Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/134

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. FEB. 15, 1902.

tainly a reformer, and was in sympathy with the co-operative movement, but Canon Hicks should have known that William Blake was the author of the lines he attributed to Morris, and at the same time misquoted.


LAST WORDS OF GAMBETTA. (See ante, p. 58.) In your review of Marvin's 'Last Words' you ask what is the authority for Gambetta's foreboding, "lam lost, and there is no use to deny it." I have a cutting from the Pall Mall Gazette of 1 January, 1883, the words of which are given as taken from the Times of the same day, the day after Gam- betta's death. They are as follows :

" M. Gambetta died without recovering his senses, but in the afternoon he exclaimed, ' Je suis perdu, il est inutile de dissimuler. Mais j'ai tant souffert que ce sera une delivrance.'"


THE SOBIESKI STUARTS : " AN UNSOLVED MYSTERY." The following is from the Times, 11 January :

" Hay-Allen. On the 1st Jan., 1902, at East Finchley, Gilbert Hay- Allen, aged 72, son of Lieut. Thos. Allen by Ann Salmon (his second wife), grand- son of Admiral Carter Allen, and half-brother of John Sobieski and Charles Edward Stuart, Count d'Albanie. Buried in Old Finchley Churchyard. 4 Per Enses ad Astra.' "

This inspired paragraph leaves the mystery no nearer solution. ROBERT RAYNER.

Herne Hill, S.E.

ARCH^OLOGICAL DISCOVERIES. In the Graphic of 8 June, 1901, and in Black and White of 29 June, 1901, appeared notices and illustrations of discoveries at Jerusalem and Rome. At the former place a mosaic of Orpheus was found. Compare with the Orpheus at the back of the Delhi Peacock throne, now at the India Museum, South Kensington. Also at Rome was discovered a Christian churoh with a carving of figures and garlands, which compares with a carving of figures and garlands found on the Afghan border, for information concerning which consult the authorities at the Kensington Museum, as this latter is in a plate pub- lished by the Government of India, Simla Branch Press, before 1884, in an official report on the monuments. H. H COLE

Virginia Water.

BiBLioMANiA.-The following extract from the Daily Telegraph of 14 November last seems worthy of a note in l N. & Q.' :

"At the meeting of the Yarmouth Board of Guardians, on Tuesday, it was reported that a

5S3T TiT? St keS ' ^ h Hved alon *' had recently lied, and that on searching his cottage the relieving

officer found hundreds of books, some of great rarity, the collection being valued by a bookseller at some hundreds of pounds. Over 150 prints, framed and unframed, were also discovered, and receipts were found for considerable sums sent to Paris for books. Some of the works in French- were ordered to be sent to the retort house at the gas works to be destroyed, while the remainder are to be valued and disposed of. The deceased pauper, who had received out-relief for years, had paid considerable sums for bookbinding, as was shown by receipts ; and one guardian said he had pur- chased over 501. worth of books from him, not knowing that he was a pauper. The only money found in the house was \\d. on a key-ring."


"MOST REVEREND," "RIGHT REVEREND," AND "VERY REVEREND "When a bishop retires he still retains the title of "Right Reverend," and is spoken of as " The Right Rev. Bishop X." But when, as in the case of Bishops Johnson and Welldpn, the see is metro- politan, does he in his retirement retain his title of " Most Reverend," or does he go down a step and become " Right Reverend " 1 What are the corresponding Latin honorifics of which these are translations, and within what period have they become stereotyped in English use? That they were not fixed for some time after the Reformation is shown by the inscription on a monument in Monk- ton Priory Church, Pembroke, which runs :

"Here Lyeth intombed the body of S r Francis Meyricke, Knight, who departed this life upon Friday the xxix Day of July Ano Dni 1603, Beinge the son of the Reverend Father Rowland Meyricke, late Bishop of Bangor and Katherine Meyricke His Wife Hee Married Anne Laugharne the Daughter of Francis Laugharne of S*. Bride Esquire and Geneth Phillips His Wife and had issue Gelly Meyricke Francis Meyricke, Henry Meyricke and John Meyricke, Frances Meyricke and Jane Mey- ricke."

It is curious that in Ireland within the last thirty years or so the Roman Catholic Church has advanced its dignitaries a step as it were apparently in order to "go one better" than the disestablished Church in this re- spectso it seems at least to the uninitiated. All its bishops are now " Most Reverend " and its canons " Very Reverend " (its deans and archdeacons seem to be almost extinct). This course, however, has not been taken in England or the colonies, with regard to the bishops at least, who still remain "Right Reverend," though canons, I think, are "Very Reverend."

While on this subject I may note that in t\\z Daily Mail of. Christmas Day last I saw the Moderator-Elect of the "Presbyterian Church of England" described as the "Very Rev. So-and-So." It is, I think, a new departure on the part of that body to give its Moderator