Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/509

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9*8. IX. JUNE 28, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS.-No. 235.

NOTES : The Coronation Coronation Sermons, 501 Office of Champion, 503 Newspapers at Victoria's Coronation, 505 'Coronation Order' Coronation Dress of Bishops- Ode to Princess Alexandra, 50H ' The Only Son,' 507.

QUERIES : King's Champion Coronation Song Dag- gering Qautier's ' Voyage en Italic,' 607 Serjeant Dendy Jews' Way, Jews' Gate,&c. G. Griffin "Flower- ing Sunday" Guest Family Merry England and the Mass Byron Military Costume Thackeray's Houses in London, 508 Byron's Grandfather Metrical Psalter Mrs. Thrale at Streatham " Steer " of Wood or Bark

"Language adheres to the soil" Cipher-Story Biblio- graphy" Poetry needs no preface '.' German Letters " The beatific vision" "Heroina," 509.

REPLIES : Shelley's Ancestry, 509 "Frieze," 510-Gye Family Bishop Sanderson's Descendants Knurr and Spell Lady Nairne's Songs, 511 Wind Folk-lorePowell Smallest English Church Chess Playing, a Legend ' Dirty Old Man ' Sworn Clerks in Chancery Bruce and Burns, 512 Fleetwood Pedigree Analogous Titles of Books, 513 Armorial Bearings of Railway Companies- Breaking Bread at Table Castor Sugar "Barracked "- Staffordshire Sheriffs Genesis i. 1, 514 Coventry Patmore Dickensiana Quotation " Machine "=Coach Londres, 515 "Upwards of" Anchoress in Leodium " Babies in the eyes " Tedula, 516 Stepmother=Mother- in-law Cerney Manor Old Chest Lady-day Day Rhodes's Ancestors Laurence Family Mont Pelee Macaulay in German, 517 Euston Road, 518 Inquests, 519.

NOTES ON BOOKS: 'Form and Order of the Coronation Service' Andrews's 'Benedictine Abbey at Pershore' 1 Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archaeological Journal ' Arteaga's 'Practical Spanish 'Clarke and Tanqueray's 4 Intermediate French Grammar ' Anstruther's ' William Hogarth 'Mrs. Bell's ' Thomas Gainsborough ' Dickens's 'Barnaby Rudge,' 'Little Dorrit,' and 'Our Mutual Friend.' Notices to Correspondents.

THE CORONATION, 26 JUNE, 1902. WE have this week to record the first coronation of an English monarch that has taken place since * N. & Q.' came into exist- ence. From 1838 to 1902 is a long period in a nation's history, and the world over which the British flag now waves extends beyond any limits of which those participating in the coronation of Queen Victoria coulo have dreamed. Some loss of romance may be felt when, for a fair queen whose youth, beauty, and inexperience touched most hearts is substituted a monarch mature in years and wise in council. Those, however, who par- ticipated in the ceremony of Thursday can indulge in the reflection that they have seen a spectacle beside which all recorded triumphs sink into insignificance. Rome in her palmies days can show nothing that approaches it a; regards the Imperial sway which is repre sented. There is, moreover, this difference between a Roman triumph and the grea pageant just witnessed, that those taking par in the latter are no unwilling captives dragge( in the train of a conqueror. Britain hersel and her stalwart sons constituted the main

gures in the immense cortege. Descendants f subjugated kings were there as those who bared the benefits of British rule, and re- arded themselves as bulwarks ot British mpire. But one feeling of regret was there hat the latest recruits to the ranks of Britain's sons could not be present to stand houlder to shoulder with those between

horn and themselves joint prowess had >egot mutual respect. Had they been there t would have been as freemen among free- men, inheritors of dearly won privileges and harers in world-wide renown. It is a com- monplace to say that the greeting awarded hem would have been the most cordial hat can be conceived. It is but natural hat Imperial sentiment should prevail on an occasion such as the present. These pages will be in the hands of our readers before the 'ejoicings are over, and the aspects of the Coronation, archaeological, historical, and ceremonial, are outside our immediate ken. ["he share of literature in the event is not yet evident, though it will be so hereafter, and nowhere, in all probability, more visibly ihan in our columns. In common with all true Englishmen, we participate in a triumph of loyal union such as a few years ago the wisest could not foresee. We share in the hope, even if it be delusive, that the

oronation may bring with it a reign of peace; and we pray for a blessing on the august heads which are lighted by the crown, and for strength for them to maintain the noblest and worthiest traditions and the greatest personal attachment that have ever descended upon a monarch.


WHILE we are all thinking about the Coro- nation of King Edward VII., it may be well to place on record in 'N. & Q.' some account of the sermons preached at the coronations of former English sovereigns. Much has been written elsewhere about other details of the coronation services, but, so far as I know, little or nothing about the sermons, which have been an important and sometimes a tedious part of the service.

There was no sermon at the coronation of Edward VI., but Archbishop Cranmer, who was the king's godfather, exhorted his sove- reign and godson to follow the example of King Josiah, of whom it was written in the book of Kings, "Like unto him was there no king before him, that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might"(2 Kings xxiii. 25). Between two and three centuries were to elapse before