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NOTES AND QUERIES. p* B. ix. JUNE , 1902.

not known by that name previous to the time in question. It certainly seems very wide of the mark to refer to the manor of Ogmore (more correctly Ogor) having been held directly "of the Crown by knight service " in the face of the then condition of the country, when FitzHamon overran and took possession of it, with no doubt the cognizance if not the actual assistance of Rufus.

I have already stated that, from reliable records, William de Londres founded a priory at Ewenny soon after the Conquest, and between this period and 1141 there was ample time for Stephen to " confirm to that house " certain churches, &c., to which G. E. R. makes reference.

It would be useless to add more than the fact that if FitzHamon is done away with a few years of Welsh history will require to be recast or wiped out of existence ; and the views on the question of FitzHamon and the conquest by him of Glamorgan, as ex- pressed by G. E. R., preclude the necessity of my venturing to trespass further, now or in the future, on the pages of ' N. & Q.'


" UPWARDS OF " (9 th S. ix. 446). Very many people indeed use the words "upwards of" in the sense of nearly a hundred, or any other quantity ; and to get exactly at their meaning it is necessary to ask questions to ascertain it. Many contend here and in the neighbouring counties that "upwards of does not mean the "top side" of any given number, but below, or not quite up to it. " 1 've upwards of fifty " is often heard ; and if you query " How many 1 " the reply is " Not quite nfty." THOS. RATCLIFFE.


ANCHORESS IN THE LAND OF LEODIUM (9 th S ix. 429). In Baring-Gould's ' Saints' (7 March] we read :

" Eve was a recluse built up in a niche of a wal near the church of S. Martin, at Liege, and througl the hole by which she received light, air, and alms besought the canons as they passed to seek out th bishop and entreat him to write to the Pope on th subject of the proposed festival. The bishop die not disdain this humble prayer, but transmitted hei message to the Pope, who received at the same time the petition of the first doctor in the Church to the same effect. He wrote a letter to the poor recluse of S. Martin, in 1264, telling her of the issuing of a bull in answer to her prayer, and transmitting i copy of the office which the Angelical doctor hac drawn up."

With this compare the article on St. Juliana (5 April). C. S. WARD.

The allusion is to the famous nun of Liege whose writings led indirectly to the establish

ment of the festival of Corpus Chris ti. MR. IOOPER will have no difficulty in getting in- ormation about her. See, for instance, the ate Father Bridgett's * History of the Holy Eucharist in Great Britain,' vol. ii. p. 265.


" BABIES IN THE EYES " (9 th S. ix. 405). MR. W. C. BOLLAND has, I think, somewhat im- perfectly apprehended the meaning of this ancient phrase in supposing it to be an allusion to the children that are the fruit of jonsummated love. The allusion is obviously

o the cause rather than to the effect, that

3ause being the baby boy Cupid, whose reflection is, according to the conceit, seen in

he pupil of a lover's eye a fond fancy which originated in the minute reflection which it is said one sees of oneself in gazing into another's

yes :

While in their crystal eyes he doth for Cupids look. Drayton's ' Polyolbion,' song xi.

J. HOLDEN MACMICHAEL. Wimbledon Park Road.

Burton, as " the last and best cure of love- melancholy," says :

"What remaines then but to joyn them in marriage? They may then kiss and coll, lye and look babies in one anothers eyes as their syres before them did."' The Anatomy of Melancholy,' reprint of 1651, ed. London, 18:38, p. 609.


Does this expression not refer to the reflec- tion of one's own figure in miniature some- times seen in both the eyes of another person 1


TEDULA, A BIRD (9 th S. ix. 389, 433). The interesting question asked by H. P. L. re- minds me of the similar bird-words acredula (thrush ?), ficedula (becafico), monedula (daw), querquedula (teal?), and of nitedula (dor- mouse 1 ?). May I enlarge his question by asking for an interpretation of the common element -edula ? C. S. WARD.

Should not the word have been written titulars, little tit? In Scotland the little bird which accompanies the cuckoo is called the tit. Cf. Norse tita, a small bird, originally " a tender thing." H. A. STRONG.

University College, Liverpool.

That CELER is correct in his interpretation is shown by reference to Herodotus, ii. 68, where the stor} 7 of the rpovt'Aos in the croco- dile's mouth is told. The bird, as shown by its derivation from Tpex w was probably a sandpiper or wagtail, and not the wren, as the dictionaries translate Pliny's reference,