Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/137

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the name on the plate is "Gregorius Ludovicus Way." WALTER JERROLD.


BATTLE OF NAVARINO. Did Codrington allege in his defence a remark of George IV., " II me faut une bataille a tout prix " 1


NUMIDIAN COINS. (See the * Hawson Oak,' 9 th S. viii. 522.) MR. THORPE refers to u the finding of Numidian coins of B.C. 200 on Carnbrea." Where are these coins, and where were they found 1 I was unaware of any such find, except of one coin of Micipsa of Numidia, described in vol. xiii. of the Journal of the Royal Inst. of Cornwall, p. 103. YGREC.

REBECCA CROMWELL. Are any portraits known of this lady ? (Mrs.) J. COPE.

13c, Hyde Park Mansions, W.

W. E. PHILLIPS. This gentleman was Governor of Penang from 1820 to 1826. Can any of your readers supply me with data relating to parentage, place of birth, and descendants f Was he related to that " builder of Greater Britain," Admiral Arthur Phillips, the founder of the settlement of New South Wales? V.

[The founder of New South Wales was named Phillip.]

LE NEVE FAMILY. I should be glad to have some information respecting the Le Neve family, who appear to have settled in Norfolk before the fifteenth century. The first of whom I have any record is Robert Le Neve, of Tivetshall, who lived in the reign of Henry IV. Sir William Le Neve, of Aslacton, Clarenceux King of Arms, was herald at Edgehill. Francis Le Neve, born 1573, died 1652, was Master of the Merchant Taylors' Company in 1629. A very fine portrait of him by Cornelius Jan sen can be seen in the hall of that company. Peter Le Neve, of Great Witchingham, Norfolk, born 1662, died 1729, was Norroy King of Arms. I believe that there are monumental tablets to several members of the family in Great Witchingham Church, and I should be glad to know if others can be found in any other part of the country. As many of the family appear to have settled in London, probably some traces exist in London churches. Can any reader furnish par- ticulars 1 P. L N. F.

Louis PHILIPPE AND FAMILY AT THE " STAR AND GARTER," RICHMOND. I am wishful to know how long they stayed at the "Star

and Garter" before going to Claremont in 1848 ; more especially whether they were there till the Christmas Day of that year. They came over from France in February. One day during the year, being inquisitive about celebrities, I went to Richmond and saw the king and queen and three sons going out, I think to Cardinal Wiseman's cathedral. The old people bowed politely to the spectators, as they drove in a closed carriage. The sons walked, and seemed very cheerful. E. M. JONES.

SIR MARTIN STUTEVILE. I shall be glad to be referred to sources of information touching Sir Martin Stutevile, of Dalham Tower, Herts, the correspondent of Joseph Mede. He married one of the Ishams of Lamport, Northants. LOBUC.

PORTRAITS OF JOANNA BAILLIE. I should be obliged if any reader of ' N. & Q.' could inform me of the present location of original portraits of Joanna Baillie (1762-1851).

J. L. C.

HOLME OP WEARMOUTH. It appears from Harleian MS. 1540 (45) that Robert Holme, of Wearmouth, son of John Holme, of Holme Hall, in Lancashire, married Anne, one of the Middletons of Silksworth, and that Raffe Holme, the grandson of Robert Holme, married Margaret, one of the Greys of Horton Grange. Can any reader enable me to find out the precise parentage of these ladies ? FRANCIS P. MARCHANT.

"TWOPENCE FOR MANNERS." The Rev. E. J. Hardy, in an article * Talk to Young People,' gives the origin of this saying :

"Formerly in Ireland twopence, or a penny, or a few pieces of turf were brought to the school- master each week by every scholar in payment for tuition in manners. Accordingly it would be said of an uncourteous boy, * Oh ! he never paid his twopence.' 1 am afraid in some Board schools two- pennyworth of manners is not imparted in the year. You will hear them [children], as they rush out of school, calling passers-by nicknames, and making remarks about their personal appearance

as said


rude as were those of the young people id to Elisha, ' Go up, thou bald head !*" I am reminded by this remark that in the year 1699 more attention must have been paid to manners than in the present day. In that year there was published an octavo volume entitled * An Account of the Societies for the Reformation of Manners in London and Westminster.' Are those societies still in operation ; if not, when and why did they cease to exist ?

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. [For much information see 6 th S. xii. 454 and the references to ' N. & Q.' there quoted.]