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9> s. ix. MARCH s, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


PETER PETT (3 rd S. x. 127). Though it be a long call from 1866 to 1902, some readers may be interested in the following lines con- cerning Charles II.'s shipwright. They occur in the Third Part of the ' Collection of Poems on Affairs of State,' London, 1689, no printer's name. I see that the'D.N.B.' ascribes the verses to Marvel, the accuracy of which I am inclined to doubt :

After this loss, to rellish discontent, Some one must be accus'd by Punishment. All our miscarriages on, must fall ; His Name alone seems fit to answer all. Whose Counsel first did this mad War beget ? Who all Commands sold thro' the Navy ? Pett. Who would not follow when the Dutch were bet? Who treated out the time at Bergen ? Pett. Who the Dutch Fleet with Storms disabled met, And rifling Prizes, them neglected ? Pett. Who with false News prevented the Gazette ? The Fleet divided? Writ for Rupert ? Pett. Who all our Seamen cheated of their Debt ? And all our Prizes who did swallow ? Pett. Who did advise no Navy out to set ? And who the Forts left unrepair' d ? Pett. Who to supply with Powder, did forget Languard, Shcernens, Gravesend^ and Upnor? Pett. Who all our Ships expos'd in Chatham* Net? Who should it be but the Phanatick Pett ? Pttt, the Sea Architect, in making Ships, Was the fiist cause of all these Naval slips : Had he not built, none of these faults had bin ; If no Creation, there had been no Sin.

Some of this resembles the Fitzgerald poern in 'Rejected Addresses' :

Who makes the quartern loaf and Luddites rise ? Who fills the butchers' shops with large blue flies ?

RICHARD H. THORNTON. Portland, Oregon.

Louis PHILIPPE AND FAMILY AT THE "STAR AND GARTER," RICHMOND (9 th S. ix. 129). Louis Philippe and his queen arrived at Newhaven on 3 March, 1848 ; on the following day they travelled by rail to Croydon, and drove thence direct to Claremont. The children had arrived in England earlier, and stayed at East Sheen, but they joined the royal party at Croydon on 4 March, and went with them to Claremont. Many interesting particulars and pictures are given in the Illustrated London Neiv*, March. 1848, pp. 166, 176, 179, 206.

W. C. B.

GREGORY LEWIS WAY (9 th S. ix. 128). This gentleman was the second son of Lewis Way, Esq., of Old Court House, Richmond, Surrey, and Denham Place, Bucks, a director of the South Sea Company and President of Guy's Hospital, by his fourth wife Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Payne, vicar of Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, and sister of Frances, Countess of Northampton. He was

born in 1756, and married 9 December, 1779, Ann Frances, daughter of the Rev. William Pax ton, rector of Taplow, Bucks, by whom he had four sons and two daughters. He died 26 April, 1799, aged forty-three. Major- General Sir Gregory Hoi man Bromley Way, K.C.B., was a son of Mr. G. L. Way's elder half-brother, Benjamin Way, M.P. for Brid- port and President of Guy's Hospital (1740- 1808), and not of Mr. Lewis Way, as stated by MR. WALTER JERROLD. I think Mr. G. L. Way should have found a place in the ' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' as he was one of the most culti- vated men of his time. In his translation of Le Grand's * Fabliaux ' he was associated with George Ellis, who saw the work through the press. The book-plate described by MR. JERROLD is, of course, a creation of the fancy, illustrative of Mr. Way's chivalric tastes. W. F. PRIDEAUX.

Much information respecting the Rev. Lewis Way will be found in 5 th S. xi. 349, 453, under thehead of ' Palingenesia, the World to Come,' being the title of a work written by him, published in 1824. Consult also 7 th S. i. 87, 137, under the name of Lewis Way. EVERARD HOME GOLEM AN.

71, Brecknock Road.

EARLY HOTELS OF ROME (9 th S. ix. 105). Alfred the Great may probably be added to the list of illustrious Englishmen who, like Rahere and St. Thomas of Canterbury, have at one time or another lodged in the quarter of S. Spirito. Alfred, when only four years old, was sent to Rome in 853 by his father, where the Pope, Leo IV. (although he was ^Ethelwulf's youngest son), hallowed him king. His father ^Ethelwulf, King of the West Saxons, made his own pilgrimage thither in 855, and, returning the next year, brought Alfred back to England with him. They would, doubtless, inhabit the quarter already well known to them through the residence therein of their ancestors, Kings Ine and Caxlwalla. Alfred ever remained a devoted son of Holy Church, Prof. Earle, indeed, considering the double-sceptred figure of doisonn^ enamel, which forms the interior of the Alfred Jewel, to be the conventional effigy of Christ's Vicar and Vicegerent upon earth. A. R. BAYLEY.

ARMS OF MARRIED WOMEN (9 th S. ix. 28 113)._I think there can be no doubt as to the correctness of Guillim's dictum that a widow cannot bear her husbands arms unimpaled, nor yet her own paternal coat. Neither can she bear them impaled, except on a lozenge with a black background to