Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/205

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. s. jx. MAR s, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


arcading arc some circular openings, one of which is cusped with small foliations formed of brick. The moulded bricks in the main arch are of two kinds only, one a large boltel, the other a large hollow, and these, arranged alternately with plain square-edged bricks, produce as much variety as is needful. The jamb of the doorway is of plain bricks, built with square recesses, in which detached stone shafts are placed. The capitals throughout are of stone with simple foliage."


WHIPS IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS (8 th S. iv., v., vi., vii., viii.). A recently published pamphlet by Mr. George Walpole, entitled

  • House of Commons Procedure ; with Notes

on American Practice,' is responsible for the following :

" Origin of the term ' Whip.' This has been traced to a sally of Burke's in 1768, during the trouble over the election of Wilkes. Ministers sent messengers to bring back their supporters from the North of England, and even from France. Burke conipared an official thus sent to the ' whipper in ' of a pack of foxhounds."

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

"UTILITARIAN" (9 th S. vii. 425). As sup- plementary to what is said at this reference, it may be mentioned that Mahony uses "Utilitarian" freely in his quaint and scholarly ' Reliques of Father Prout.' At the opening of the chapter on the * Songs of France,' contributed to Fraser's Magazine in 1834, he applies the epithet to Sir John Bowring, who was then engaged on his com- mercial inquiry on the Continent. He scouts the proceedings of such an emissary as futile, and roundly asserts that they forcibly illustrate " that sad mixture of imbecility and ostentation too perceptible in all the doings of Utilitarianism." Here, then, is the abstract term itself, used, of course, with a purpose different from that which it was made to serve twenty years afterwards by John Stuart Mill, but still fully developed and ready to be turned to account. Mill's note, in chap. ii. of ' Utilitarianism,' remains defensible from his point of view, but such a statement as that made in the 'Encyclo- paedic Dictionary.' viz., that " Utilitarianism is a word coined by John Stuart Mill," will henceforth need to be modified.


CHESELDEN, RADCLIFFE, AND PRIDMORE (9 th S. viii. 65). I am indebted to the vicars of Somerby, Leicestershire, and of Braunston, Rutlandshire, to MR. JOSEPH PHILLIPS, MR. EDWIN HOLTHOUSE, and MR. VERB L. OLIVER for information. William Cheselden, son of George Chisseldine, gent., and Deborah his wife, was baptized " October ye 26th, 1688,"

at Burrough, Leicestershire, and was one of at least eight children. Is anything known of Peter Cheselden, born 24 September, 1696, and afterwards of Leicester, surgeon 1 ? He was a brother of William Cheselden. Peter Cheselden married and had issue. Was the Rev. Edward Cheselden, M.A., J.P., rector of West Charlton, Somersetshire, and of Somerby, Leicestershire, who married Jane, daughter of the Rev. William Dodd, one of the children of Peter Cheselden 1 The Rev. Edward Cheselden died 9 June, 1780, aged fifty-eight, and had a son Edward Cheselden, who died 10 November, 1804, aged fifty-five, and a daughter Wilhelmina Jane, who married John Suffield Brown, of Leesthorpe, in the parish of Pick well, and died 31 Janu- ary, 1832, aged eighty- three. I fail to trace any descendant in the male line of the family of Cheselden, formerly of Uppingham, Braun- ston, Ridlington, Burrough, Somerby, Man- ton, Melton Mowbray, or of any other place. James Weltden Roberts, of Thurnby, and lord of the manor of Thorpe Langton, is given as having married Mary, only daughter of Richard Cheselden, of Melton Mow bray, and Elizabeth (Nedham, of Gaddesby), his wife, and as having had issue.

REGINALD STEWART BODDINGTON. 15, Markham Square, Chelsea.


Who in his cradle by his childish crying Presageth his mishaps.

Lodge in the above seems to have the words of Sidney in his mind :


Which cries first borne, the presage of his life.

' Arcadia.'

At a later time Shakspeare wrote : When we are born we cry that we are come To this great stage of fools. ' King Lear.'

Shakspeare's description of the seven ages appears to me something like the lines in Horace's * Ars Postica ' beginning : Reddere qui voces jam scit puer. Horace is not comparing the world to a stage, but he passes the ages of man in review. E. YARDLEY.

GAZETTEER (3 rd S. iv. 25). Many years have elapsed since a query appeared at the above reference asking for the origin of the word "gazetteer" as applied to a geogra- phical dictionary. The explanation is given in the 'New English Dictionary.' The word was first used by L. Echard in 1704 in the preface to the edition published in that year of his * Gazetteer's or Newsman's Interpreter,