Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/17

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  • s. ix. JAN. 4, i90i] NOTES AND QUERIES.


ford Church, no longer existing, bore his arms, 3 text K's impaled with Thynne. He is described in the ' Visitation of Gloucester, U523,' as of " in com. Suffolk," but else- where as of " co. Stafford." There is no

further information in Mr. Botfield's work. This very rare surname exists only in Kent, I believe. A. S. ELLIS.

BRANDON, EXECUTIONER. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' inform me if there is in existence an authentic portrait of Richard Brandon, public executioner, who is supposed to have cut off the head of Charles I. ? Richard was the son of Gregory Brandon, and died in 1649. P. SIDNEY.

THE MUSICIANS' COMPANY OF THE CITY OF LONDON. I am collecting information con- cerning this ancient guild, and I should be glad if any reader of ' N. & Q.' could tell me of any trials to restrain musicians who were not free of the Company from practising their art within the City precincts. I possess an account of the trial of a Mr. Green, organist of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, in 1724. I should be glad to know of anything else of interest relating to the Company, and also if any proof exists connecting the present guild, whose charter was granted by James I. in 1604, and the older guild whose charter was granted by Edward IV. circa 1461. In the records of the Company there is practically no information. ARTHUR F. HILL.

140, New Bond Street, W.

ARMS OF DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY. I should be glad to have a description heraldically correct of the arms of the old Dutch East India Company. L. L. K.

GEORGE HENRY FITZROY, FOURTH DUKE OF GRAFTON, 1760-1844. Is it known whether the above was ever at Harrow School 1 The 1 Harrow Register, 1800-1901,' begins too late to be of use in this connexion, and the 'D.N.B.' mentions no place of education before Trinity, Cambridge. The fifth, sixth, and seventh dukes were all at Harrow.


St. Margaret's, Malvern.

ST. BRIAVEL. I should be glad to be favoured with any particulars regarding this saint or name. MILES.

PAINTED TILES are set all over the guard- chamber floor in the remains of a castle of the Dukes of Normandy at Caen, and said to have been laid down during the time of William the Conqueror, having represented on them the arms of some of those who

attended William in his conquest. In 1786 these were taken up and presented by the Benedictine monks of St. Stephen at Caen to Charles Chad wick, Esq., of Healey Hall, Lancashire. Some of the tiles bore the arms of the Malets, viz., three buckles. I should be glad to know where these are now .

HAROLD MALET, Colonel. Radnor House, Sandgate.

WARLOW FAMILY. I should be glad if any of your readers could give me any information regarding the pedigree of the Warlow family, and tell me whether it is of Welsh or English origin. G. H. WARLOW.

OLDEST BOROUGH IN ENGLAND. Can you or any of your readers tell me which is the oldest borough in England ? J. C.

SIR THOMAS MORGAN, OF ARKSTONE. I am anxious to discover the parentage and arms of Sir Thomas Morgan, of Arkstone, who died 1595. He married a daughter of Jean, Sieur de Merode, and his own daughter Anne was the wife of Henry Carey, created Baron Hunsdon in 1559. KATHLEEN WARD.

Castle Ward, Downpatrick.

REV. JOHN TAUNTON, of Axbridge, Somer- set, who died in 1592. Any information regarding this clergyman will be gratefully received. C. J. T.

J. IMPEY was admitted to Westminster- School on 16 October, 1809. I should be glad to obtain any information concerning him.

G. F. R. B.

BISHOPS' SIGNATURES. I have derived from a visit to Hartlebury the impression that Stillingfleet, when Bishop of Worcester, signed himself Edw. Vigorn. Am I right? I wish I had followed your excellent advice and "made a note." There is now an oppor- tunity of abandoning the very ugly and modern-looking use of "W rces ker" tacked on to the initials ; and, if I am right in supposing that the ancient style lasted till the eighteenth century, there can be no reason why a return should not be made to it in the twentieth. I wrote to the Guardian and Church Times to the same effect; but they either regard it as without their sphere or think it a matter of little general interest. Your readers will, I trust, be otherwise minded. W. E. B.

[See 7 th S. ix. 189; xi. 118 ; 8 th S. iii. 449 ; xii. 84.]

" KNEVEL." Charles Mackay, in his ' Lost Beauties of the English Language,' a work which has of course been corrected and super- seded by later publications, says "knevel" means moustache. He indicates that we got