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9<" s. ix. JAN. ii, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


structor not appearing until January, 1850. It consisted of thirty-two pages, crown 8vo, price one penny, and was published at 335, Strand. Mr. Pike, in his life of John Cassell, gives an extract from the Working Man's Friend of November 1st, 1851, as to the sale of the ten daily papers then pub- lished in London, the total being 64,408. Of these the Times absorbed 38,382, the Morning Chronicle 2,915, and the Daily News 3,630, the united circulation of the seven other papers being under 20,000. On the 3rd of April, 1852, 'The Popular Educator' was started, its first editor being Prof. Wallace, of Glasgow and in July of the same year Cassell removed from the Strand to La Belle Sauvage Yard, the home of the present firm. Mr. F. J. Cross amusingly relates that when John Cassell came there was a public-house at the end of the yard, but that gave way to the publishing house, and "little by little we have mono- polized the square, and also stretch to Fleet Lane." Mr. Cross tells me that there are now eight monthly magazines and nearly fifty serials published by the firm. John Cassell was the first editor of the Quiver, started in 1861. He was succeeded by the Rev. Henry Wright, followed by John W. Clark, then by Canon Teignmouth Shaw, who was followed by the present editor, the Rev. Dr. H. G. Bonavia Hunt, who has been editor for the last twenty-five years. Its Christmas number contains three beautiful photogravures ' The Good Samaritan,' from the painting by William Small ; ' The Love- Letter,' by George A. Storey ; and ' Home,' by T. B. Kennington.

CasselVs Magazine started on the 9th of March, 1867. Its first editor was W. Moy Thomas. He was among the earty contributors to Chambers^ Journal, a poem of his entitled ' Autumn ' appearing on the 27th of November, 1847, when he was only nineteen. It is a sweet picture of the country in autumn, when

Sometimes, day by day, the hazel tint Grows deeper on the mass of forest trees, And not a single breath from heaven is sent To cool the ruddy fruits, that by degrees Wax ripe and riper in a dreamy ease.

Till the sharp north wind cometh unaware, And half relieves the laden orchard-bough ; And like hoar death, that kills the good and fair, Lays autumn's loveliest bells and blossoms low, And sudden winter falls wherever it doth blow.

Mr. Moy Thomas was followed in the editor- ship by the Rev. H. R. Haweis, John Loyell, G. M. Fenn, and Dr. Hunt. The present editor is Mr. Max Pemberton. With the Christmas number is given a photogravure, beautifully

executed, of ' The Pirate's Prize,' from the painting by B. F. Gribble. The Saturday Journal was established on the 6th of October, 1883. Its first editor was Dr. Hunt, followed by Mr. Laird Clowes. Mr. Ernest Foster has edited the Journal for the past fifteen years. It should not be forgotten that Messrs. Casseli also founded the Echo (see 9 th S. ii. 504)

Of the original partners of the firm in 1859 Mr. Thomas Dixon Galpin alone survives. The number of hands at present employed is about twelve hundred. It is curious that John Cassell, the originator of this large business, had no knowledge of publishing. He died at the early age of forty -eight, on the 2nd of April, 1865, the same day as Richard Cobden, who had shown him much friendship. Cassell took an active part in the repeal of the Paper Duty, and with my father visited Edinburgh and Dublin, where they formed branch asso- ciations in connexion with the one in London to forward repeal. One cannot close this rapid glance at some of the men who have rendered such service to our cheap literature without an expression of gratitude to them for having served their generation so faith- fully and so well. JOHN C. FRANCIS.

" MACAW" AND " MACACO." In his ' Notes on English Etymology,' 1901, p. 349, Prof. Skeat appears to confuse these two distinct terms. He says: "The ' Century Dictionary ' derives macaw from Brazilian macao, which I fail to find. The 'Hist. Nat. Brasilia* ' has nothing like it. The modern Spanish form is macaco" Macaco, however, means a monkey, not a parrot, and according to the ' Hist. Nat. Brasilise,' 1648, is a Congo word, like chimpanzee and pongo. The only dis- sentient from this is Von Martius, ' Beitrage zur Ethnographie,' 1867, ii. 461, who describes it as " vox a Brasiliensibus recepta, in insulis Antillis a primis Eurppseis audita, Caraibice mecou" ; but here, again, there seems to be confusion between two distinct terms, as this should surely rather apply to mico than to macaco. As to the origin of macaw, the Brazilian, or rather Portuguese, macao, according to a statement quoted by Buffon from Albin, was applied to these birds because they were supposed to come from Macao in the East Indies. It is some con- firmation of this that the older English ex- plorers used it to designate Oriental parrots. Thus Dampier, 'Voyages,' 1697, ii. 128, ascribes " maccaws " and " parakites " to Acheen. JAS. PLATT, Jun.

'BUDGET OF PARADOXES': DIDEROT. De Morgan, in the 'Budget,' twice relates the