Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/293

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vii. APRIL is, 1901.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


human bones at Marylebone Court-house in 1729, mentioned by Maitland (ii. 1372) ten years afterwards, and noticed by Lyspns, is not a negligible circumstance, as possibly it may point to the graveyard of the little church, or possibly even to the remains of the executed. But a better clue seems to lie in the field-names " Great and Little Gibbet Fields," which occur in the grant of Prior Docwra, 4 Henry VIII., to Blennerhasset. This land, which was part of the manor of Lilestone, belonging to the Knights Hospitallers, is now the Portmari estate. The grant is quoted in Smith's * Account of Marylebone' (1833), p. 38, but reference is omitted. Mr. Lottie, referring to it in ' London ' (1883), ii. 228, seems to locate the Gibbet Fields at the south -western angle of the estate, opposite to the site of the Marble Arch, whither at the date of the grant, 1512, the gallows had "travelled out from Tyburn." One cannot but desire the indication of these fields perhaps even a plan of them which the ancient papers of the Portman estate may contain.


GREY FRIARS CHURCH, ABERDEEN : ITS IMPENDING DESTRUCTION. Allow me to draw attention to the wanton destruction of this, the only pre-Beformation church left in Aberdeen, the transept of the once grand church of St. Nicholas excepted. Excellent plans were drawn, showing its incorpora- tion (and perfect restoration) as part of the new Marischal College buildings; but after years of discussion the violent, and I will add ignorant, party have got their way, and the venerable building, called by them a hideous old thing, is to come down, and a new church to be erected close by. All right- minded persons are indignant, but utterly swamped by the ruling iconoclasts. I hope all who have any reverence for the past will at least let the authorities know how indignant they feel at this utterly wanton vandalism, and I trust other readers of ' N. & Q.' will give further information. Many curious relics of the past will probably turn up when the vile work begins, and I only hope the Aberdeen Ecclesiological Society will be on the alert. I could say more, but feel

to write calmly.

too keenly F.S.A.ScoT.

JOHNSON v. BOSWELL. It may be worth recording that at the Whitechapel County Court on 25 January, among the cases called was that of Johnson versus Bos well. Neither the namesake of the lexicographer nor that of his biographer appeared. CHARLES Hi ATT.

ST. HELENA PLAYBILL. The following transcript of a playbill, printed on satin, of performances at St. Helena may have some interest, genealogical or other :

St. Helena Amateur Theatrf [.we]. Under the patronage of Brigadier General Alex r

Walker, Governor, &c. &c. &c.

For the Benefit of Messrs. Charlett & C. Tracy

On Monday Evening the 15 th September, 1823, will

be performed, the Comedy (in two Acts) called Three Weeks after Marriage. Sir Charles Racket . . by Mr. Collyer.

Drugget . . Mr. Dring.

Lovelace Mr. J. Doveton.

Woodley Mr. P. Kay.

Lady Racket .. . . Mr. Charlett.

Mrs. Drugget .. . . Mr. Young.

Nancy .. Master Dring.

Dimitz[stc] ... ... Mr. C. Tracy.

After the Comedy (by most particular desire,)

C. Udale will give his Imitation of Mr. Kean,

as Duke of Glo'ster in Richard the Third.

After which, the much admired Farce of

Fortune's Frolic.

Robin Rough Head Mr. J. Doveton.

Rattle Mr. Young.

Snacks Mr. Dring.

Mr. Frank Mr. P. Kay.

Clown S. Bagshaw.

Villagers, &c.

Miss Nancy Mr. C. Tracy.

Dolly Mr. R. Brooke.

Margery Mr. Charlett.

To be succeeded by the Song of " Typpe-

Ty-Witchett," by Mr. Collyer, in character.

To conclude with the Musical Entertainment,

called The Padlock.

Don Diego Mr. Julio.

Leander Mr. Kay.

Mungo Mr. Stewart.

Leonora Mr. C. Tracy.

Ursula Mr. Dring.

Doors to be opened at 6, and the Performance to

begin at 7 o'clock Lower and Upper Boxes,

7,s. 6V/. Pit, 4.S-. Galery [.sic], Is. 6W No half

price Tickets and Places for the Boxes to be

taken of

Mr. Wm. Tracy, Box Book Keeper, at his House every Day from 11 till 2.


LONDON TOPOGRAPHY : No. 22, CATHERINE STREET. The house No. 22, Catherine Street, Strand, at the corner of Little Catherine Court, has been required in connexion with the new street from Holborn to the Strand, and is in course of being demolished. The house, which was formerly the office of the Echo newspaper, and had a modern cement front, was much older than it appeared from the street, and is stated to be the same wherein John Walsh, an eminent musical instrument maker and music publisher, carried on busi- ness in the reign of Queen Anne under the