. July, 1157.


set. 60 and more, 1185.

Juliana,= dau. and h., 1166.

p William fitz Aide- line, of Thorpe Audlin, co. York. The king's dapifer, and in 1176 his deputy in Ireland.

=Eustacia de Cecily, Courtenay m. (qy. dau. of Roger, Reginald) Earl of m. 2 Lucas Here- fitz John. ford.

Ralf, qy. d. s..

John " de Cour-=Emma tenay" of Hurst- Courtenay, co York, d. s.p.

Agnes, widow of Hubert de


chenesy ;

set. 60, 1185.

Eustace de Vesci in< exchange gave his lands in Saxlingham to Adam de Carlisle.

William "de=i Vesci," son and heir; d. 1185.

= Richard =i

Eustace, Con- Chester.


Matilda, m. Adam de Carlisle.


" BANDY-LEGGED " = " KNOCK-KNEED." The old maxim, " Don't be too sure about anything, applies here. Ninety-nine men out of every hundred would say at once that bandy - legged " = " bow - legged "

i concavity inwards-but the does not admit this fact. Its assertion is m accordance with the heading given. From the point of view of the afore- said ninety-nine, the 'H.E.D.' makes matters